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April Wrasslin' |OT| Porsha! Get my damn shoe!

JRs sniffed too muc BBQ sauce

Great 'gets' for ROH obtaining the services of Hiroshi Tanahashi and Okada from New Japan for their May shows in Philly and Toronto. I'd love to see the 27 year old Okada sign with WWE/NXT and have a 2-4 year run in WWE. He's already excellent but has an unlimited upside. I had a blast calling matches for the New Japan organization and actually sat next to the President of NJPW at the NXT show in San Jose

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
JRs sniffed too muc BBQ sauce

I saw that. It's kind of weird this mentality of, 'He's really great! ..He should go to WWE!' that a lot of people have. Like yeah the talented dude working for peanuts in some no name indie should, but I would bet Okada's income is just fine as the face of NJPW.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
What is the actual link to nerd chat? I never actually have it.

There is no 'actual link' so to speak it's just server details, use any program you like (or browser)

IRC server - irc.synirc.net
channel is #wrasslegaf
What if they surgically placed a special blood capsule underneath Brock's skin, that once it exploded on impact, it pierced the overlaying skin, thus giving the appearance of an actual injury.
This might be a bad time, but can I ask what you meant when you said you didn't know about posting in this month's thread at the end of the March thread?

I wasn't sure if I liked the OP (not him personally) . I wasn't sure it was going to last because there was a small uproar about being 1 or 2 days early.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I really do hope Bootaaay starts posting more regularly in here again. Otherwise I have no one to argue with unless I start watching WWE again.
Yuji Hino the newest HOSS



On the #BrockGate, one of my closest compatriots in the nerd chat (who wishes to remain nameless at this time) has presented the definitive conclusion to the blood spot. And I quote "i'm thinking they applied a thin silicone skin on brocks head and face, which was cut to puncture the blood capsule. he isn't really cut."


I saw that. It's kind of weird this mentality of, 'He's really great! ..He should go to WWE!' that a lot of people have. Like yeah the talented dude working for peanuts in some no name indie should, but I would bet Okada's income is just fine as the face of NJPW.
WWE is the English Premier League of wrestling. most think its the top and think you can only gauge someone's success by if they made it to WWE or not.

Don't agree with that mentality myself.


NoRéN;158638909 said:
WWE is the English Premier a League of wrestling.mmost think its the top and think you can only gauge someone's success by if they made it to WWE or not.

Don't agree with that mentality myself.

It's more like the NFL. You can play in college or the AFL or the CFL, but you don't really count until you're in the NFL.


It's more like the NFL. You can play in college or the AFL or the CFL, but you don't really count until you're in the NFL.
Yeah. Pretty accurate.

Serious shit, this happened at NXT on Friday and I almost facepalmed.

*finn v Neville match ends*
Dude in lower row that kept talking to me all night : "where did WWE find the guy with the face paint? He's pretty good"
Me: "making a living being a star in Japan"
Dude: "huh. Well, at least he finally made it! *chuckles*"
Irish dude next to me: "Jesus fooking chroist!!!"


One thing that would definitely improve WrassleGAF:

No more smarky shit in regards to Kevin Dunn booking things. He's not a booker. He's not a writer. He's a producer in the real sense of the television show, not in the sense of what WWE now calls road agents. The complaining about him is truly, truly obnoxious. The only thing that comes close is the "make X look strong" stuff. Somehow CM Punk being pissy about being told to do what he got paid to do has become an insufferable meme that really doesn't even make much sense since Roman hasn't been book very strong this year anyway.


One thing that would definitely improve WrassleGAF:

No more smarky shit in regards to Kevin Dunn booking things. He's not a booker. He's not a writer. He's a producer in the real sense of the television show, not in the sense of what WWE now calls road agents. The complaining about him is truly, truly obnoxious. The only thing that comes close is the "make X look strong" stuff. Somehow CM Punk being pissy about being told to do what he got paid to do has become an insufferable meme that really doesn't even make much sense since Roman hasn't been book very strong this year anyway.
Except aren't there legitimate reasons to blame him for the poor direction of the divas division?
One thing that would definitely improve WrassleGAF:

No more smarky shit in regards to Kevin Dunn booking things. He's not a booker. He's not a writer. He's a producer in the real sense of the television show, not in the sense of what WWE now calls road agents. The complaining about him is truly, truly obnoxious. The only thing that comes close is the "make X look strong" stuff. Somehow CM Punk being pissy about being told to do what he got paid to do has become an insufferable meme that really doesn't even make much sense since Roman hasn't been book very strong this year anyway.

kevin dunn izzat you LOOOOLLLLLLLL *honk honk honk*


I forget who but I remember some writer in a shoot interview said that Vince was high on Kelly Kelly when they first signed her but Kevin Dunn was arguing to Vince that her tits weren't big enough for her to be a WWE Diva.
I stand firmly by my belief that Brock's cut, along with that entire match, was actually rendered in real time in Kojima's Konami's Fox Engine.


