Because of this:Kris - Was eager to kill Squidy Day 4, see what he flipped, then kill Haly depending on that flip. Instead of killing Haly to confirm if Squid was right.
I was fixated on the four nights mistake. I was confident that squidyj had been caught with his invertebrate pants down around his ankles. And all the lying was anti-town. But I see now that withholding information is just the only way to play.Yours Truly said:There's no way he can be the cop because a cop wouldn't lie to us like that. I mean, it's just fucking bonkers, you know? So he's either KGB or non cop town and you just explained why the latter makes no sense.
Think I mentioned this post due to him asking Haly for a roleclaim.
But immediately after that post I wrote this:The One and Only said:But being KGB, such a vote could confuse and disorient. Perhaps he, and KGB, know that Haly has a power role. If he does, he should tell us now, since that is the only reason KGB would throw themselves at one person so hard.
And furthermore, once I had a change of heart and believed squidyj's claim because it was too ridiculous for kgb, I went with the popular consensus and stayed on the side of lynching Haly. Are you really going to suggest that I bussed him when all seemed hopeless? (You and Palmer took longer to vote for him than I did, so don't give me that.) Now stop nagging the most pro-town juggernaut in this agency and go put pressure MikeHawk, who didn't vote on Day 2 or Day 4, even though he had a reasonable amount to say and we had a solid case against Haly's quickly self-destructing façade.I Cry at Night said:I take it back. KGB might target Haly because a kill against him failed (in fact, that could have been last night's kill!!!) and they're convinced he's actually bulletproof or has some role that blocked them. So regardless of what the role is, which they don't know, they're trying to get him lynched today with a mad attempt at fake cop claims.
So Haly, don't role claim if you have one.![]()
Razmos did not leave because he was bored, AwesomePossum did not leave because he was bored. Don't try to re-shape others behaviour you horrible villain. This is about you and no one else.
Those were Anthony Hopkins andmost pro-town juggernaut? You wanted Topo to attempt to kill Eze and you called everyone and their mother suspicious when you initially came in.
You also posted mcdowell gifs.
You're about as scum as they cum.
Those were Anthony Hopkins and
Karl Popper you ignoramus!
They gave reasons when it happened. I'll trust them over you.
Anything to show as reasons?
Are you really going to suggest that I bussed him when all seemed hopeless? (You and Palmer took longer to vote for him than I did, so don't give me that.)
Also, the cop was replaced. What are we playing with here, a bunch of millenniiaialallss?
Ha! it's a joke see, I just instagram'd this gotcha to my 202348572 followers!
Well, at least we've now confirmed that there is a Sterling Archer in this game.
haha m8, ur just totes jelly of my insta profile!!
Look at you. Not contributing to the discussion except to take small pot shots at squidyj when there's a good chance he'll be on the mission tonight. All this activity when you usually have very little to say. In fact, you haven't said anything about Haly.
Anyways at this point, with mafia down 2 scum I'm sort of into the idea of sending scum on the mission. and in particular very much mixing up the mission teams so we can get more information about groups mafia can kill from.
if we had septimus, enker, mike, and hobo all go on the mission I'd be happy with that.
I'm pretty tired of using the mission mechanic defensively to the benefit of a few people (mazre -.-) and would rather use it offensively to help us hunt scum as we move into the later game.
Can we assume Palmer isn't cleared yet?
He was eager in Gorlak staying on the mission though, which I read as pro town if he knew Darryl.
Sorry, Gorlak. The information is pretty much against you.
1. It's claimed the now confirmed cop has checked other mission players for the night
2. You clashed with Darryl within five seconds.
3. Haly wasn't on the missions so he couldn't have tampered with results
4. Squidys theory makes sense as an alternative motive for the kill.
VOTE: Gorlak
oh, be careful for unvoting cabbehlol
Wait, what? I'm a massive scumbag!!
Anyway, I think Septie's been much better lately :> I know I was super hard on you at the beginning of the game, Septichan. But I do notice thingies and... yeah... :>
So, you noticed this, too. On the three days prior, she is quick to jump onto voting for someone who ends up being town, but then on the fourth day, she mysteriously doesn't want to vote for Haly.
are you boozin' hard already, Yeeny?
I mean a grudge with some actually decent logic behind it is alright I suppose.
