The Hamburglar
Could a 46 year old divorcee with mildly average eye sight armed with a glock beat the tiger?
Could a 46 year old divorcee with mildly average eye sight armed with a glock beat the tiger?
Samurai dies instantly and brutally lol.
This isn't a safari hunt or gladiator match, where the Tiger is being stalked or isn't even aware it's in a fight.
Rules of this scenario are the Tiger is full charge with intent to kill. Samurai is fuckin dinner.
Do you think tigers run at mach speed or some shit? Or that it's going to parry the katana with its claws? It's going to run head first into the sword.Samurai dies instantly and brutally lol.
This isn't a safari hunt or gladiator match, where the Tiger is being stalked or isn't even aware it's in a fight.
Rules of this scenario are the Tiger is full charge with intent to kill. Samurai is fuckin dinner.
I think we have a pretty good idea of what happens between a charging animal and a human.
Y all seem to think that the Tiger would land its attack 100%.
I'm really not so sure. Tiger are big, really big, they don't turn on a dime.
Also humans are smart, really smart.
They won't fight "fair"
So maybe stop considering it's a head on fight and would stay that way.
That only problem with this notion is that bulls can't literally take their front hoof and side swipe you as they run by.
A large Siberian tiger would take your face off as it ran by.
Seriously, just watch the first video here... not even a Siberian... it clears a fucking *elephant* and appears to be heading full throttle at homeboys throat. I doubt he made it:
I also notice the tiger isn't really concerned about having his head or claws in range of being lopped off or severely wounded. But why would he? He's evolved not to think that way. He's evolved to know he's the apex predator and all he needs to do is a mad rush and throw his weight around and it's game over. I think that's a massive disadvantage.
Outside of the scary snarling and fearsome looks, there's really not much overwhelming speed here or any of the tiger attacks I've seen. It's just an explosive rush, which is probably slower than the spears being hurled at samurai or the sword strikes he's been parrying since he was a boy.
Claws and face well within range. I would imagine a tiger wouldn't see any difference between this guy's stick and a katana either. Why would he?
That only problem with this notion is that bulls can't literally take their front hoof and side swipe you as they run by.
A large Siberian tiger would take your face off as it ran by.
Seriously, just watch the first video here... not even a Siberian... it clears a fucking *elephant* and appears to be heading full throttle at homeboys throat. I doubt he made it:
That only problem with this notion is that bulls can't literally take their front hoof and side swipe you as they run by.
A large Siberian tiger would take your face off as it ran by.
Seriously, just watch the first video here... not even a Siberian... it clears a fucking *elephant* and appears to be heading full throttle at homeboys throat. I doubt he made it:
Somewhat on topic - this is a really bad ass story (original story of the film Ghost and The Darkness) about the Tsavo lions... shocking how fucking deadly they were:Obviously this is not a tiger. It's a striped puma. You can tell by the fact that the attack is succesful.
Somewhat on topic - this is a really bad ass story (original story of the film Ghost and The Darkness) about the Tsavo lions... shocking how fucking deadly they were:
This single tigress took out almost 500 people:
Tiger attack - Wikipedia
Somewhat on topic - this is a really bad ass story (original story of the film Ghost and The Darkness) about the Tsavo lions... shocking how fucking deadly they were:
This single tigress took out almost 500 people:
Tiger attack - Wikipedia
Why does it have to be a master samurai then? Can it be 90 year old grandma, no?
She just have to have enough strength to hold out the katana for few second, and the tiger will just straight jump into the Katana, making a nice, ready to grill tiger kebab - since tigers do not know that sharp objects could hurt him. /s
I would argue in some very rare cases both would die from wounds yeah if the tiger leaped on top of her, but the old woman would die 100% every single time because she can't move fast enough to turn a full force weight impact into a graze or a miss. She just doesn't have the strength to retreat and attack at the same time either. An impale doesn't equal death every time either, could be a shoulder wound for example, paw, or something else. She would just be far too limited in movement more than anything. Dead.
