Master Thespian
An egg can never fly, lol.
You saying you wouldn't get a fear boner if Steph was yelling in your face?
fandango you lucky dog.
Showtime is great. The hell are you talking about?
Seriously. If you can count on ONE thing for The Rock to do, it's job to somebody. The only time I saw Rock bury someone was when he cuffed Big Boss Man to the top rope and beat his ass senseless.Borderline racist. Is half Black. What?
Rock jobbed more than probably any other top guy in company history, and to non-established talent, so I don't really buy the "burial" thing. He just brutalized people on the mic.
Showtime is a good comedy movie.
You can't possibly be talking about the same Showtime I'm talking about:
Fuck it, decided to go to Disney World with wife and kid. You only live once.
they already ran out of Warrior highlights
I'm glad you agree.
Borderline racist. Is half Black. What?
Rock jobbed more than probably any other top guy in company history, and to non-established talent, so I don't really buy the "burial" thing. He just brutalized people on the mic.
they already ran out of Warrior highlights
Why do I feel like we will be getting a Kane face turn at the end of this
When did Eddie Murphy and Robert DeNiro swap races?
"Bo, nobody really likes you. Your gimmick is annoying, and you should go back to NXT. And your jokes and puns aren't funny either"
When did Eddie Murphy and Robert DeNiro swap races?
Are we supposed to pretend masked Kane wasn't last seen as a member of a comedy tag team?
but thats what we're talking about. Rock's comedy hour during his prime was usually pretty bad at ethering the other talent, and at times it got overwrought and boring. Regardless of Rock's racial make up, his work on Booker T was in poor taste. Rock: Here's Booker T's elementary school teacher, what is 2+2, Booker? ITS THOMAS JEFFERSON!
He was calling Booker T a stupid ****** in those promos. Thats how they came across.
I dunno why they didn't go with him standing straight up after taking a Pedigree. No one does that anymore!
I need to know their ethnic background before I can know how to feel about this.Some piece of shit the other day (I think it was Saturday) pissed me the fuck off. Was walking the dog, and some dudes were moving in and I guess they didn't know I was so close and my dog was barking at them, a little Beagle so yknow how bad could it be? I hear "shut up, dog!" and I get pissssssssed. Then they see me and kind of didn't expect me to be there so I was mad, and figured I'd let her get close to them while they were moving a bed upstairs. "Don't bite me dog!" in like this half-joking way is what I heard then and I went on my way.
Today we get a notice our dog is too loud. This fuckin piece of shit complained about that? I'm gonna smash him into next week.
but thats what we're talking about. Rock's comedy hour during his prime was usually pretty bad at ethering the other talent, and at times it got overwrought and boring. Regardless of Rock's racial make up, his work on Booker T was in poor taste. Rock: Here's Booker T's elementary school teacher, what is 2+2, Booker? ITS THOMAS JEFFERSON!
He was calling Booker T a stupid ****** in those promos. Thats how they came across.