Wow great timing.
So we actually managed to get 5 guys together last night with no wives or kids. We love wives and kids, but alone, there was nothing to stop us from regressing into children ourselves. We planned it last week and we agreed on playing many games.
Despite working close by, I would get there last. So the night before I went over and brought a saturn, hdmi converter, and my solid collection of 2-player games.
So when I got there, I couldn't believe what I saw. There was a fold out table in the family room, with a second tv, a snes, a nes, and a pile of games on it. And next to my saturn on the big tv was a fucking 3DO with basically every worthwhile 2P game. Battlesport, Start Control 2, Return Fire.
We were flipping games out left and right as everyone took turns shuffling through this massive combined collection of retro games. The other consoles and games there were more like keepsakes of my friends. I'm the only one you would call a collector. So the saturn stole the show with Elevator Action Returns, Cho Aniki, and Layer Section.
God damn it was magical. Too bad we could only manage it on a work night because it was over all too fast.