If Bryan is has to hang it up, have Rusev be the guy who ends him and takes the IC belt from him. Bryan puts someone over on the way out and it gives Rusev a fucking ton of his heat backwhich Cena will immediately kill again
I think I've seen all the obvious go to WCW PPV shows.
Are there any hidden gems in regards WCW PPV or were Fall Brawl 1996 and Spring Stampede 1999 the only real ones?
Bryan should pass the torch and put over Seth before he leaves. I don't know what torch but he should pass it.
Wrestlemania 4 is odd.
Most #4s in a series are odd. Look at Alien Resurrection and Jaws The Revenge.
They need some big hook to capture an audience who has already sat through 3, likely seen a completed story arc and they need to justify continuing it on.
Die Hard 4 wasn't odd...matter of fact it was better than 3.
The Cerebral Assassin.
I wonder if this is the fastest fall from the top a legitimately popular wrestler has had.
Die Hard 4 wasn't odd...matter of fact it was better than 3.
I actually agree with RP912, I think Die Hard 3 is way overrated. The story is basically a shittier rehash of the first movie's story with a crappier ending.
Whatever the case never saw 5 because I didn't want to cry.
Die Hard 5? What is this tom foolery? I've never heard of this.
Die Hard 3 is a mash up of 2 movies and that ending was super weak.
Speaking of super weak are all the WCW World War 3 shows considered to be shit or did they secretly have a decent PPV under the World War 3 name?
Die Hard 4 wasn't odd...matter of fact it was better than 3.
Dolph challenged Sheamus to a match on the spot. Sheamus said "kiss me arse." Sheamus said he would face Dolph in a "kiss me arse" match at Extreme Rules...
Might as well been straight to DVD by the reactions I have read.
The only good thing Die Hard 5 does is continues the escalation of McClain's crisis
Die Hard 1 = McClain has to save a building
Die Hard 2 = McClain has to save an airport
Die Hard 3 = McClain has to save New York
Die Hard 4 = McClain has to save America
Die Hard 5 = McClain basically saves the world
If Die Hard 6 ever happens, it's going to be so fucking crazy.
Die Hard 6: John McClain joins the cast of Guardians Of The Galaxy 2.
Which Superstars would you cast if WWE Studios acquired the production rights for Die Hard 6? I think Fandango could offer an interesting interpretation of John McClane.
4 had that one good scene where he's trying to avoid the fighter jet but that's about it. That scene probably looks all terrible now since it was all CGI.
5's terrible, I couldn't even make it past the halfway point before changing the channel. It also looked cheap.
4 also had that scene where Mcclain launch a friggin taxi at a helicopter. The movie was so over the top it was amazing.
Which Superstars would you cast if WWE Studios acquired the production rights for Die Hard 6? I think Fandango could offer an interesting interpretation of John McClane.
Which Superstars would you cast if WWE Studios acquired the production rights for Die Hard 6? I think Fandango could offer an interesting interpretation of John McClane.
If anybody needs to retire Bryne it's this man
BON er my ass
The over-the-top shit in Die Hard 4 is what made it a fun movie. McClain kills a helicopter with a car. Beats a harrier with a goddamn semi truck. The fight with that parkour dude was fun too.
If this spoiler is true Sheamus gimmick is he is Vince McMahon:
Not sure this match is going to be PG.
If this spoiler is true Sheamus gimmick is he is Vince McMahon:
Not sure this match is going to be PG.
Well TNA is falling apart right now: