How’s it looking/playing on the ps5?
It's OK - explosions look nice (good motion blur too) but other than that it's the typical FROM showing, the framerate fluctuations/ transitions between cinematics and gameplay is jarring as are the various frame drops.
VRR does help but it still feels like something is "off".
In other news, I have a problem with a couple of things so far :
- Lack of hit feedback, both for when you get hit and when you hit enemies.
On the 1st Heli-boss for example, you can get hit by a barrage of Gatling rounds or rockets, watch you health bar getting halved and yet you can't quite understand how you got hit since there's no proper hit feedback in the form of (proper) vibration , sounds etc.
- Some UI elements : everything looks small and not very readable - especially when it comes to missile lock-on and (hard) target lock.
The former is a small yellow quarter circle inside your targeting crosshair which in the thick of battle gets somewhat lost/not easily readable with the latter exhibiting the same problem with readability since they're 2 quarter white circles inside your already white targeting crosshair which can also lead to confusion (i.e : can't understand easily whether you have target-locked an enemy or not leading to some bad camera moments).
Hope I get used to it 'cause the readability thing is giving me a hard time so far - half of the time I don't know whether I missile locked an enemy or not .