I want to see what you have before el topo says anything.
My updated list of information. Feel free to poke holes if I missed something.
List of the Fallen:
Visualante2 (Lynched D1) - Doctor #1 - could protect one person at night
Zubz (Lynched D2) - Ordinary Drone
Bubeting (Killed N2) - Analyst, could listen in on the Mission night chat, could not post
RoytheOne - (Killed N2) Doctor #2, Clone - could protect one person at night AFTER Visualante was dead
Known Facts
Nobody died N1
Two deaths N2 (so Two deaths in one night is possible)
List of People in Town Each Night:
N1: TheGoddamn, roytheone, cooljeanius, Septimus Prime, Burbeting, cabbeh, Mike_Hawk, Enker, ElTopo, EzekelRage, YNNNY, Zubz, QuantumBro, Seath, Hobo, Haly, Squidy, AwesomePossum
N2: KILLED (roytheone, Burbeting) TheGoddamn, cooljeanius, Septimus, cabbeh, Mike_Hawk, Enker, YNNNY, Arkos, QuantumBro, Seath, Hobo, Haly, Squidy, AwesomePossum
Power Roles In Play
D3NEW - (Assumed) KGB Investigator Role
(Assumed) Honeypot, only one who can kill Archer
(Assumed) Neutral Serial Killer (may be same as Honeypot?)
The Volunteers
N1 - Mazre, GLT/Darryl, Palmer, Arkos
N2 - EzekelRAGE, Mazre, Palmer, Darryl
N3 - (as of right now) Mazre, SquidyJ, Cabbeh, EzekelRAGE
Assumed Facts
(Note - Yes, I did see your update on this Cabbeh but am keeping it the way I had it given tonights events)
KGB kill as a group and one person PMs the kill order
Ouro considers it a Honeypot kill if the Honeypot is in the same group as those ordering the kill (option B here is that the Honeypot must message the kill to Ouro).
D3NEW - People on a mission cant kill those in town. This is in the rules but...
D3NEW - KGB can only kill once per night
Ezekel is Archer, Honeypot exists
Ezekel had an attempt on his life N1, but not by the honeypot thus nobody died.
At least 3 KGB based on starting player total.
D3NEW - Per El Topo, apparently there are unaligned roles. Odds are high that at least one of these people is a Serial Killer role.
D3NEW - The KGB have been VERY specific with their kills. They likely have a role that can investigate or who already knows who we are.
Honeypot is NOT Palmer, Mazre or Darryl if the role is as described.
Potential Suspects:
D3REVISED - Honeypot is Neutral and needs to kill Archer to win. If this is the case, then Mazre, Darryl and Palmer are NOT the Honeypot.
D3New: Our list of suspects is TWO of the following: TheGoddamn, cooljeanius, Septimus, cabbeh, Mike_Hawk, Enker, YNNNY, Arkos, QuantumBro, Seath, Hobo, Haly, Squidy, AwesomePossum. This is the list of people who were in town N2 and relies on the assumption that people on the missions cant kill people left in town.