You did actually vote for Haly!
of course im boozing~ its 1.01 AM on SATURDAY morning here.
beer and kfc and archer episodes \o/
Shouldn't you all be killing each other and not making lovey dovey puppy dog eyes?
i think i'm in love
To leave something useful:
Day 1 - ..#258, Lynch 1 - #1135
Day 2 - #1143, Lynch 2 - #1913
Day 3 - #1919, Lynch 3 - #2450
Day 4 - #2471, Lynch 4 - #2961
Day 5 - #2977
(shamelessly stolen idea from TheGoddamn) Ourob c&p it to post #3.
Also Vote Count please![]()
Grumpy words.
Wow, this has been a blast.
Why exactly are cabbeh AND Arkos seen as "drone" even though one could have easily copied the term? I don't know who was the first one to announce it, but somebody might have jumped onto the wagon?
Hello, fellow office drones!
Ive been buzzin about the office in anticipation of the mole hunt, because nothing gets my goat more than sniffing out and destroying some commy red KGB scum. I think our particular breed is a cheeky one, as I was printing out the latest numbers on exotic locations to spy on, I heard Back in the USSR by the Beatles playing on the stereo. Its like they want us to find them
Theres only so much one man can do on his own in the ISIS hive, but Queen M will always be casting her watchful eye on us to make sure were not just feeding Pam lots of donuts and watching her rim a ruler.
You know a lot about how many KGB there are, eh?
And just for clarity, I was volunteering because a) I want to see what it's all about, b) it's cool, duh, and c) I'm afraid yall will lynch me if I stick around because I'm new and you don't know anything about me. I'm a pleb drone, village ftw.
I think the idea of voting for volunteers is a good idea, at least to try. Another way it could work is, if we kill off a couple of mafia we could try to get all of the mafia on a mission together and see if no one gets killed that night (which they could also counter with random no-kills). Eh?
I'm very tired (had a long week and am facing an even longer weekend) so this is all I'm going to address before I join YNNNY for a Friday night eastern hemisphere boozefest
If you read the thread as you so arrogantly claimed here, you would have seen cabbeh's very first post of the game:
Emphases mine. This was his very first post on D1, when Ourob had not even posted the flavor text yet. Plus, this was the very first time the word "drone" even appeared in the thread at all. (This is the same reasoning behind our categorizing Seath as neutral long, long before he withdrew/flipped, which, you may not have read this, was accurate.) Granted, cabbeh could have a mafia role that tells him something like, "You appear as an Ordinary Drone" when investigated, what's the point of operating on that assumption at this juncture? He wasn't on the mission, and has been quite pro-town.
Not long after that (2h15m later, to be precise) Arkos also used the term "drone", its second appearance in the game.
Arkos is barely literate, having previously demonstrated fundamental misunderstandings of current events in the game, but I still believe that he's town (see that, Kris? Don't have to like how someone plays to think they're on your side). Yeah, there is the possibility that he noticed cabbeh's over-the-head role hint and copied it, but who cares about that right now? He wasn't on the mission.
Now that I've made that argument twice in the same post, however, something we should actually think about now is cross-mission abilities, which was raised in the earliest days (too tired to cite right now; if someone can find it). What if Gorlak really is a scapegoat, and the mafia used this opportunity to set Gorlak up? People were very insistent that Gorlak remain on the volunteer list yesterday.
However, again, the best way to check all of that, to open up all these possibilities, is by lynching you.
You're right. I did consider that. In any case, you did not respond to the rest of what I had to say, which is what you always insist of me. I am okay with that; however, a very general, unspecific responseMe and Palmer had info you didnt have, so when we voted really doesnt matter.
I don't know. Please elaborate.What the hell is going on with all this FUD?
At the end, when he was already doomed. Remember when I said she has weird voting patterns? I vaguely remember her voting/unvoting strangely in Day 3 as well but I will not make such a claim until I have the actual evidence.YNNNY clearly stopped voting for Haly to prevent a turbo, then reinstated her vote in the end:
Ezekel had asked me for my "bold predictions" yesterday but didn't actually mean it. He inserted it as filler to avoid suspicion that Darryl was investigative. He doesn't actually care what I think.After a relatively strong entry into this game, Kristoffer is ganking up the thread now with fluff, which is ironic because he accused Ezekel's prod for being filler (after my post calling Kris out for his whininess).
First off, Admiral Castigation, I cannot quote myself on mobile. Second, I didn't respond to those points at first because I was waaaaaay too salty, and still am.Take a look at Kris's posts after Ezekel prodded him. They're mostly filler, and don't address at all his the points from being called out. This post in particular is particularly egregious in its unreadability, because of the shit quotes:
Just because I messed up the quote tags does not mean the post was useless. It was my actual response to every point levied against me.(not quoting because the overall uselessness of this post should be seen in its full glory)
It is my achey-breaky-heart trampled by Ezekel that is fueling my emotional rampage.I don't know if Kris's sudden vendetta against YNNNY is fueling his shitposts right now.
