I got over the streak being broken about 30 seconds later because of how old, beat up, and fragile Taker looked. Taker winning would have been ridiculous. The very first bump he took looked like he was hurt. And every bump after that looked like he was dying. The match was bad and it bummed me out that Taker had to go out and try to put on a performance that his body couldn't do. I wish he would have stopped at WM28. That seemed like the perfect stopping point from a storyline, physical, and number standing point. End of and Era should have been the END. 20-0 looks better than 21-0. The story of 27 being so hard on him that he almost didn't come back, but did come back to end it all once and for all was a perfect ending point in my mind.
I agree with this. If he was to remain undefeated, that should've been it.
Oh well. But the memory remaaaaaaaiiiiiinnnss.