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Archer [Mafia] |OT| Wait, I Had Something For This

N3 was without kills and N4 has our first Mission kill and I can't figure these shits out.

So, I keep going back to the root of how Eze claimed Sterlingness.... like after N1 no-kill results, he came out with an explanation that he was Sterling the next day cuz he received a message that he was attacked or something. But he was in the mission on N3 and still there is no death.

Sooooo maybe there was a second Krieger-chan or a blockie on N3..... BUT can't the same be said for N1? Soooooo then, what does that mean about Eze's claim? Something's not adding up and I keep running in a weird loop. Sure there has not been a counterclaim and that is my running assumption that ER is telling the truth, but ... ugh. A thing is not clicking and it frustrates meeee >___<

Seath then came out as Conway Stern. Which was interesting cuz that's the second desc that has Sterling Archer mentioned in it.

.... ER told me that the HoneyPot in his desc is just HoneyPot without char name, but I see most of these descs that are out now has names on them. Like Seath's one has "you must kill Sterling Archer but you are now found again jewish so blahblah"

And Darryl's Lana one has "sure you're overshadowed by Sterling Archer, but blahblah"

Im paraphrasing, of course, and badly, but I just noticed that the descriptions has character names in them. I just thought it would be more consistentz if Sterling Archer's description was "you have to be wary of Katya Kazanova, the HoneyPot, cuz she's going to castrate you blahblah"

....... inconsistency makes my head curl >____>

I am certain that Ezekel made up the Honeypot to pounce on a role claim day 1 that no one could refute... even when there were two doctors the first night. It's not unfeasible.
Why are you guys steady trying to spread FUD about me? You have a cop that has cleared me but you still think I lied about HP and being targeted N1? YN, your logic for saying I'm lying doesn't really make any sense. I also stated earlier that it was specifically "the Honeypot". Which probably means that is the character's 2nd name. Like I am Sterling Archer, "the Duchess".

My theory at the moment is that Ezekel is a critical town role that is not bulletproof and claimed as much so that he could be protected from KGB hitmen. If Gorlak does not check out, all my accusations about Ezekel should be back on the table. B)
Let's say this is true for a second (it isn't), you painting a target on me is pro town.............how?
If Ez is really a town pr, I should not be consistently pointing him out, but because I am not blue in his eyes, I will not spare him any convenience.
So if I'm reading this right, you don't care about the cop clearing me. You are going to continue to go after me because......I didnt put a blue highlight over your name? In what ways does that help town.

Also Kris, you need to unvolunteer so we can get Hobo on a mission.
I am not. Septimus Prime wants to be on the mission for some reason, and Ezekel wants to talk about his... Power role? I missed this discussion, so if it could be reiterated that would be quite helpful.
I don't actually care whether or not I'm on the mission. I volunteered because squidyj wants to load up the mission with the people who look the scummiest to everyone, and I'm on the top of that list. I have nothing to hide, so I volunteered, along with a few others who aren't very trusted right now.

HOWEVER, QuantumBro has some sort of plan that he's not letting us in on, and he is not unvolunteering. Seems he wants to investigate YNNNY, who just unvolunteered herself. So, maybe QB will also unvolunteer.

As for YNNNY, I don't have any grudge toward her. I do, however, think she is good at appearing as town (which I'm clearly bad at) while actually taking actions that benefit KGB, like unvolunteering just now, now that QB insinuated that he wants to use his role ability on her in the mission.
I am specifically going to ask Quantumbro to get off the volunteer list.

It's nice to want things.


It's 3.31 AM now and I'm too drunk for anything else. Will check your post in the morning, kittykris~


Why did you just unvolunteer to let someone in on the mission who is 100% town?


I saw that squidy came up with some really neat idea about volunteering. If it's all agreed with, I'm on board! Let me know and I can unvolunteer anytime~

I trust TheG who's next in queue 100%

This just reads like you were looking for any reason to unvolunteer.


