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Are you addicted to social media?

Are you addicted to social media?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 9.6%
  • No

    Votes: 94 90.4%

  • Total voters


Gold Member

How Common Is Social Media Addiction?​

Rates of social media addiction are sadly growing each year. With 56.8% of the world’s population active on social media, it’s believed that rates of social media addiction will also rise over the coming years.

Social Media Addiction Statistics by Age​

Teens and young adults are by far the largest age group affected by social media addiction.

Because many young people experience FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), they feel obligated to be on social media despite the mental health issues excessive use of social media can cause.

According to Statista, rates of self-reported social media addiction by age group include:

  • 18 to 22 years old: 40% of Americans self-reported being addicted to social media
  • 23 to 38 years old: 37% of Americans self-reported being addicted to social media
  • 38 to 54 years old: 26% of Americans self-reported being addicted to social media
  • 55 to 64 years old: 21% of Americans self-reported being addicted to social media

Social Media Addiction Statistics by Gender​

When it comes to self-reporting social media addiction, it appears at first glance that women are more likely to have social media addiction than men.

Statista reports the following rates of social media addiction per gender:

  • 34% of women admit they are somewhat addicted to social media, with 11% admitting they are undoubtedly addicted to social media.
  • 26% of men admit they are somewhat addicted to social media, with 7% admitting they are undoubtedly addicted to social media.
Although women tend to self-report a higher addiction to social media than men, recent studies have found that men may actually be more likely to develop social media addiction than women.



We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Definitely hooked on Discord. Not addicted in the algorithmic, targeted content way that FB, Instagram etc. get people, but definitely spend all day making sure channels are read.


Sadly, I have to be on them for work (communications consultancy can't operate without some bloody social media) and that dribbles well over into my down time as well.


Using the internet for various reasons, yeah i am, actual social media sites like Facebook, Tiktok or X etc no i rarely use them


I didn't realize Youtube counted as social media. It and Reddit are the only ones I use of the ones listed in the article. Youtube daily and Reddit every so often. I'm not sure if it's age or personality, but Facebook, Twitter, etc. have just never appealed to me.
Deactivated Facebook a couple of months ago. Kept messenger because my mom uses it to keep in contact, she doesn’t have a smart phone. Some times I miss the socialization and want to go back, then I remember how much of a cesspool it has become. So I wouldn’t quite say addicted, as much as a little reliant for human comms.


The only thing I use that would be considered Social Media is NeoGAF. I don’t have Facebook, Instagram, My Space, etc because my employer watches it very closely (but NeoGAF flies under their radar). I have seen several good teachers get written up, fired, etc due to posts they put up about the district.
I read GAF and use 9gag quite a lot but I would not say that I'm addicted. I like to pass time with it. If there is a good conversation with someone to be had I don't even think about using my phone.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
I imagine some people probably don't realise this forum js a form of social media and will be checking in multiple times a day.


I probably spend more time on GAF than I should.

I don't spend any time on instagram, facebook, Tik Tok and the likes.
Only have an Instagram account for my business.


Sometimes i wished I was like nush nush and had a day to day update regarding purple and transgenders.

Such dedication ...

The Daily Show Wow GIF by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah


Simps for Amouranth
Absolutely none of my mates are on it, no one I know uses it outside of a few acquaintance's and the odd family member and my kids know not to even dare ask me to put Tiktok/Facebook/Insta/Snap/Grindr on their mobiles


I’ve kind of weaned myself off of it aside from Reddit and Threads mostly because I follow accounts that cover breaking news: I try to stay away from fandom and other bullshit where it’s easy to get into ultimately fruitless arguments with people whose opinions I don’t agree with or respect. Facebook has basically died for me since its just the same old boring shit from people I used to know (weddings, kids, graduation) and now we’re in a middle aged lull where it morphs into bragging about said kids, divorces, remarriages and vacations and the occasional political hot take and after that funeral announcements I guess?
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
From a "posting on social media" standpoint, no. I was for a while when I had an Instagram blow up, and I became a minor influencer in a certain hobby's online culture. That got exhausting and I quit doing that as I have a great career and I'd never top the money from that in this particular niche , but I made a ton of IRL friends from the whole thing so that was a bonus.

As far as reading social media? Maybe.. but I do take days off from it, very often entire weekends since I keep myself busy and do gobs of drugs and being twacked out on the internet is a bad idea, man.


Gold Member
I deleted all of my socials years ago because I was being stalked. It was the most liberating experience.
Good for you.

BTW, move the flowers on the table a little to your left, it's covering the part of your face I like most while you sleep :D


In my opinion, social media use isn't necessarily an addiction but a natural extension of communication in today's digital age. Personally, I enjoy platforms like Reddit and Quora for connecting with people and discussing various topics. These interactions help me overcome social anxiety and shyness.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
I deleted my Facebook and Twitter accounts a while back.

BUT, I still visit this and another gaming forum daily, which of course is 100% social media.


I don't have X, Instagram, and deleted Facebook years ago. I do visit Gaf more than I should and I would almost consider YouTube to be a form of social media as it is great at making me and my daughter dumberer each day.

Mr Hyde

No. I check my FB and Instagram once a week. Just looking in on what friends do. I never scroll or sit for hours following people and their lives. GAF is the only site I check regularly and hang out in (if you can call it social media). I'm not much for the Internet in general, I only use it for research and gaining information and knowledge, like it was intended to.


I don't think so at least. I use facebook for the marketplace and browse twitter from time to time. I dont post picks or upload anything tho.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins

I used to use Twitter a lot (refuse to call it X), but that place is a cesspit of some of the most toxic and hateful people on the planet.

It's just millions of people locked inside their echo chambers and becoming more hateful.

Leaving that site did wonders for my mental health.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
Ive slowly been weening myself off various social media.

Facebook I deleted the app off my phone and keep it not logged in in the android browser or my browser on my PCs. If I need something I log in, check it and be sure to always log out completely after.

Instagram I deleted the app off my phone and I only use it through the browser I use on android. Its a bit more cumbersome than the app and it cuts down on my mindless browsing (also less adds I think).

Besides that I dont really use anything else besides GAF.
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