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April Wrasslin |OT| WrassleMania Sucked

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Shadowlink said:
Doesn't Cena have a winning streak?

Nope, he lost in that triple threat with Orton and HHH, iirc. He's 6-1.

According to http://prowrestling.about.com/od/wrestlemania/a/wmwrestlerrecor.htm the only undefeated guys in WM history (with more than 1 win):
Animal/Hawk 3-0
Ax 3-0
Chyna 2-0
Mr. T 2-0
RVD 4-0
Sable 3-0
Shane McMahon 2-0
Tatanka 2-0
Terry Funk 2-0
Virgil 2-0

Not sure when this was posted, so maybe there are more than this now, but there's really no one to do streak/streak with. Personally if someone broke it, I'd probably want Punk to do it because I think he's fun to watch.
bjork said:
Nope, he lost in that triple threat with Orton and HHH, iirc. He's 6-1.

According to http://prowrestling.about.com/od/wrestlemania/a/wmwrestlerrecor.htm the only undefeated guys in WM history (with more than 1 win):
Animal/Hawk 3-0
Ax 3-0
Chyna 2-0
Mr. T 2-0
RVD 4-0
Sable 3-0
Shane McMahon 2-0
Tatanka 2-0
Terry Funk 2-0
Virgil 2-0

Not sure when this was posted, so maybe there are more than this now, but there's really no one to do streak/streak with. Personally if someone broke it, I'd probably want Punk to do it because I think he's fun to watch.
Yep, you're right! Would be really cool if they did do a streak vs streak match though.


Kyoufu said:
Sure lets have everyone claim they got a streak so the Undertaker's streak wouldn't look as "special".

It fits Miz's character, though. He's feuding with Cena now, but he "feuded" with him awhile back too, where he was calling him out on Raw and all. I don't know if they've referenced that at all during this Miz/Rock/Cena thing, but if not, I'm really surprised.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Miz vs Cena
Edge vs Del Rio
Undertaker vs HHH
Cole vs Lawler
CM Punk vs Orton
Rhodes vs Mysterio
Sheamus vs Bryan
Snooki's team vs LayCool
Babyfaces vs Nexus

Tie-breaker - What match will go on last? Miz vs Cena

Second tie-breaker - How long will the final match last? (minutes:seconds) 25:30


JdFoX187 said:
What's your point? Even though everyone knows wrestling is fake, the Hall of Fame is the one thing they try to do that breaks kayfabe and is supposed to be "real." And as you admit, and I never argued otherwise, they script their damn speeches. It's a fucking joke. As if we needed any more reason to believe than after Drew Carrey being inducted into this year's class.

Its not the writers that write a speech its a collaboration, its been that way forever. They do that to help the inductees write their speeches and remove slanderous accusations and items that could cause litagation.


Miz vs Cena
Edge vs Del Rio
Undertaker vs HHH
Cole vs Lawler
CM Punk vs Orton
Rhodes vs Mysterio
Sheamus vs Bryan
Snooki's team vs LayCool
Babyfaces vs Nexus

Last match: Miz vs. Cena
Length: 15:25
Miz vs Cena
Edge vs Del Rio
Undertaker vs HHH
Cole vs Lawler
CM Punk vs Orton
Rhodes vs Mysterio
Sheamus vs Bryan <- only hard one to pick after how much both have been shit on lately haha, I went with who I want to win (so I'll be wrong of course lol).
Snooki's team vs LayCool
Babyfaces vs Corre

What match will go on last? Miz vs Cena

How long will the final match last? (minutes:seconds) 23:22

PPV ends with Miz and A-ry getting several of the Rock and Cena's finishes, might do like double Elbow/Shuffle thing, then end up hugging and doing each others poses etc while smiling and goofing around to sell some tshirts.

Afterwards I come on GAF and post "Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz."

Only highlight is when I imagined myself pants-less walking in on Layla and Keri Hilson making out together backstage.
Awesome banner, great work Mr. Sam.

Miz vs Cena
Edge vs Del Rio
Undertaker vs HHH
Cole vs Lawler
CM Punk vs Orton
Cody vs Rey
Sheamus vs Bryan
Snooki the Troll & Friends vs LayCool
Babyfaces vs Corre


Miz vs Cena - 5 points
Edge vs Del Rio - 5 points
Undertaker vs HHH - 5 points
Cole vs Lawler - 4 points
CM Punk vs Orton - 4 points
Rhodes vs Mysterio - 4 points
Sheamus vs Bryan - 3 points
Snooki's team vs LayCool - 3 points
Babyfaces vs Corre- 3 points

Tie-breaker - Miz vs. Cena

Second tie-breaker - 22:31? (minutes:seconds)
Miz vs Cena - 5 points
Edge vs Del Rio - 5 points
Undertaker vs HHH - 5 points
Cole vs Lawler - 4 points
CM Punk vs Orton - 4 points
Rhodes vs Mysterio - 4 points
Sheamus vs Bryan - 3 points
Snooki's team vs LayCool - 3 points
Babyfaces vs Corre- 3 points

Tie-breaker - Miz vs. Cena

Second tie-breaker - 19:51(minutes:seconds)

Jeff Albertson bonus points: Rey will be dressed as Buzz Lightyear and Cena will have a new T shirt and incorporate children in his entrance.