Except aren't there legitimate reasons to blame him for the poor direction of the divas division?

Well this is what a prior head writer for Smackdown had to say about him:

This could easily become the most TL;dr post ever as I’d love nothing more than to expend several gallons of digital ink telling you how little I like Kevin Dunn, but I’ll endeavor to restrain myself. Here’s the long and the short of it: when I saw that KD was the “My Name Is” today, my heart leapt with mean schadenfreude joy. I’ve been reading CSS regularly since right after ‘Mania, but this morning I was compelled to sign up. I’m kind of glad that there was a delay before I could post. Instead of just launching into a stream of vitriol, I got to read other comments. Many of them. Interestingly, it’s the defenses of Dunn that I find most intriguing.

The unanimity with which people hate on KD would absolutely set off my skepticism spidey sense if I didn’t know the guy. It feels to me like a lot of the defense in these comments can be boiled down to, “We don’t know the guy and he can’t POSSIBLY be as bad as these people are saying.” I totally understand the instinct to say that. Here’s the thing: I worked closely with KD for a couple years at WWE when I was a writer/producer on the creative team, and he absolutely IS that bad.

One of the primary arguments in his defense is that WWE product looks good, and that this demonstrates that he is a talented television director/producer. I’ve worked on a number of sports projects over the years and I’m here to tell you that KD is not one lick more talented than the EP/director of a mid-market NBA team. Indeed, I argue that WWE television would be well served bringing in someone just like that to take over television production because they would be more creative and could get outside the box programming has been in since the early-‘00s.

WWE shows do look good, but they also look the same. There’s a homogeneity to the feel of the product that stems directly from Dunn. His creative instinct is fast food: if it works, don’t muddle with it and keep Vince convinced it is the only way to do things by any means necessary.

When I took over as the head writer of Smackdown in the summer of 2006, one of the first things we pitched was to replace Kevin Dunn as the executive producer and promote Tim Walbert to take over the position. Tim was one of our directors (something KD is actually no good at doing – he can’t actually direct a live show to save his life) and was more than qualified for the job. We wanted Smackdown to look and feel like a completely different television than product – think in terms of Nitro vs. Raw – and for a little while Vince was intrigued by the idea (and Stephanie supported it as well).
Kevin, naturally, cared more about his fiefdom than trying something different with a show. He started his whisper campaign with Vince the moment we got off the plane (I intentionally did the initial pitch of the idea in Kevin’s presence on a flight back from TV). He buried Tim, me, the idea of a different feel to the product as a whole. It’s not just what another commenter said – that KD doesn’t give a shit about wrestling and is all about sports/entertainment – it’s that he wants to create an entertainment product that’s like fast food. He wants his job to be easy.

That means neutralizing any threat. Stephanie took a shine to me pretty early in my time at WWE and started grooming me to take over a show. She was no fan of KD at that point and it was very clear to me that he and handful of Vince’s other stooges would be gone at the moment of she and Hunter’s coronation. There are plenty of writers out there who bury Steph at every opportunity, but I remain convinced that the company will be in better hands when she takes the reins.

Any rate, the faith Stephanie had in me did not go unnoticed by KD and he did not like that at all. He didn’t like Stephanie having someone ambitious working for her, and he didn’t like that I was clearly on her side. So he started burying me with bullshit. It got back to me that he’d told one of the segment producers that I’d been slipped a roofie and passed out in a hotel lobby.

This was not the case.

I got my heat back on him plenty, but it was a constant fight long before I was given the head writer nod. The more instructive part of the story is that Kevin did this with anyone he perceived as a threat. Vince is a bit capricious about who he lets in his ear. Whenever he got close with Bruce Prichard, KD would be right there the first time Bruce was out of earshot burying him. Same with Brian Gewritz. Same with JBL. Same with JR. Same with a long list of people, and this I personally observed. KD once tried to turn ME against another writer who was similarly ambitious. Anyone who posed a danger to Dunn’s position from any perspective – a producer at the studio, a talent, whoever – KD would bury them to the boss. This was true even when there wasn’t any real threat.
So yes, KD still has a job, but I think the way you treat people matters. There is certainly something to be said about being cutthroat in a corporate culture that rewards sociopathy. I was no kinda freaking angel to get ahead as quickly as I did. At the same time, WWE would be a better place to work that would present a better product if Kevin Dunn were gone.

