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Juggernaut done. I think I found a cheese?
Good booster, fly above him, charge linear rifle, shoot rifle from above him, circumventing his armor, bosoters charge because you stop in the air when shooting linear rifle, repeat+sword
if you do the tutorial missions and unlock vertical missiles, you can kill him while taking a nap


Nearing the end of chapter 3. My new combo is double gatling guns and double 5 pulse missiles. Might even go back to fight balteus again.


Gold Member
Anyone know if this is a reasonable bundle?

This game is making me take the upgrade leap. The ol 7700k isn't cutting it. Will be paired with a 1080GTX.


Gold Member
The ol 7700k isn't cutting it.

Have you tried the changing the core affinity in Task Manager?

Task Manager > Details > armoredcore6.exe > Right Click Set Affinity > Unmark CPU 0

I also have a 7700k and I was getting shit performance until I did that and I went from sub-50 ish fps with stuttering to a solid 90 and no stuttering.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Anyone know if this is a reasonable bundle?

This game is making me take the upgrade leap. The ol 7700k isn't cutting it. Will be paired with a 1080GTX.

Not really i would say?

This is a better deal. I would pick 7700x way before a 12900k. It's AMD's last gen and not a dead end socket at the very least.


Gold Member
So I have given up for now, the joke is I just spent £210 on a duelsense edge. Two reasons, first my second duelsense just got stick drift (not ideal) and second ASSUALT BOOST! oh god I fucking HATE! this addition and the fact many of the games fights are balanced around it. Because they obviously didn't have enough fucking buttons on the controller which is why it's mapped to L3 and goes off all the fucking time by accident during a boss fight, and its got me killed repeatedly. I don't think I have screamed "no why the fuck are you doing that?" At the TV for close for a decade, I feel so out of control.

It's getting its ass mapped to a paddle and that's that, fuck assualt boost.
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First boss down. That has to be one of the more annoying helicopter fights I've had. Still very doable though.
I waited a few days before deciding to pick it up because of the difficulty I’ve heard a lot about. I loved all the Souls games and Bloodborne but burned out after 50 hours of Elden Ring. I just got tired of constantly having to be at that level of play in order to progress.

I got AC this afternoon and beat the helicopter after two tries. I tried ranged and got my ass kicked then went melee and barely took damage. I’m sure it gets much more difficult but I’m happy it’s such a departure from the traditional Souls-like gameplay.
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Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Just finished chapter 3. Epic and fun final boss there.

Went dual Curtis and it’s been night and day since. Gun has made short work of every encounter and every level. Can strap anything to shoulders and just melt stuff. No need to charge up the rifle either just spam. My poor fingers have taken a massive beating though.

Just unlocked what seems to be upgraded versions of a Curtis rifle in chapter 4 start. I’ll need to test them in the A rank arenas later to see if they are but if they aren’t I’m going back to Curtis lol.


Man, the boss fight at Jorgen Refueling Station was hype. Also had the STRIDER level scale at the beginning of this chapter.


Beat first ending. Chapter 4 boss was tough, final boss I demolished in one try. NG+ is looking good. Fun as hell game


Finally got round to starting this last night after wrapping up Destiny new season week and my god I can see why people are struggling with the Tutorial boss, it did take me a few attempts, some of its attacks are kinda hard to dodge or look delayed making it harder, but I did it and a few of the sortie missions before realising my Controller stick is drifting so stopped for now (gonna pick up the Starfield controller later today)


Updated the OP with some missing sections and a text version of the OT, as well as some additional guides for those interested.

How to Get S-Ranks?​

  • No Checkpoints: Don’t restart checkpoints, they void S-Rank. Must finish the mission in one life. You are allowed to use “Restart Mission” without quitting out of the mission.
  • Speed: Finish Mission in fastest time possible. This is the most important ranking factor! For example, in Mission 4 I did S-Rank by flying past all enemies and just doing all objectives. Then I ran the same mission again and waited 5 minutes at the start and proceeded to finish the mission with even better payout in the results screen but only got C-Rank. The conclusion is that time alone can lower the rank from S to C even if you do everything else perfectly without taking any damage.
  • Damage Taken: This is shown as the “Repair Costs” in the results screen. The lower your repair cost the better. In most missions this seems to have little to no impact on the rank and is far outweighed by getting a faster time. Since you aren’t allowed to restart checkpoints you can’t take much damage anyway to finish it in one life (using repair kits is fine).
  • Ammunition Consumed: This is shown as the “Ammunition Costs” in the results screen. This has little to no impact in most missions and is far outweighed by getting a faster time. It doesn’t count how many shots you fired but rather how much the expended ammo costs. You can see the ammo cost for each weapon in the Assembly Menu > open the detailed Arm/Back menu > press
    to “Toggle Display” > look for “Ammunition Cost” on each weapon. You can also filter weapons by ammo cost per shot used: in the detailed Arm/Back menu press
    to “Sort” and select the bottom option “Ammunition Cost”. This will show the cheapest per shot at the top. Generally, the ammo cost will come out to about the same regardless of what weapons you use, because weapons with higher cost per shot deal more damage, and weapons with lower cost per shot (such as Gatling Gun) require a lot of ammo for one kill. So it evens out regardless. Just use whatever has the fastest kill speed. Melee weapons don’t consume ammo and have no cost associated with them, however they have a cooldown and would increase the time taken to finish the mission. It’s generally better to pick whatever has the fastest kill speed (dual-wielding gatling guns is good) and get a faster time to make up for the ammo cost.
  • Killing Specific Enemies / other special Conditions: The game doesn’t tell you this, but some missions can only be S-ranked if you do optional objectives or kill specific optional enemies that hold Combat Logs. For example, in “Mission 6: Attack the Dam Complex” I ran the mission perfectly and got 183,000 COAM in payout screen but only ever got A-Rank. Then I killed the optional Combat Log enemies but got S-Rank with only 120,000 COAM payout. The conclusion is that some missions cannot be S-Ranked unless you do the “hidden” requirement. Generally, if the mission description says there is bonus pay for certain actions they can be mandatory for S-Rank.