Nose how to spell and rede to
Arkos is barely literate, having previously demonstrated fundamental misunderstandings of current events in the game, but I still believe that he's town (see that, Kris? Don't have to like how someone plays to think they're on your side)

Thanks buddy!
So QB is hinting at some sort of investigative role, can you just go ahead and spill it? Since we are putting guys we think may be KGB on the mission, with your hints you probably won't make it out anyway if any are.
Why are you guys steady trying to spread FUD about me? You have a cop that has cleared me but you still think I lied about HP and being targeted N1? YN, your logic for saying I'm lying doesn't really make any sense. I also stated earlier that it was specifically "the Honeypot". Which probably means that is the character's 2nd name. Like I am Sterling Archer, "the Duchess".
They were analyses, not fud, and because it will be relevant if Gorlak flips town. All possibilities must be considered. Btw: Darryl never told us he cleared you. Squidyj got it second-hand. Just for reference, where are the bold posts where he clears people? I don't have time to find them at the moment.
Let's say this is true for a second (it isn't), you painting a target on me is pro town.............how?
Actually your highness, I was explaining to YesNo why you lying about everything could still be pro-town because she is suspicious of you and I am not. So do me a solid one and crawl up out of my ass when I am on your side. Seriously, what do I have to do to prove my townness? Dealing with you is a Catch-22.
So if I'm reading this right, you don't care about the cop clearing me. You are going to continue to go after me because......I didnt put a blue highlight over your name? In what ways does that help town.
Nah, pal, you are not reading it right. I am not going after you. You are ostensibly verified by the cop but we will only treat that as fact tomorrow, if Gorlak is mafia. I just don't care if you get nightkilled because you rubbed me the wrong way all game. So... Yes, it's because of the blue highlight.

Also Kris, you need to unvolunteer so we can get Hobo on a mission.
Nah, I want to be on a mission for once. I have a few theories I want to discuss with TheGoddamn and you and I also want to be in the loop because that isolated conversation is clearly valuable. Besides, hobo was on Darryl's suspect list so I don't trust him near me.
I had the same idea as squidyj Day 3 to put people on missions that are scummy and someone brought up the excellent point that mafia could avoid a night kill that night to "frame" the people on the mission. If there is a better plan than elimination that isn't plagued by the same combinatoric explosion then I will gladly listen to it.


I had the same idea as squidyj Day 3 to put people on missions that are scummy and someone brought up the excellent point that mafia could avoid a night kill that night to "frame" the people on the mission. If there is a better plan than elimination that isn't plagued by the same combinatoric explosion then I will gladly listen to it.

I think unfortunately Gorlak stepped into a logic loop that we can’t unravel without his death. Either the people on the mission are KGB (very unlikely), the KGB screwed up by killing Lana instead of someone else to reveal that role to us all when their intent was to sow discord amongst the non-mission folks, or there is a cross-mission killer.

A CM killer seems to fly in the face of Ouro’s initial instructions that you can’t perform night roles across the border of mission/town.

So when are we looking for today to end - early or on time? If so, how early - Sunday?
Nah, pal, you are not reading it right. I am not going after you.

You know how you are going about this is all wrong and it is not pro town when you posted this.
If Ez is really a town pr, I should not be consistently pointing him out, but because I am not blue in his eyes, I will not spare him any convenience.

I just don't care if you get nightkilled because you rubbed me the wrong way all game. So... Yes, it's because of the blue highlight.
So we finally get to the problem I guess? *shrugs*

Btw: Darryl never told us he cleared you. Squidyj got it second-hand. Just for reference, where are the bold posts where he clears people? I don't have time to find them at the moment.

You are ostensibly verified by the cop but we will only treat that as fact tomorrow, if Gorlak is mafia. I just don't care if you get nightkilled because you rubbed me the wrong way all game. So... Yes, it's because of the blue highlight
Me being cleared isn't hearsay, I posted it here
I guess might as well spill the beans on the Darryl thing. For us in mission chat to know who Darryl checked, he made a system of bolding who he checked in his post. He admitted himself that Maz was clean in N2 chat. I imagine that was due to GLT using the ability. Here is him clearing me
When I was asking for bold predictions yesterday, notice I kept asking for Darryl's specifically? I just included Kris, to not throw suspicion.

