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April Wrasslin' |OT| The Spirit of the Ultimate Warrior Will Run Forever!


How are non-US people paying for WWE Network? Do they accept non-US CCs? I know I can watch it via PC due to Hola and other free Vpns, and the ringing endorsement here really makes me want to jump on.

And I guess I'd have to do it via PC right to get a sub? Since nothing is happening with my IPad mini.
How are non-US people paying for WWE Network? Do they accept non-US CCs? I know I can watch it via PC due to Hola and other free Vpns, and the ringing endorsement here really makes me want to jump on.

And I guess I'd have to do it via PC right to get a sub? Since nothing is happening with my IPad mini.

PayPal let you pay in your own currency so you don't even get conversion fees.

You'll want to sign up to Unblock Us as well. It's far more dependable and will let you watch on an iPad and PlayStation as well. Only $5 Canadian per month and worth every penny considering I could steam the whole of Mania in HD here in the UK.


Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
like i said in other thread, lesnar and taker had been practicing there match at takers ring in Atlanta, taker probs knew then he couldnt keep up anymore and said he would lose. he always said when he couldnt keep up he would go out.
like i said in other thread, lesnar and taker had been practicing there match at takers ring in Atlanta, taker probs knew then he couldnt keep up anymore and said he would lose. he always said when he couldnt keep up he would go out.

I think he has one more in him. Now that the streak is broke, it makes one final Mania match really interesting - with the right opponent. .


I think he has one more in him. Now that the streak is broke, it makes one final Mania match really interesting - with the right opponent. .

You really think he has anything left? He didn't even have enough left for this year. He was a husk of a man whose body could no longer perform at the level he wanted it to and it was a bummer to watch. Seeing his face after the match was legitimately sad because you could see in his eyes that he knew his body was shot and he just shit the bed in his last match that just so happened to be on the biggest stage possible. Another match a year from now with a guy who is similarly broken down would be terrible for both guys. The prior 4 years have had an underlying theme of "how much longer can his body hold out" and this was the year when his body proved it couldn't take any more, both in kayfabe and in real life.

The streak is over, but more importantly, Taker's body is done. And he went out like a true pro: by putting someone over on the way out of the territory. "Motherfucker, not everything is about you". His career is done. There is no need to trot him out like they did the last few years of Andre's life. That was a bummer and seeing Taker tonight was a bummer. Dude has given more than enough. He more or less took over Andre's spot. He's done enough. Let him hang out with his kids and tinker with motorcycles.

I can't even imagine how much Vince cried tonight. I hope the footage that was no doubt shot of Taker and Vince crying as Taker came back through Gorilla never, ever, ever sees the light of day.
like i said in other thread, lesnar and taker had been practicing there match at takers ring in Atlanta, taker probs knew then he couldnt keep up anymore and said he would lose. he always said when he couldnt keep up he would go out.
Yeah I had read about that and it made it much more clear why Brock seemed so restrained. No Brock freestyle and breaking his own neck and destroying Taker.


At first glance, it makes you wonder. But then - Ref has to be on that side to ask the question, so AJ "making" Naomi tap is pointless. I think she's rubbing it in for the lols.


So not worth it
I was wondering about this... is this a double botch?!

If it's a botch, it's Naomi as wwe.com plays up AJ tapping for Naomi. Don't think it is though, just the heel being a douchebag. Vickie was right there, she would have restarted the match to spite AJ.

With the referee struggling to control the chaos, The Bellas took advantage, executing a double dive. However, sisterly bonds didn’t matter in this one-fall bout, as Nikki dropped Brie with The Rack Attack. Natalya soon took out Tamina with a discus clothesline, taking out AJ’s only ally in the contest. The Divas Champion watched her bodyguard get clocked, then turned directly into an attack from Naomi. Somehow, though AJ reversed the hold, spinning into the Black Widow.

Naomi struggled in the hold, dropping to her knee, but refused to tap out. With the referee focused on Naomi’s left arm, AJ grabbed her foe’s already weakened rightappendage and tapped it against the canvas, being so careful as to keep her deceit just out of the official’s view.

The Divas Champion reacts to her victory

Having survived a battle with nearly every Diva on the roster on The Grandest Stage of Them All, there’s one question that has to be asked as The Black Widow continues her reign over the Divas division:Is there anyone who can take the Divas Championship away from AJ Lee?

Do betting agencies actually accept such large bets on wrestling events? I always thought the betting limit was quite low.

The only American book I know and use that takes Wrasslin' line is 5Dimes and they usually limit to $50 or $100 per wager for wrestling. If the odds change you can bet more though.


Why would you place such a large bet on something with such a small return? Potential to lose 35k and only gain 500+?

Please son, you're doing it wrong.

