N3 was without kills and N4 has our first Mission kill and I can't figure these shits out.
So, I keep going back to the root of how Eze claimed Sterlingness.... like after N1 no-kill results, he came out with an explanation that he was Sterling the next day cuz he received a message that he was attacked or something. But he was in the mission on N3 and still there is no death.
Sooooo maybe there was a second Krieger-chan or a blockie on N3..... BUT can't the same be said for N1? Soooooo then, what does that mean about Eze's claim? Something's not adding up and I keep running in a weird loop. Sure there has not been a counterclaim and that is my running assumption that ER is telling the truth, but ... ugh. A thing is not clicking and it frustrates meeee >___<
Seath then came out as Conway Stern. Which was interesting cuz that's the second desc that has Sterling Archer mentioned in it.
.... ER told me that the HoneyPot in his desc is just HoneyPot without char name, but I see most of these descs that are out now has names on them. Like Seath's one has "you must kill Sterling Archer but you are now found again jewish so blahblah"
And Darryl's Lana one has "sure you're overshadowed by Sterling Archer, but blahblah"
Im paraphrasing, of course, and badly, but I just noticed that the descriptions has character names in them. I just thought it would be more consistentz if Sterling Archer's description was "you have to be wary of Katya Kazanova, the HoneyPot, cuz she's going to castrate you blahblah"
....... inconsistency makes my head curl >____>
Why are you guys steady trying to spread FUD about me? You have a cop that has cleared me but you still think I lied about HP and being targeted N1? YN, your logic for saying I'm lying doesn't really make any sense. I also stated earlier that it was specifically "the Honeypot". Which probably means that is the character's 2nd name. Like I am Sterling Archer, "the Duchess".I am certain that Ezekel made up the Honeypot to pounce on a role claim day 1 that no one could refute... even when there were two doctors the first night. It's not unfeasible.
Let's say this is true for a second (it isn't), you painting a target on me is pro town.............how?My theory at the moment is that Ezekel is a critical town role that is not bulletproof and claimed as much so that he could be protected from KGB hitmen. If Gorlak does not check out, all my accusations about Ezekel should be back on the table. B)
So if I'm reading this right, you don't care about the cop clearing me. You are going to continue to go after me because......I didnt put a blue highlight over your name? In what ways does that help town.If Ez is really a town pr, I should not be consistently pointing him out, but because I am not blue in his eyes, I will not spare him any convenience.
Also Kris, you need to unvolunteer so we can get Hobo on a mission.