Overall, the game is very intransparent about how it calculates S-Ranks. It doesn’t give you any feedback on your time and doesn’t show the exact requirements anywhere. It also applies ranks very inconsistently from one mission to the next. Which requirement it puts more weight on changes from mission to mission. Some missions you could run 50 times perfectly but always get A-Rank because you didn’t kill one specific enemy somewhere. Another issue is that Combat Log enemies are no longer marked once you’ve killed them once on a previous playthrough. These enemies aren’t always mandatory for S-Ranks but in some missions you will never the S unless you defeat them.

The biggest ranking factor by far is time taken. The payout at the end of the mission generally doesn’t seem to have huge impact. I often got S Ranks with vastly lower payout (e.g. 120k got me S-Rank but 180k would get me A-Rank), but just being faster or doing optional objectives and killing all enemies. Each mission is a case of trial and error.
Thank you for the link btw, added this to the OP.


I could not care less about this game, but youtube algorith just decided to place one of the tracks on its soundtrack to my playlist and fuck me this is good



finally took down Cinder with pure melee, im staying pure and true to my only melee build for now.
Found out that with enough truster distance on your melee attacks and using a punch between 2 melee weapons i was able to never touch the ground and chase Cinder around the whole fight.
I think ill kill it again just to record it, was playing on the TV on BigScreen for a change, damn this game looks pretty with HDR in 4k, since there is no much competition, its probably the best looking mecha game ever.


Gold Member
Oh yeah, fucked up that spider real good with dual Songbirds, firing both will instantly build 80% stagger, charged shots with Curtis rifle, close in with piston spike when vulnerable, my fully upgraded Assault Armor did some heavy lifting too, love this game.


Started playing last night on Steamdeck, the tutorial boss kicked my ass two times until I listened to the guy telling me to use mobility to evade the explosions on the ground. Still have to get better at maneuver in mid air, I've missed the chopper a bunch of times with melee attacks. Then I did one more mission before I got lost in the AC customisation menu lol of my "play time" a not insignificant part has been spent painting my AC in Gundam colours 😂


Moderated wildly
Bought. Tutorial done and whooped the choppers arse. All on rog ally getting 60fps with dips into the 50s at 720p. Looks amazing on the screen and god damnnnnn this game feels good.

Cant wait to fire up on my 4090 system once I'm back from a day out lego hunting with the kids.

Glad I bought this. I know I'm going to adore it


Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
It's remarkable how FROM transerfed the feeling of freedom and exploration from an open world game like Elden Ring into a focused experience like this.

Giallo Corsa

Gold Member
How’s it looking/playing on the ps5?

It's OK - explosions look nice (good motion blur too) but other than that it's the typical FROM showing, the framerate fluctuations/ transitions between cinematics and gameplay is jarring as are the various frame drops.
VRR does help but it still feels like something is "off".

In other news, I have a problem with a couple of things so far :

- Lack of hit feedback, both for when you get hit and when you hit enemies.
On the 1st Heli-boss for example, you can get hit by a barrage of Gatling rounds or rockets, watch you health bar getting halved and yet you can't quite understand how you got hit since there's no proper hit feedback in the form of (proper) vibration , sounds etc.

- Some UI elements : everything looks small and not very readable - especially when it comes to missile lock-on and (hard) target lock.
The former is a small yellow quarter circle inside your targeting crosshair which in the thick of battle gets somewhat lost/not easily readable with the latter exhibiting the same problem with readability since they're 2 quarter white circles inside your already white targeting crosshair which can also lead to confusion (i.e : can't understand easily whether you have target-locked an enemy or not leading to some bad camera moments).