You posted right after me and quoted it here:
You mean you didn't really care about what I had to say? AND I'm not town-aligned, in your eyes?

You also reference that same post again here:
Ezekel had asked me for my "bold predictions" yesterday but didn't actually mean it. He inserted it as filler to avoid suspicion that Darryl was investigative. He doesn't actually care what I think.


Found the post! I guess you’re okay. :)

I’m a bit confused - Ezekel said "Which probably means that is the character's 2nd name. Like I am Sterling Archer, “the Duchess”."

But, didn’t Seath just get revealed as Conway Stern, the Mercenary?

Not accusing Ezekel, just confused.
I’m a bit confused - Ezekel said "Which probably means that is the character's 2nd name. Like I am Sterling Archer, “the Duchess”."

But, didn’t Seath just get revealed as Conway Stern, the Mercenary?

Not accusing Ezekel, just confused.
If you are talking about what I said about the HP, I didn't get the first name in my role pm like others did when they mentioned me. I just got "the Honeypot". So the role pm of w/e is the HP would be - Jane Doe, the Honeypot.


If you are talking about what I said about the HP, I didn't get the first name in my role pm like others did when they mentioned me. I just got "the Honeypot". So the role pm of w/e is the HP would be - Jane Doe, the Honeypot.

So you’re basically saying the Honeypot still exists. Got it.


Thinking about it my dream mission team is




I’ll do you one better. I’d like to be the final vote today because I’ve had to miss all the others due to work and it’s almost my birthday. No turbo plz, I’m writing a post in Notepad just for the occasion.


We would get this phase going as shifts ramp up. Really not timed well for me. MGS V arriving yesterday also didn't help. I've had a quick read through but I don't have a whole lot to add to discussion. It seems pretty set that Grolak needs to die to get infomation about the night chat straight, would be a heck of a thing if he is scum after Squidy went in on Razmos early on. Getting the sense that YesNo and Quantumbro have something going on due to posts regarding volunteering for the mission from those pair. Not sure what the something is, if anything, but it's a feeling none the less.

I don't want to lynch Gorlak right now as I don't know how frequently I'll be posting for a day or so. Would rather the more active guys get some control over the games pace.
Why are you guys steady trying to spread FUD about me? You have a cop that has cleared me but you still think I lied about HP and being targeted N1? YN, your logic for saying I'm lying doesn't really make any sense. I also stated earlier that it was specifically "the Honeypot". Which probably means that is the character's 2nd name. Like I am Sterling Archer, "the Duchess".


Pardon me, unlike some one who has claimed his birthright crown by revealing he's Prince Sterling, some of us has had to work pretty hard by contributing and earning townie stripes. Unlike Princes Baratheons, who sits lofty in missions and not really living up to his previous games' playstyles, handing out blue names as if they are the word of gospel or something, some of us are doing what we can to tease out information from other players

Why, you ask, O Lordship~

Because there has been someone who's been super eager to be in your good books forever~ Because there has been someone who's been wanting to be your friend every step of the way~ To fall into step in whatever you're saying and to agree with you in everything that you do~ .... well, to his credits, he did sort of didn't quite fall in love with you yet.... this was way back when, though :> I've noticed that he's sort of had taken your banners now, .... which is adorable, but noticeable.

Why, you ask~ O Princeling~

Why did I question you so much? To see who will white-knight up, ....To find who will honey up to you at every chance that he gots.


This same person failed to vote at all when there was a claimed town Cop that was gunning for a suspect btw. Entirely pro-town behaviour, huh?

geez louise, give a gal some room to manuver will you v____v;;;

anyway, might been nuthin' but mike is sure one that never left my suss book even from back when. i gots my eyes on you, hawkyboy~

PS. Yeah,........ it still bothers me though that the honeypot is nameless. I thought the desc would have like yeah ... "beware of Rona Thorne, the HoneyPot" or some such, but w/e....... *pelts Ouro* I have OCD, little inconsistencies drives me mad >_____< srrry

It's nice to want things.

