It’s hype. Everyone is talking about that new game, it’s on twitch, reviewers say it’s great. So you enthusiastically buy it. You play it and are like this is great! Then you wake up the next morning, the honeymoon period is over, and you’re like
Of course. Gamers are just people and not i.pervious to being unthinking, band wagon riding mindless fucking idiot sheep that feel a need to just go along with popular opinion without any first hand knowledge or experience just because they want to be a part of something. Or they simply want to be contrarians and want thing to hate something that's popular by joining a group with a popular opinion against said thing for no reason.
Death stranding is a prime example. You couldn't go anywhere without seeing people just repeating the same phrases as the others over and over again with no real thought put into it. They would just parrot others. Like "yeah play as a ups man this game sucks" and this was going on like 5 or 6 months before the game came out. And after it came out those same retards are still just regurgitating the same old shit when they obviously didn't actually play it.
It's not really a gamer thing. It's more of a people thing. For example, Rise of Skywalker imo was a great movie. It's not a perfect movie, but a great movie. When the reviews came out a ton of people just decided they were not going to watch this movie and decided it was bad because their favorite youtuber said it sucked. I talked to people who had not even seen it and their mind was already made up that it was bad.
I've never liked a game because of other people, but I have tried games based on popular opinion. I tried Dishonored because it got nearly universal acclaim. It turned out to be garbage. On the flip side, people bitch about Wolfenstein II, but it's a legitimately great game.
Herd mentality is a very real, well documented phenomenon, and one of the reasons companies happily spend so much money on 'Influencers'.
Honestly, even those of us capable of the kind of introspection and willpower needed to overcome such manipulation more often than not succumb to it. It's a very deeply ingrained survival instinct.