I'm betting it's because it was a "dead cert" and that 35k wasn't even his money. Probably got himself into a shit load of debt over a £500 return, but it's what gambling addicts do.


You really think he has anything left? He didn't even have enough left for this year. He was a husk of a man whose body could no longer perform at the level he wanted it to and it was a bummer to watch. Seeing his face after the match was legitimately sad because you could see in his eyes that he knew his body was shot and he just shit the bed in his last match that just so happened to be on the biggest stage possible. Another match a year from now with a guy who is similarly broken down would be terrible for both guys. The prior 4 years have had an underlying theme of "how much longer can his body hold out" and this was the year when his body proved it couldn't take any more, both in kayfabe and in real life.

The streak is over, but more importantly, Taker's body is done. And he went out like a true pro: by putting someone over on the way out of the territory. "Motherfucker, not everything is about you". His career is done. There is no need to trot him out like they did the last few years of Andre's life. That was a bummer and seeing Taker tonight was a bummer. Dude has given more than enough. He more or less took over Andre's spot. He's done enough. Let him hang out with his kids and tinker with motorcycles.

I can't even imagine how much Vince cried tonight. I hope the footage that was no doubt shot of Taker and Vince crying as Taker came back through Gorilla never, ever, ever sees the light of day.

Real talk, stro. You earned my respect so many times this wrestlemania week.


Only got to see the show until the beginning of the Undertaker/Bork match. Really shocked they gave Bork the win, but I guess the end is near for 'Taker. Which is fine. Some are upset they didn't decide, if they were to end it, to give it to somebody younger. OK, so what, give it to Roman Reigns who is green as grass, can't talk, and hasn't proven anything? I love Cesaro but he was still a midcard guy this year and for the past two. His time is coming, hopefully isn't pushed aside for whatever reasons they'll have. Bryan? Doesn't need it, nor did Punk. Didn't care much for Bray/Cena or most of the Rumble aside from a few spots. Cesaro tossing Show the way he did was awesome. Shield felt wasted. Should have went with Kane and some other team and had a 7-8 minute at the very least. Didn't think this did anything for them.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
wrestling observer is saying that vince and brock went with taker to hospital :D


They are fearing a concussion and possible neck injury, apparently, so he's there overnight for observation.


So the streak is over and the match was kinda shitty. I'd rather see Taker retire now. I don't think I want to know what a match with him and Sting will look like in a year.
They are fearing a concussion and possible neck injury, apparently, so he's there overnight for observation.

Ouch. Even with Brock working at half ferocity, he still managed to hurt Taker.

It's crazy that Jerry Lawler was able to wrestle for so long before what happened.

I listened to the LAW this morning. Such a huge ball of cynicism.

That had to be the best Mania in 10 years. Now, do I think it was better than say Summer Slam and the other 1-2 good WWE PPVs from last year. Maybe not. But Mania has been pretty poor work and predictability wise. So Daniel going over in 2 matches, the HHH/Wyatt Entrance, the conclusion of the Battle Royal, suprise of the Taker loss were cool.

I think the stories coming out of Mania are intriuging. The only two things I think they need to work on is the Women's division in building angles/stories and maintaining the tag division. They seem to sort of meandering right now.


Was anyone else watching as the confetti came down after Bryan's win and praying that no one's music hit during the celebration?

I was sitting there saying "Just go off the air, please.....just go off the air."
Defintly one I the best manias. So many memorable moments . Trips and Dbry stole the show match wise

All Hail the Conqueror!!!

But was it better than Punk/Brock or Cena/Bryan? Like as a show, I think the Mania was good. But I don't think there was a 5-star match on the show.

It's crazy that Bryan going OVER in so many ways (HHH, sledge hammering HHH, Diving on HHH/Steph/etc, winning the Unified Title, etc) wasn't in the "plans."


But was it better than Punk/Brock or Cena/Bryan? Like as a show, I think the Mania was good. But I don't think there was a 5-star match on the show.

It's crazy that Bryan going OVER in so many ways (HHH, sledge hammering HHH, Diving on HHH/Steph/etc, winning the Unified Title, etc) wasn't in the "plans."

I think it's clear that at a certain point this year (either January or February) they just decided, "fuck it, let's pull the trigger" and went all the way with Bryan.

BHZ Mayor

Was anyone else watching as the confetti came down after Bryan's win and praying that no one's music hit during the celebration?

I was sitting there saying "Just go off the air, please.....just go off the air."

I was actually half expecting Rock, Austin, and Hogan to come out and congratulate him, since they didn't really do anything after the opening segment aside from Hogan's WM1 reunion. But I'm glad Bryan finally got his moment to himself, after two years of attempted burials.