Why did you just unvolunteer to let someone in on the mission who is 100% town?

This just reads like you were looking for any reason to unvolunteer.

.... uh idonno if you missed it but town is trying to put together specific names to send into the mission. and i donno if you double missed it but i've been saying i wanna halp make this happen. squidy picked a few names he's interested in, and squidy's gambit netted us a nikolai jakov yesterday so he's perdy awesome in my book atm.

i has faith theG will make the right decision ... he's awesomely town in my book. You, not so much. I donno what you are trying to do with the mission, but it's weird.


Why Mazre?

why not mazre?

I think there's a sincere possibility that mazre is Crenshaw (Kremenski) a KGB Mole at ISIS. He shows up in the very first episode.

I think if that's the case the KGB is trying to play a long game with Kremenski. and that there's the possibility that Mazre AND Gorlak are both mafia with Gorlak taking the fall for this kill.

With that said, outside of those two septimus is my likeliest target for being a mafia, I think if Gorlak doesn't flip Honeypot then my supposition is that Septyboy is our HP so I don't feel good about sending Zeke and Septimus on a mission together.

We had 2 anti-town neutral roles that bolstered the mafia so I think it's possible there were only 4 mafia to start with. So I want to see mazre and septimus on the mission and zeke not on the mission, and then finish off the mission team with 2 other players that are coming off as scum.
What are your reasons for thinking I'm the Honeypot?

Mazre being a KGB who scans as town is certainly a possibility, though, but how will you know if you stack the mission with a bunch of people you think are KGB? If that's the case, since Mazre scanned clean, all he would have to do is kill someone, and the rest of us would get blamed (or at least lynched for verification), just like Gorlak.


What are your reasons for thinking I'm the Honeypot?

Mazre being a KGB who scans as town is certainly a possibility, though, but how will you know if you stack the mission with a bunch of people you think are KGB? If that's the case, since Mazre scanned clean, all he would have to do is kill someone, and the rest of us would get blamed (or at least lynched for verification), just like Gorlak.

That's fine, it's better odds for town to lynch mafia and if the kill takes place on the mission time and again we can send a smaller group in 2 days and just win the game.



Septimus Prime

I think this is the current list. I would like everyone on the mission to drop it and for mazre to volunteer.
I honestly don't see anyone on the current volunteer list dropping. QB seems to have his own agenda, and Ezekel would be taking a pretty big risk to leave the relative safety of the mission pool. I have no idea what Kristoffer's plan is.

I'm curious what squidyj and QB's role abilities are, though--especially squidy's, which has limited charges.


I honestly don't see anyone on the current volunteer list dropping. QB seems to have his own agenda, and Ezekel would be taking a pretty big risk to leave the relative safety of the mission pool. I have no idea what Kristoffer's plan is.

I'm curious what squidyj and QB's role abilities are, though--especially squidy's, which has limited charges.

I have to say I find the amount of pushback I'm getting from you on this plan to be very interesting and it really makes me want to see it go ahead because I consider you basically my top scum in the game right now. I'm very curious what will happen.

If people don't want to drop from the current mission team they're really going to need to justify themselves right now IMO, because I think this is a pretty good plan.
I have to say I find the amount of pushback I'm getting from you on this plan to be very interesting and it really makes me want to see it go ahead because I consider you basically my top scum in the game right now. I'm very curious what will happen.

If people don't want to drop from the current mission team they're really going to need to justify themselves right now IMO, because I think this is a pretty good plan.
Yes, I know I'm at the top of your list. I think I'm at the top of a few peoples' lists. That's fine, since there's nothing I can actually say that will convince people that I'm clean.

