What is Vampire Bloodlines and why do people reinstall it?
It's basically Deus Ex with far better voice acting. Incredible game.
It was released in a bad state, though. Fan patches saved it.
What is Vampire Bloodlines and why do people reinstall it?
It's now uninstalled but I still have the settings.xml file. Here you go
Also, you could check if "high performance mode" is enabled in the power options and in nvidia control panel, because you should definitely be getting much more out of your setup.
"Slightly incorrect" lmfao.
How the hell is it slightly incorrect? Would calling Uncharted the best 1st person shooter be only slightly incorrect?.
That's true, it fell off pretty hard and has just been downhill since. Even the competitive scene has been dying.SC2 failed pretty hard due to Blizzard not caring about it. Failed in the long run is what I mean, it's pretty dead.
What is Vampire Bloodlines and why do people reinstall it?
My thoughts.
We're about to. Steam Link and steam controller will bring in more people. The variety of games and studios of all different sizes is probably as good as it has ever been. AAA multiplatform stuff from consoles is getting better and better on PC (still needs some improvement, but Arkham Knight wouldn't have been fixed a couple of years ago).
VR is going to have a really healthy impact across the board... increasing the demand for computing power and getting a good chunk of people to upgrade will give developers of regular titles way more power to play with and a bigger market of people to reach.
That's not even thinking about how awesome VR is going to be on PCs. Think of everyone who is going to get a gaming PC or upgrade a lagging one over the next year or so in order to be able to enjoy some VR titles. That increase in high end PCs available for developers to target is going to make the whole PC gaming infrastructure a lot healthier.
This time next year, I reckon we will be in that golden age.
...I'm waiting for the return of RTS before declaring victory, though, space sims certainly are a step in the right direction.
Have you checked out Divnity and Pillars?from a convenience perspective it's great and re-releases/archival has never been easier but the late 90s, early 00s had far more interesting games.
kickstarter crpgs are neat and all but honestly the couple i've played (wasteland 2, shadowrun dragonfall) feel like b-level retreads that dont measure up to those late 90s classics.
Have you checked out Divnity and Pillars?
Yup.It's basically Deus Ex with far better voice acting. Incredible game.
It was released in a bad state, though. Fan patches saved it.
??It's a meme. I've seen that line used for 4 or 5 games now.
I think VR will be really, really cool, and very successful over the long term, but I think that it's going to have some harsh growing pains for the first few years. We're going to have a lot of competing headsets, API's, exclusivity, etc. If anything, it'll kill the current golden age until stuff gets sorted out. At least just IMO.
See this guy gets it. And nobody wants to play Dark Souls on keyboard or hunched over at a monitor. I worked all day at a monitor and all I want to do when I get home is sink into my comfy couch and play with my console that just works, y'know?
This is wrong. I'm sure someone could actually get stats together but having lived through that, I'd say there are more games and at better quality now more than ever. Of course there have been a lot of changes and losses / gains of great developers / studios / publishers
My PC sits behind my TV. I don't see it, and it's more quiet than my consoles. And everything I want to play on it works. Modern operating systems, the wireless Xbox 360 controller and HDMI were a blessing for PC gaming. I'm not getting a console this generation, unless Gran Turismo 7 is the best thing ever or Final Fantasy XV stays exclusive to the PS4.
In what way are many indies similar?I disagree, while quality has improved, most experiences can be had elsewhere. I remember the originality of PC games in the 90s/early 2000s and thinking, damn, I've gotta get a PC. The experiences just seemed so unique to the platform and it felt like they were tailor-made to take advantage of what a PC could do. Today, it's multi-plats, indies (many of which are crazy similar) and the odd original game.
For people with money. We have to be clear about that. As long as you need a new 300 euros GPU every 2 years to play medium-high settings(console settings in other words), then it's a no-go for millions of people.
More genre variety including genres not available on consoles, cheaper prices thanks to Steam, mods, compatibility with games released decades ago...
