
They're worried about subscriber numbers.
John Cena was on Psych?
I have to watch that crappy show now goddammit.
No, you seem to be confused. Psych is a bad show so you should like it because of your posting gimmick.
No, you seem to be confused. Psych is a bad show so you should like it because of your posting gimmick.
All the cast of Psych are calling John Cena a "surprisingly good actor".
Suck it nerds.
Isn't that Sanjuro's posting gimmick?
Everyone, line up and tell us what your gimmick is. lets get this shit straight
Cody's moveset looks like what Dolph should be using.
Dolph isn't as good as Cody though.
All the cast of Psych are calling John Cena a "surprisingly good actor".
Suck it nerds.
***_***** got John Cena raps on his favorites for just this occasion
what a mark
"I left! I went home, put my feet up, made out with my woman, who you idiots will never get close to again, and you stupid marks still chanted for me, you're all sheep!"
Honestly, I wouldn't mind Cena to be in more movies with an actual budget.
Can you imagine him and Tarantino working together?!
Name one bad thing I like! Except for Metal Gear Solid, that doesn't count if anyone says that is bad[/IG][/QUOTE]
Okay that hurts :(
[quote="ViewtifulJC, post: 108206187"]aren't you a Raiders fan[/QUOTE]
I don't know how many times I gotta say this but I'm not a Raiders FAN. They're like my family, you have to stick by family even if they are screw ups that have no redeeming qualities
Bo Dallas is a living motivational facebook post your annoying friends put on your feed.
Honestly, I wouldn't mind Cena to be in more movies with an actual budget.
Can you imagine him and Tarantino working together?!
Strobogo's first gimmick here was reposting that crap.
Sokantish you like everything. By virtue, you like everything bad.
Strobogo's first gimmick here was reposting that crap.
All the cast of Psych are calling John Cena a "surprisingly good actor".
I'm not surprised because in all seriousness, he was great in Scooby Doo. Probably the most animated I've ever seen him.
I guess its time we commentate on reviving a group from 2004 called Evolution
He'll alica is pretty good
I've been wondering this for a while, are you typing on a smartphone or something? Why's your spelling so bad?
This crowd is as uncoordinated as a blind rat
May Wrasslin |OT| Evolution is just a theory, idiots.