For your information, my posting style has been consistent this entire game. Do not accuse The Kris of plagiarism.I don't know, maybe he's emulating YNNNY's style to prove a point (like, "If she can do it, why can't I?") but YNNNY's kooky posts are all well-cited, thorough, and insightful.
I will continue to. My goal coming into the game has been to be the most obvious, aggressive town player the agency has ever seen, and when after all my chaotic accusations and harebrained plans, my name calling and finger pointing, my attention seeking and frothing rabies, I am still suspected? To the point where you microanalyze even my shitposts?Don't take it personally.
I agree that this is a possibility, and I agree that lynching Gorlak is the best litmus test around.there may be someone who can be immune/present something else when investigated.
Yup, I miss Seath so much that I am going to foist ridiculous gotchas on squidyj.My last post may be from the perspective of Kristoffer being mafia and YNNNY being town, but another equally possible option is that Kris and YNNNY are both mafia and staging a feud.
Or that Kris is filling Seath's void.
How can you look into him more when he isn't present at critical momentsk? He's had nothing to say about Gorlak. He's distracting us with some weird claim. I really want to follow up on this tomorrow.QuantumBro suddenly liked me out of nowhere. Which was weird. Something to do with volunteering? IDK i will have to look into him more.
Yeah, I've been trying to make up with him since I unvolunteered yesterday but he's not biting. I really do feel bad about the entire El Topo thing considering he was probably going to yolo on the mission in order to get a 3rd kill the night after and win.KittyKris has interesting angles but poor supporting thoughts. He sure seems to be eager to fire from his hips and pounce on people like an untrained malevolent housecat but right now he's super eager to make up with ER cuz he was trying to El-Topo-ed him HARD before.... and it's a bit cringe to witness XD;;;;
But he sometimes picks up interesting tidbits, like this post where he called out Mazre for not having anything to say about Haly during the Special Jakov Expose~
I dont think Kitty's scummy .... yet. But he sort of needs to get his eyes aligned together or something cuz ... yeah. Also i didn't realise he changed his avatar lol I keep calling him KittyKris :< I need to come up with a new nick... this new avatar is so NOT cute x____x
I touched on this inconsistency a lot at the beginning of Day 4. I am certain that Ezekel made up the Honeypot to pounce on a role claim day 1 that no one could refute... even when there were two doctors the first night. It's not unfeasible.STERLING ARCHER STUFF
N3 was without kills and N4 has our first Mission kill and I can't figure these shits out.
So, I keep going back to the root of how Eze claimed Sterlingness.... like after N1 no-kill results, he came out with an explanation that he was Sterling the next day cuz he received a message that he was attacked or something. But he was in the mission on N3 and still there is no death.
Sooooo maybe there was a second Krieger-chan or a blockie on N3..... BUT can't the same be said for N1? Soooooo then, what does that mean about Eze's claim? Something's not adding up and I keep running in a weird loop. Sure there has not been a counterclaim and that is my running assumption that ER is telling the truth, but ... ugh. A thing is not clicking and it frustrates meeee >___<
Seath then came out as Conway Stern. Which was interesting cuz that's the second desc that has Sterling Archer mentioned in it.
.... ER told me that the HoneyPot in his desc is just HoneyPot without char name, but I see most of these descs that are out now has names on them. Like Seath's one has "you must kill Sterling Archer but you are now found again jewish so blahblah"
And Darryl's Lana one has "sure you're overshadowed by Sterling Archer, but blahblah"
Im paraphrasing, of course, and badly, but I just noticed that the descriptions has character names in them. I just thought it would be more consistentz if Sterling Archer's description was "you have to be wary of Katya Kazanova, the HoneyPot, cuz she's going to castrate you blahblah"
....... inconsistency makes my head curl >____>
Sorry for everything I said about youjust lettin' him know that i can feel his warm pelting against me ... like some kind of lukewarm soft pawings of a kitten whose tail i stepped on earlier
I am not. Septimus Prime wants to be on the mission for some reason, and Ezekel wants to talk about his... Power role? I missed this discussion, so if it could be reiterated that would be quite helpful.Vote: Gorlak
Everyone's had a chance to post by now.
Are we satisfied with our current mission loadout?
It's 3.31 AM now and I'm too drunk for anything else. Will check your post in the morning, kittykris~
Then she went out into the courtyard, yelled "Witness me", and passed out next to a fountain.