So why do I keep asking questions, even though I'm still volunteering? It's because I'm screwed. Here's what I think is going to happen, assuming the current volunteers drop: I go on the mission, and if I don't get night killed (which isn't all that likely if KGB want to keep the top suspects, like me, in play), if anyone on the mission dies, most likely I get lynched. And if no one dies, then probably I get lynched for being suspicious. So there's a 66% chance I'm boned here, unless someone outside the mission gets night killed.

Meanwhile, I have no idea what your ability even is. What if it's something you can do from outside that affects players in the mission? That would make it really easy for you to push even more suspicion on me.
Oh didn't see the stuff about QB wanting to inves me??? I mean both of us had been outside of the missions for many nights, not sure why he hasn't investigated me... Anyway, he can just unvolunteer and inves me outside. Let squidy try out the names he wants to send into the mission.
Oh didn't see the stuff about QB wanting to inves me??? I mean both of us had been outside of the missions for many nights, not sure why he hasn't investigated me... Anyway, he can just unvolunteer and inves me outside. Let squidy try out the names he wants to send into the mission.
My guess is that his ability might not be able to target anyone specifically. Like, maybe he can scan the pool of players he's with and find out whether there are any KGB in there. This wouldn't work so well in the larger player pool.
My guess is that his ability might not be able to target anyone specifically. Like, maybe he can scan the pool of players he's with and find out whether there are any KGB in there. This wouldn't work so well in the larger player pool.

Then he should have always been in the missions?????

And maybe can you like... NOT answer for other people cuz it be convolutin the waters unnecessarily ( a thing that I thought you had decided to stop doing...>___> I guess I was wrong after all).... And with such dumb speculation, too
Then he should have always been in the missions?????

And maybe can you like... NOT answer for other people cuz it be convolutin the waters unnecessarily ( a thing that I thought you had decided to stop doing...>___> I guess I was wrong after all).... And with such dumb speculation, too
Didn't you tell me not to do that? But thanks for the random hyper hostility.

It's not like QB is talking.
Didn't you tell me not to do that? But thanks for the random hyper hostility.

It's not like QB is talking.

I told you not to 'stfu'. Like come with your own ideas and theories. I didn't ever tell you to answer for another poster. The first is your own contributions. The second is speculating on the behalf of someone else who still can clarify the issues on their own.

Hostility? Oh wow sorry, sensitive soul. After witnessing the new hole they tore into Gorlak, I thought my level would be considered... mild. But okies, I will now treat you with delicate gloves.

I told you not to 'stfu'. Like come with your own ideas and theories. I didn't ever tell you to answer for another poster. The first is your own contributions. The second is speculating on the behalf of someone else who still can clarify the issues on their own.

Hostility? Oh wow sorry, sensitive soul. After witnessing the new hole they tore into Gorlak, I thought my level would be considered... mild. But okies, I will now treat you with delicate gloves.

My guess is that his ability might not be able to target anyone specifically. Like, maybe he can scan the pool of players he's with and find out whether there are any KGB in there. This wouldn't work so well in the larger player pool.
Or am I filling his mouth with my guesses here? My guess is* maybe?

*I don't want to insinuate that you said this, QuantumBro.
Or am I filling his mouth with my guesses here? My guess is* maybe?

*I don't want to insinuate that you said this, QuantumBro.

Yesh, thankie. Your guess that his ability is pool-based is totally consistent with how many times he has volunteered in the past. Okies.

Very apologies for hurting your feelings.


Just as a reminder in case it was forgotten in the catfight between yeeny and septy.
I very much want to send this team on the mission. please read above for argumentation

This is the current list

Septimus Prime

Therefore I would like everyone who is actually on the mission to drop it and for mazre to volunteer.


My protection, knowing someone is town. As it seems, you don't even trust Maz.

Why did you want Darryl to stay on the mission last day phase?

because he was the cop and deserved protection and there'd be someone for him to check that he didn't like.
tell me what keeping sterling archer alive does for us. what's sterling archer's night action? what special information does he generate for town? oh wait his entire deal is being harder to kill? thats exactly why we shouldn't really be protecting you.
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