Case in point, one of the big rubs on KD: he’s a misogynist influence on the product. I can tell you this is absolutely true and I learned it almost from jump street. One of the long term stories I’m most proud of from my time at WWE was being the principal producer on the Trish Stratus/Mickie James “Single White Female” story. There’s no humble in the brag when I say we grabbed the audience by the throat by a couple weeks into the angle and our quarter-hour ratings bore that out.

The first time we were given a crossover segment because the story was getting over, KD fought it tooth and nail. He fought us every week. Show was heavy? KD wanted to cut Trish/Mickie. “Temple of Trish” segment? KD argued that we needed more action and people would get bored. Lesbian kiss? “Trish has gotta like it!” Every single element, he wanted both protagonist and villain to be sexier and stupider.

Perhaps the following scene will be more instructive. You are on the WWE corporate jet. Imagine every rock star plane in any movie: four captain’s chairs facing each other in the front. Behind them, two benches facing each other across the aisle on which are crammed the writers. The captains? Vince, KD, Michael Hayes, HHH (Steph was on maternity leave, of Hayes would have been on the bench). We’re flying back from TV after taping one of the early WWECW shows. Kelly Kelly has just been introduced as the domestic [violence] partner of Mike Knox.

Hayes: She just feels cold, you know? She’s not connecting. Vince: Mm. She needs to find her sensuality.
KD hops up and down in seat with sniggering laughter in that “Hey, boss, pay attention to me” way. Vince turns to him.
KD: She NEEEEDS to find some TITS!
KD continues to snicker, eyes on Vince, begging for approval. Vince snorts. Conversation continues.

This kind of thing? The tendency to present women as only softcore objects? Those conversations came every single day, and KD was the WORST about pissing on any serious woman’s program.

Ugh. I’m now on pg. 3 of the word doc I’m typing this in, so I’ll wrap it up. [Yaaaaay!] In my opinion based on my personal experience, Kevin Dunn is a detriment to WWE programming from both a creative and a production perspective. It is fair to credit him with being a part of something we all enjoy, but at the end of the day the product would be better if he weren’t involved in it. When that day comes, WWE will be a better place to work for both talent and crew.

Complaints about Dunn's TV production are warranted, anyway. No one likes that shaky cam zoom zoom business.
Well this is what a prior head writer for Smackdown had to say about him:

Complaints about Dunn's TV production are warranted, anyway. No one likes that shaky cam zoom zoom business.
Not to mention those crowd shots during backstage segments.


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
lol Vince at In Your House 7

'ITS OVER! LET IT BE OVER! LET IT BE OVER!' Shawn gets jackknifed through a table and is right as rain about 5 minutes later. His hair is also starting to go already at this point.


It's kinda depressing to think that this whole "Connor's Cure" thing has, essentially, been a work by WWE—pimping out their CSR initiatives at the expense of their staff's dignity. I mean, look at this damn tweet. That's all you need to know.

Who started carny as a phrase? It's used constantly in this thread now.
Carny isn't just a phrase, it's a way of life. The wrestling life is that of a carny.

In light of recent acquisitions, I've learned that I've been vanilla-iced by some guy that goes by the alias "Talon", I just want to make it clear that I'm aware of his vanilla-icing and don't plan on taking any further actions.
It's kinda depressing to think that this whole "Connor's Cure" thing has, essentially, been a work by WWE—pimping out their CSR initiatives at the expense of their staff's dignity. I mean, look at this damn tweet. That's all you need to know.

That's why they advertise all of their charity constantly, it was always to appear better as a company.

I started using it because Nash used it in his shoot promos when he talked about a promoter or a wrestler being carny. Same with X-Pac.
I figured it had to be from a shoot or podcast, I just never saw it used the last time I was posting here.


I forget who but I remember some writer in a shoot interview said that Vince was high on Kelly Kelly when they first signed her but Kevin Dunn was arguing to Vince that her tits weren't big enough for her to be a WWE Diva.

Well, Dunn really showed his influence since Kelly Kelly was the face of the Divas division for 4 or 5 years and never got new tits.
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