I'm glad we spent so much time discussing volunteering
Yaaaaaaaah late again!!!
So guys! Everyone survived!!! Woo!!!
Stories from the mission please!!
Yeah, everyone that has volunteered: please give reasons.
Yeah, everyone that has volunteered: please give reasons.
Yeah, everyone that has volunteered: please give reasons.
Well, at least we know Cabbeh, Roy, Hobo, and I don't want to see a tie? I can't really be suspicious of any of the Visulante votes now, seeing how half of them were to prevent the tie I accidentally caused (Sorry, I didn't see Palmer and YesNo change their votes!).
Still, this has been a bit crazy. I'm sticking with Squidy though, now, barring another tie. I'm genuinely suspicious of him for his aggressive behavior and his vague posts that refer to meta factors that don't exist.
So not much to mention from the Mission. We had about 80 posts mostly debating if we actually trusted Darryl/Tiger or not. That player swap really threw a wrench into a lot of my thoughts. If you're curious, he did call us names within 3 posts.
My other concern from it was that Mazre remained fairly inactive, like a scum who was there purely to observe any role claims, etc.
Vote: El Topo
I would appreciate it if everyone began voting as they post, rather than waiting. I'll explain my El Topo vote in a bit.
I don't know if I intend to remain a volunteer this time, but I felt better having it in my control rather than someone else.
I would appreciate it if everyone began voting as they post, rather than waiting. I'll explain my El Topo vote in a bit.
I don't know if I intend to remain a volunteer this time, but I felt better having it in my control rather than someone else.
Vote: El Topo
I would appreciate it if everyone began voting as they post, rather than waiting. I'll explain my El Topo vote in a bit.
I don't know if I intend to remain a volunteer this time, but I felt better having it in my control rather than someone else.
I've also been looking at VisualAnte2's posts and it seems that he (or she?) is very cautious when posting. Not to mention that visualante has the lowest post count from any other players.
Vote: VisualAnte2
Ourobolus, this flipflopping doesn't seem to be reflected in your tally (I don't know if it should be; it might look quite messy).
It would be nice if you could do that within the next few hours, so I can still defend myself and don't have to read through dozens of accusations when I come back to this thread tomorrow.
cooljeanius - It's hard to get a read on him. I feel that the most disconcerting part is that he rarely makes posts of his own accord and almost exclusively responds to people. Being reactionary is more scum than town.
I'm not calling for anyone else to vote for you unless they have a reason themselves.
Everyone who piled into Visualante is immediately suspect/worthy of dicussion in my book, as I mentioned in my original vote for Tiger.
We had about 80 posts mostly debating if we actually trusted Darryl/Tiger or not.
Ah, okay. Fair enough.
Vote: Darryl
Two reasons:
1) Tiger being saved yesterday was pretty miraculous.
2) I want to see what Darryl thinks of the game so far.
So, what did you all decide?
Anyway, on to the elephant in the room: squidyj and his last minute visualante2 bandwagon that turned out....disastrously.
How I see it that even if Squidyj was mafia with a PR, he still wouldn't be able to have known visual was the doctor, he
probably didn't had the opportunity yet to use his power. So that leaves two possibilities:
-Squidyj is an incredibly unlucky townie that actually believed visual was mafia and darryl (formerly known as greatlord tiger) was not
-Squidyj is an incredibly lucky mafia that tried to protect darryl (formerly known as greatlord tiger) and chose visualante because it was easy to make him suspect
Please do vote for someone though.
Night 1 no kill is interesting. Seems to suggest as mentioned above that we have either a second doctor, or perhaps a blocker, or something out of the ordinary. Blocker would be interesting as that person may have indirectly identified a KGB as well.
Second doctor seems like overkill, unless mafia have some nasty roles. Blocker seems most reasonable, since I don't see a reason mafia wouldn't kill (unless they're all on the mission, which seems unlikely), but it would be best (since as you say he might've uncovered a mafia player) to not reveal that at this point.
True, though clone Krieger fits the theme, maybe he's different in that he gains his ability only after the actual Krieger has died, stepping into his role so to speak. All conjecture of course.
I don't agree with your analysis. That said, even if I followed your logic, you forgot the third option: Squidyj could very well be neutral.
I'm not going to vote for anyone right now, because I have not thought about the past days, nor has anyone given me convincing reason to vote for anyone.
If anything, I find it weird no one has addressed the real elephant in the room, namely that no one died, even though we lost our doctor.
Outrageous thought time: Visualante couldn't heal himself, only others. Maybe there's a clone that can only protect himself?
Ezekel his claim seems bullshit to me, that could make him immortal if we manage to find/lynch honeypot. The role just seems too unbalanced to me to be true.
hmm, was wondering whether or not I should disclose this after I was pm'd, but at this time I feel safe enough knowing that I will survive easily for the majority of the game through my ability and the mission thing. Maybe someone can read into the posts from the previous day phase that I can't. I am Sterling Archer
I am unkillable at night unless I get caught by Honeypot, my one weakness.
I dont know if there was more than one kill last night, but I do know the KGB put a hit out on me and failed like the miserable bastards they are. Due to only being able to be killed by one type of KGB. I will volunteer for every mission every day phase.
If you're virtually unkillable, why did you go on a mission in the first place, EzekelRAGE? In addition, why would mafia attempt a kill during the mission, when that gives us at least a 1/3 chance of getting a mafia member? Why would you even reveal your role at this point, if all you do is to use it to justify going on missions?
I'm sorry, but...what?
That's a good point. That role claim means that town could've won the very first day. Even if we assume that Honeypot has additional safety, such as immunity during the night, that seems incredibly unbalanced in favour of town.
Ezekel his claim seems bullshit to me, that could make him immortal if we manage to find/lynch honeypot. The role just seems too unbalanced to me to be true.
I also found this really weird. My initial reaction at that time was, who the hell is Zubz, and what makes him suspicious? And then, on top of that, he got he ball rolling on Visualante, diverting a whole bunch of people who were voting for GLT/Daryl. I also wonder if that means that he is a KGB trying to protect one of his own.I know people seem to think Squidy's just an unlucky Agent who accidentally got us to bandwagon against a Power Role during the last 30 minutes of Day 1, but I still can't help but be suspicious of him. He struck me as odd before that debacle yesterday (A lot of his explanations are vague, never given, or based entirely on flavor he made, and he just exhibited generally aggressive behavior, which always attracts my suspicion), but a last second bandwagon on Vis, while throwing suspicion onto Palmer, Septimus, and myself by arguing we were in cahoots with the late Agent, just seems very suspicious to me. I mean, we were all voting for Tiger, but at the same time, so were Burb and Damn. I still don't know why the 4 of us in particular were targets.
I don't think it makes him safe from lynches. The thing is we would never have known that town has "effectively" won and gone on as usual, lynching and accusing. If he claimed this in defense of a lynch, like, "Yeah I forgot to tell you guys I technically became invincible day 1", well, I'm pretty sure people would likely lynch him based on how ridiculous it is.