Whoever put Nexus instead of Corre should get 0 points.
World Heavyweight Championship- Edge(c) vs. Alberto Del Rio
WWE Championship Match-The Miz(c) vs. John Cena
The Undertaker vs. Triple H
Randy Orton vs. C.M Punk
Jerry Lawler vs.Michael Cole
Rey Mysertio vs. Cody Rhodes
ohn Morrison/Trish Stratus/Snooki vs. Dolph Ziggler/LayCool
United States Championship- Sheamus(c) vs. Daniel Bryan
Kane/Big Show/Kozlov/Santino vs. The Corre

I will be there myself with 8 of my friends. So stoked.
Conrad Link said:
Only highlight is when I imagined myself pants-less walking in on Layla and Keri Hilson making out together backstage.

I would destroy a garden of rabbits with dusty cleats to see such a sight.


Neo Member
Definately getting excited now for wrestlemania. I assume it will probably let me down like most ppvs i end up watching mind you. My guesses are

Miz vs Cena - 5 points
Edge vs Del Rio - 5 points
Undertaker vs HHH - 5 points
Cole vs Lawler - 4 points
CM Punk vs Orton - 4 points
Rhodes vs Mysterio - 4 points
Sheamus vs Bryan - 3 points
Snooki's team vs LayCool - 3 points
Babyfaces vs Corre- 3 points

Tie-breaker - Miz vs. Cena

Second tie-breaker - 28:33 (minutes:seconds)
Little late to the predictions, but here's mine:

Miz vs Cena
Edge vs Del Rio
Undertaker vs HHH
Cole vs Lawler
CM Punk vs Orton
Rhodes vs Mysterio
Sheamus vs Bryan
Snooki's team vs LayCool
Babyfaces vs Corre

Tie-breaker - Miz vs. Cena

Second tie-breaker - 28 minutes and 32 1/2 seconds.


Miz vs Cena
Edge vs Del Rio
Undertaker vs HHH
Cole vs Lawler
CM Punk vs Orton
Rhodes vs Mysterio
Sheamus vs Bryan
Snooki's team vs LayCool
Babyfaces vs Corre

Tie-breaker - Miz vs. Cena

Second tie-breaker - 19:15
Botchamania 165

Holy fuck, I can never keep a straight face during a Scott Steiner promo.

edit: lol @ youtube comment "I'm watching it in 1911-vision. The CZW segment is amplified&#65279; considerably." It's so true.

and that ending oh shit. LOL


man hhh really is a piece of shit in real life

on the new episode of zack ryders show, some interviewer or some fan went around asking why zack ryder wasnt on tv more often. miz and cena played it cool, miz is like "if he asks me to be on the show ill do it," cenas like, "i dont know why, but he should. his show is awesome"

and hhh is like all who is zack ryder. cause you and 2 other people want him. now you know why the mother fucker goes around burying people in the ring, cause he's like that on the outside too. hope taker breaks his nose
Miz vs Cena - 5 points
Edge vs Del Rio - 5 points
Undertaker vs HHH - 5 points
Cole vs Lawler - 4 points
CM Punk vs Orton - 4 points
Rhodes vs Mysterio - 4 points
Sheamus vs Bryan - 3 points
Snooki's team vs LayCool - 3 points
Babyfaces vs Nexus - 3 points

Tie-breaker - cena/miz

Second tie-breaker - 21 min 23 secs

Taker/HHH going last would be lame. No one wants to see Taker celebrate for the millionth time and the pop will not match whatever rock does to cena. With that said it's hard picking both heels to win the title, but i see 2 things happening. 1 the rock costs cena the match or 2 Miz wins clean (lol), then the rock lays the smackdown on cena right after. Both realistic and sets up a future match if possible.

Or since vince knows cena will get booed out the building. He would go for the cena win to get the crowd angry then have the rock beat his ass to finish the show with a hot crowd. But then whats the point in making your top guy win the belt to just get his ass kicked 2 secs later? That only works when your facing a heel.Tough call but i'm rooting for the miz.