Hope I get used to it 'cause the readability thing is giving me a hard time so far - half of the time I don't know whether I missile locked an enemy or not .

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Gold Member
Credits! Final boss just as good as ch4 but so damn hard I ended up cheesing it and I hate myself for it, rule no1 for NG+ - no dual gatling 18k AP tank


Gold Member
It's OK - explosions look nice (good motion blur too) but other than that it's the typical FROM showing, the framerate fluctuations/ transitions between cinematics and gameplay is jarring as are the various frame drops.
VRR does help but it still feels like something is "off".

In other news, I have a problem with a couple of things so far :
- Lack of hit feedback, both for when you get hit and for when you hit enemies.
On the 1st Heli-boss for example, you can get hit by a barrage of Gatling rounds or rockets, watch you health bar getting halved and yet you can't quite understand how you got hit since there's no proper hit feedback in the form of (proper) vibration , sounds etc.

- Some UI elements : everything looks small and not very readable - especially when it comes to missile lock-on and (hard) target lock.
The former is a small yellow quarter circle inside your targeting crosshair which in the thick of battle gets somewhat lost/not easily readable with the latter exhibiting the same problem with readability since they're 2 quarter white circles inside your already white targeting crosshair which can also lead to confusion (i.e : can't understand easily whether you have target-locked an enemy or not leading to some bad camera moments).

Hope I get used to it 'cause the readability thing is giving me a hard time so far - half of the time I don't know whether I missile locked an enemy or not .

What hits you without much hit feedback are the residual explosions from explosive weapons, you dodge the direct hit on the ground but the blast still hit your life bar.

If you jump or fly a bit you should avoid that type of danger (if you also avoid the direct hit), it's tricky because you don't have unlimited juice to stay on the air so you have to time it (unless you use tetrapod legs)

It's hard to master when you are used to other games where a roll is enough and you have invincibility frames while doing it.
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Gold Member
Weapons and armour.
Is there something in chapter 1 or they start from later chapters? also, do you reveal them with the sonar?

last question, is it like at least one part for mission or they are super rare?

p.s. you are not talking about those things you find around the levels that unlock new weapons the more you collect them right? you are talking about directly discovering a chest with a new weapon.
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Gold Member
for anyone with a 7900X3D or 7950X3D this doesn't seem to be recognised by Game Bar as being a game lol so it will run across both 3d and frequency cores. in my case all 16 cores. didn't affect performance for me, and probably won't for you, but if you're having issues it might be worth going into game bar to tell Windows that it's a game so it will force it onto the 3D cores. Or if you have process lasso you could try use that. I was going to do that but it was easier to do it through gamebar and i thought if i messed about with the cores it might trigger the anti-cheat.

i've been playing more this morning. still struggling with the targeting lol. i'm going to have to replay the tutorial incase i missed something. it shouldn't be this fucking awkward lol.

it's still early but outside the first boss which took me a few tries the game seems quite easy. i'll probably eat my words soon enough though!

as for parts i don't know what i'm doing. i have a gun that is more powerful but i miss the automatic one i had at the start. this is a handgun i think or rifle. does a good charge shot but i want an automatic gun. not sure if i should ditch the shield or put another missile launcher on.
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Giallo Corsa

Gold Member
What hits you without much hit feedback are the residual explosions from explosive weapons, you dodge the direct hit on the ground but the blast still hit your life bar.

If you jump or fly a bit you should avoid that type of danger (if you also avoid the direct hit), it's tricky because you don't have unlimited juice to stay on the air so you have to time it.

It's hard to master when you are used to other games where a roll is enough and you have invincibility frames while doing it.

Thanks man.

Understood , besides, it's also explained in the pop-up tutorial during the heli-fight, still, while this isn't my 1st AC game (been through most of them with the exception of AC5), the hit detection/feedback still feels off to me due to a lack of a better vibration function/feedback when getting hit and/or lack of better visual and audio cues.

Is there something in chapter 1 or they start from later chapters? also, do you reveal them with the sonar?

last question, is it like at least one part for mission or they are super rare?

p.s. you are not talking about those things you find around the levels that unlock new weapons the more you collect them right? you are talking about directly discovering a chest with a new weapon.
Yeah I found a helmet in a treasure chest during a chapter 2 mission. And I saw a YouTube thumbnail hinting at a weapon.

No idea where they start etc. I’m going to try and find them myself before I look anything up.


Gold Member
Sorry for a stupid question but why should I be replaying missions except to earn more money? I thought you could get scores in missions?


Gold Member
Sorry for a stupid question but why should I be replaying missions except to earn more money? I thought you could get scores in missions?
To get S rank but more importantly combat logs which reward you per milestone.

There's also mech parts hidden in stages where you can use the scan function to find. Optimize it by using an AC that is fast and has large scan range.
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