Company Man Punk.
Near naked man in the toy aisle.
Conflicting opinions!
eh I'll give it a watch either way
Big E is gonna bone that chick
Punk as part of Evolution would be awesome if only for the sheer amount of hate they'd get and Punk's return promo crapping on the crowd. Of course, there's no way in hell they'd do that.
only 14 left in stock, talk about overselling
That was probably their best match. They had a decent one a few months ago and a boring one sometime last year. It's a small sliding scale from 6/10-7.5/10Nah, their match at SummerSlam was pretty good, and it's obvious that Evolution/Shield is the focus.
They're likely having Kane face Bryan because Bryan wants to face him, and it makes sense in terms of the storyline.
You guys made your point.
Believe in Evolution
Yo, I have no idea if it is lighting or dood has gotten leaner but Ryback looked jacked tonight. Holy shit, I have never seen him bigger.
Punk as part of Evolution would be awesome if only for the sheer amount of hate they'd get and Punk's return promo crapping on the crowd. Of course, there's no way in hell they'd do that.
Yo, I have no idea if it is lighting or dood has gotten leaner but Ryback looked jacked tonight. Holy shit, I have never seen him bigger.
"I left! I went home, put my feet up, made out with my woman, who you idiots will never get close to again, and you stupid marks still chanted for me, you're all sheep!"
Stephanie being the new Ric Flair in Evolution 2.0 makes sense since they've both fucked Savage.
I'd mark out for Punk joining Evolution.
OverdriveI'm back on board with Swagger now.
But he needs a new finisher.
I hope they aren't taunting a shield break up after this
...didn't everyone want/pray/dream about a shield break-up about a month ago?
Punk joins to pay for AJ's casual video game addiction. Then they make Punk cry in the middle of the ring as Stephanie emasculates him for 30 minutes
I'm back on board with Swagger now.
But he needs a new finisher.
These people don't know how to pray.
Deal has been struck
So am I, there has never been any mystique as a monster.
Because of Cena... there can't be a real monster while he is still in the WWE.
Ambrose needs his own stable where he can be the leader, The Governor style.
Instead Evolution should take a young guy that can be built up in a way that pisses everybody off.... it should be Bo.
The Miz should be the 4th member of Evolution. It would fit HHH's recent attempts to troll the IWC
Cena is really the monster heel that the WWE has been looking for. He no sells his opponents in promos and in matches he no sells in the end and over powers the guy.
Other than Cena I hear raw was good. True or false?
The Miz should be the 4th member of Evolution. It would fit HHH's recent attempts to troll the IWC