Which makes CENAWINSLOL that much more ridiculous. Seriously, creative finally got their heads out their own asses, but Cena couldn't take a loss? Gimme a break.
But was it better than Punk/Brock or Cena/Bryan? Like as a show, I think the Mania was good. But I don't think there was a 5-star match on the show.

It's crazy that Bryan going OVER in so many ways (HHH, sledge hammering HHH, Diving on HHH/Steph/etc, winning the Unified Title, etc) wasn't in the "plans."

Once they committed to giving the titles to Bryan, they must have figured it was all or nothing. In a way, I think it shows they still weren't 100% sure he was going to work as champ and put him over in every conceivable way at WM to help.


Also, a minor note, since the WWE doesn't seem to release main roster talent unless they ask for it, anymore, Ezekiel Jackson's contract expired yesterday, and obiviously they didn't bother renewing it, so he's gone, he had a post about it on his site.
I don't even recall the last time he was used on TV.

That seems to be their thing now instead of firing people they don't use, they just let their contracts expire. JTG better hope he's on a long ass contract.
Once they committed to giving the titles to Bryan, they must have figured it was all or nothing. In a way, I think it shows they still weren't 100% sure he was going to work as champ and put him over in every conceivable way at WM to help.

They put a rocket on his pack as Hercules helped push him during lift off.

He went over clean to HHH. Later, he went over clean on Orton/Batista. He splashed Steph. He sledged hammered HHH. And the celebration was insane with the confetti, the crowd, etc.

And who knows about Cena/Wyatt. If the feud goes on, I can see Bray getting his win back. Yes, it would've been best to win on the showcase of the immortals. But I'll give the company credit. They gave a lot of fan service despite the conclusions of Cena/Wyatt and Lesnar/Taker.

Also, a minor note, since the WWE doesn't seem to release main roster talent unless they ask for it, anymore, Ezekiel Jackson's contract expired yesterday, and obiviously they didn't bother renewing it, so he's gone, he had a post about it on his site.
I don't even recall the last time he was used on TV.

That seems to be their thing now instead of firing people they don't use, they just let their contracts expire. JTG better hope he's on a long ass contract.

He had the look they like. But that was about it. He wasn't good on the microphone or a great worker. I really think they need to do a better job of managing their talent. Like I posted before, they got all of these Divas. What are they doing with them? Only a handfull are on the show. And it's not like they have a WWE bikini magazine or they're featured in other places.
Also, a minor note, since the WWE doesn't seem to release main roster talent unless they ask for it, anymore, Ezekiel Jackson's contract expired yesterday, and obiviously they didn't bother renewing it, so he's gone, he had a post about it on his site.
I don't even recall the last time he was used on TV.

That seems to be their thing now instead of firing people they don't use, they just let their contracts expire. JTG better hope he's on a long ass contract.

I've just assumed for years that that guy was Monty Brown since I vaguely remember a Monty brown run in WWECW and don't recall what Ezekiel actually looks like.
They overdid it in some spots, but WWE has a hellacious crew.

I always notice when I watch other promotions but WWE's dudes work with the action AND do a phenomenal job of not getting each other in their shots. It's really impressive.

I'm sure BronsonLee will have something to elaborate on.

Ask and ye shall receive!

I'll preface this with saying that I shoot indies and other various things where this stuff doesn't really come to mind at all due to the fire drill level of stress and work we have to do in very little time.

All trappings aside, when you film a wrestling show, you need an elevated hardcam (so fans can't block it), and a minimum of two people filming the ring/entrances, in case one misses something.

WWE is no different, but they naturally accent it with a bunch of other cameras (steadicam for entrances, for example). They try different things sometimes (ringcam being on the side of hardcam, for example), but it's always the 2 ring cameramen on/opposite entrance side. That's the key. They shoot opposite each other, but stick t corners so they are rarely in each others' shot.

Double that with the mounds of experience they have filming shows + one of the best if not the best wrestling producer ever in Kevin Dunn, and you get a team that can basically write the book on what they want to do.


Bryan's booking last night was stellar.

He got revenge on everyone and won the titles, they even used Scott Armstrong to close that part of the story. It was all that I could've asked for.

Even if the audience was dead because of Taker they quickly came back to life and were behind Bryan 100 per cent. Grest stuff.


Also, a minor note, since the WWE doesn't seem to release main roster talent unless they ask for it, anymore, Ezekiel Jackson's contract expired yesterday, and obiviously they didn't bother renewing it, so he's gone, he had a post about it on his site.
I don't even recall the last time he was used on TV.

That seems to be their thing now instead of firing people they don't use, they just let their contracts expire. JTG better hope he's on a long ass contract.

They probably won't even notice when JTGs contract runs out and he'll keep getting checks.
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