I'd say we're more on the peak of a new silver age like thing that's on the verge of blossoming into a golden age if the growth we've seen in the last 5 years keeps pace.
I just wish amd would get competitive enough to put another fire under the ass of intel so we could start seeing real cpu gains again...
Is there a game today that isnt playable at 4k on a 980 or 980ti, though?
In what way are many indies similar?
For people with money. We have to be clear about that. As long as you need a new 300 euros GPU every 2 years to play medium-high settings(console settings in other words), then it's a no-go for millions of people.
Because I have dual GTX980s and I see what it takes to max out games. I know what im talking about
No, we already entered the current PC gaming golden age around the end of 2013 and beginning of 2014
And the most important point of it for me is one you don't mention:
- A return to form for classic PC genres such as (above all) CRPGs, but also P&C adventures, space sims, building games, 4x, etc.
I was more shocked that somehow a console that doesn't change at all during it's life somehow doesn't need upgrades but if you want to play on PC then you need to spend $300 on a GPU every 2 years just to make it comparable to a console... Do console GPUs have nanomachines or something?
We just need some Dragon Quest love.
It's basically Deus Ex with far better voice acting.
See this guy gets it. And nobody wants to play Dark Souls on keyboard or hunched over at a monitor. I worked all day at a monitor and all I want to do when I get home is sink into my comfy couch and play with my console that just works, y'know?
Well im open for discussion. I'd like you to show me Witcher 3 running on High Settings on a 3 yeals old 300 euros GPU!
Then I will defnitely be wrong. No harm in being wrong.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Just because of your last comment I find this hard to believe. As a matter of fact I'm calling you out on this.
I have only ever seen it for this game and it's pretty well deserved, I say.
As you said, PC games in the past were literally built for the hardware and it showed.
IIRC, recent data mining showed a lot of steam accounts only had one or two games attached, reducing the "real users" considerably.
Most players will agree that the best current P&C games don't come close to the 90's titles.
I was more shocked that somehow a console that doesn't change at all during it's life somehow doesn't need upgrades but if you want to play on PC then you need to spend $300 on a GPU every 2 years just to make it comparable to a console... Do console GPUs have nanomachines or something?
We just need some Dragon Quest love.
That's too bad. Of all the recent CRPGs it's the one which probably has the best claim to not only measure up favourably to the very best of the genre, but actually surpass them in some aspects. In my opinion, it features the best battle system overall in any party-based RPG.divinity doesn't interest me
For people with money. We have to be clear about that. As long as you need a new 300 euros GPU every 2 years to play medium-high settings(console settings in other words), then it's a no-go for millions of people.
As long as you need a new 300 euros GPU every 2 years to play medium-high settings(console settings in other words), then it's a no-go for millions of people.
a glance at our annual P&C thread suggests there's quite a few excellent titles nonetheless, covering a pretty wide range of styles and approaches.
Same here. Only reason I still want/need a PS4.
More and more JRPGs are coming to PC in recent years, so there's hope.
I believe Verendus said all the PS4 DQ games are coming to the west, and DQ10 was recently announced for PS4. Hopefully SE will bring the PC version along with it.
I've been playing PC games before of course (TF2, Minecraft, etc)
Feels a bit like it, yeah.
Last gen I had little interest in owning a Gaming PC. Right now I'm saving up to get into it.
One of the biggest factors keeping me away from PC gaming in the past (aside from economical factors) was the limited amount of japanese games. But that seems to be turning around, now you have stuff like Metal Gear V, Tales of and even Naruto coming to PC on launch day and older console only japanese games getting enhanced PC editions like Valkiria Chronicles and Dragon's Dogma.
I'm still happy with my Ps4, and the fact that most of my friends are on PSN means that it will continue to be my go-to place for online gaming even once I get a PC. But I'm definitely looking forward to getting into PC gaming in a few months