Miz vs Cena
Edge vs Del Rio
Undertaker vs HHH
Cole vs Lawler
CM Punk vs Orton
Rhodes vs Mysterio
Sheamus vs Bryan
Snooki's team vs LayCool
Babyfaces vs Corre

Tie-breaker - Cena/Miz

Second tie-breaker - 25 min 25 secs


Neo Member
I think the only chance taker v hhh has of being the last match is if taker loses, as they said something along the lines of if the streak ends the undertaker ends, so he can have his retirement goodbye.

Personally, i think undertaker will get to 20 - 0 and then retire


Taker/Trips is gonna be the worst match ever. The buildup has been horrible specially. For such an "epic" match, there' no much reason to care about who wins. The in-ring action is gonna suck too. The gimmick won't be able to save them. If that match goes on last, at least I will able to shut off the thing early.


Azuran said:
Taker/Trips is gonna be the worst match ever. The buildup has been horrible specially. For such an "epic" match, there' no much reason to care about who wins. The in-ring action is gonna suck too. The gimmick won't be able to save them. If that match goes on last, at least I will able to shut off the thing early.
hhh still thinks he can draw money. 2001-2005 of terrible ratings+finances didnt teach him shit

so he's going last brah. cancel mania if you have to but hunter aint curtain jerking for rock, he the game


spindashing said:
Botchamania 165

Holy fuck, I can never keep a straight face during a Scott Steiner promo.

edit: lol @ youtube comment "I'm watching it in 1911-vision. The CZW segment is amplified&#65279; considerably." It's so true.

and that ending oh shit. LOL
omg @ Taker/Vince and the Steiner promo. :lol
antbot89 said:
Undercutting to the max?

Or we are both incredibly intelligent and correct

No joke -- I *totally* came up with that time without seeing yours...and when I posted it, and I was like, "whaaaaa -- are you serious?"

Pretty weird, eh? :D


spindashing said:
Botchamania 165

Holy fuck, I can never keep a straight face during a Scott Steiner promo.

edit: lol @ youtube comment "I'm watching it in 1911-vision. The CZW segment is amplified&#65279; considerably." It's so true.

and that ending oh shit. LOL

Its brilliant with 1911 youtube filter on.


spindashing said:
Botchamania 165

Holy fuck, I can never keep a straight face during a Scott Steiner promo.

I swear to god I heard him say "I'm going to stick my foot so far up your ass you'll be tasting soup."

And watching that CZW segment... I realize I really can't fault the WWE for running the style that they do. Yeah, it's easy to call it "boring" and whatnot, but I don't want people out there actually destroying themselves for this stuff.


Linkified said:
Its not the writers that write a speech its a collaboration, its been that way forever. They do that to help the inductees write their speeches and remove slanderous accusations and items that could cause litagation.
The report blatantly said the speeches were being written for him. It's bullshit, no matter how you cut it and just shows how much of a joke the HoF truly is.


First WrestleMania I'll be watching with WrassleGAF, looking forward to it! Predictions:

Miz vs Cena
Edge vs Del Rio
Undertaker vs HHH
Cole vs Lawler
CM Punk vs Orton
Rhodes vs Mysterio
Sheamus vs Bryan
Snooki's team vs LayCool
Babyfaces vs Corre

Tie-breaker - Miz vs Cena

Second tie-breaker - 28 minutes 34 seconds.




Triple H + Metallica!

EDIT: and .. WWE finally acknowledges the previous match @ Wrestlemania X-7


"Precisely 10 years ago, the two respected and feared Superstars squared off on The Grandest Stage of Them All at WrestleMania X-Seven. During that contest, the action spilled outside the ring in a memorable display of power and determination. In the end, The Demon of Death Valley prevailed by pinfall. "


Dork Knight said:
Interesting. I wonder which song he's coming out to. Obviously won't be Seek and Destroy (unless they wanna do a rib on Sting!).

Rumor is "From Whom The Bell Tolls"

Side but related note, I would LOVE Edge to come out to Metallingus by performed live by Alter Bridge .. or even to a new theme, one of their new songs "Isolation".


shidoshi said:
And watching that CZW segment... I realize I really can't fault the WWE for running the style that they do. Yeah, it's easy to call it "boring" and whatnot, but I don't want people out there actually destroying themselves for this stuff.
Back in the Monday Night Wars era the ECW guys thought they were so much tougher than the WCW and WWF guys and that they were just pussies for wrestling the style they did. Then as ECW grew they started doing a similar schedule to those companies and suddenly realised that was the sort of thing they needed to do to stop destroying their bodies.


sajj316 said:
EDIT: and .. WWE finally acknowledges the previous match @ Wrestlemania X-7


"Precisely 10 years ago, the two respected and feared Superstars squared off on The Grandest Stage of Them All at WrestleMania X-Seven. During that contest, the action spilled outside the ring in a memorable display of power and determination. In the end, The Demon of Death Valley prevailed by pinfall. "

I kind of want to punch the person who wrote that.
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