Even if the tiger could somehow sense the sharpness or understand the blade, the Katana is hidden until the first swing oftentimes. And a raging tiger in full charge is not going to make millisecond assessments of a shiny object whirling around about its sharpness. There's nothing in the wild food chain that has a weapon that sharp, stiff, or durable. It has zero reason to understand it.
Well, I present you Johanna Quass! I'm sure she can hold the tiger skewer and gracefully roll away from the impact.
Joke aside - as per the battojutsu (drawing technique) - I'm sorry that perhaps Rurouni Kenshin or other types of anime/manga/games may have given false idea of the power or purpose of it...
It aims precise, shallow cuts. Battojutsu was made to defend & counter from sudden attacks - or in certain cases, to assassinate in close proximity/closed & narrow quarters.
This video, actually is pretty fascinating - I recommend anyone interested to watch it. Not sure if it's the same guy who's hitting 310 miles/h (500km/h) baseball / BB bullet. TBH, I think he chose wrong profession - should have been an mlb player.
It's factually false that the battojutsu has more power or speed than full two hand swings. In order to achieve that, you need 0 friction from the sheath, and your one arm strength has to be stronger than both of them "combined". Either one of them are impossible, at least on earth, under Newton's law of physics. The reason it's coming out fast from the sheath is that you are pulling sheath away at the same time you are drawing the blade. But the blade itself isn't moving any faster - only faster in relative speed coming out of the sheath.
If that legendary samurai can draw faster & with more power than his full swing, he's doing the full swing wrong.
Either way, drawing out in 0.6 second is impressive - but..
1. Samurai already drew the blade out... in OP, as he should have for any chance of survival.
2. If not, according to wikipedia, a Siberian tiger can run faster than 50 miles per hour, although it rarely runs that fast often, because it uses a lot of energy for the tiger.
(I used wrong tiger speed - 35-40miles per hour, which came down to 1.5 second for 20 min). 50 miles per hour is like 22 meters per second. Not sure if 65miles per hour quoted by some is accurate though... but I know some tigers do go that fast too. With the tiger 20 meters away given, it will reach the samurai in 0.9 second or less... to make upto 3cm cut on 8 inch (20 cm) paw, probably not even that due to fur + probably thicker skin + bigger bones.
3. You know what's 700lbs and runs 50miles an hour? A decent sized Harley Davison. Let's say tiger reached him at 0.9 second, and Samurai quick drew at 0.6 second. Tiger, probably didn't even realized it's hit (pain often comes in after, often the result by a hit of a good swordsman) and the momentum of the tiger is still going thru, to the Samurai - unless the tiger, is somehow magically be able to stop within remaining 0.3 second from 50 miles an hour. In this case - we have 1.3 meter. like 4 feet or so, at 50 miles an hour.
4. By the time katana hits tiger's paw, the 24" blade of Edo era Katana + maybe another 28" of arm/grip, makes 52". That's 1.3 meter - at fully extended. at optimal angle at the most. Even so, you are well within a grab of the tiger. Even if the tiger loses its balance and crash onto you - yup. You are hit by a 700 lb Harley Davison.
I'd rather stick to the tiger skewer theory, using his momentum as weapon & roll away with the momentum - than using battojutsu on a tiger. TBH.
Thing about it is we give too much benefit of doubt for the samurai's unknown ability, vs known ability of the tiger. Why don't we give him the ability of shooting fireball or that vacuum wave cuts too? Why not have him throw those two shorter blades in less than 0.9 seconds to the both eyes of the tiger at 100% accuracy like some ninja , then slash/decapitate?
Also let's forget about his 50 lbs full armor too, which unfortunately is quite rippable as it has so much gap/ripples for claw to cling on to - unlike western big, full metal plates. It maybe effective for swords and definitely arrows (It's know that Japanese arrows are pretty weak and slow despite its enormous bow size, fully armored samurais didn't really fear them from afar - and cut them down easily. If you are talking about something like Pyeonjeon - The Chosun baby arrows which were far more powerful/faster and half the arrow length - that's a totally different story. Many Japanese warriors died from it - including well known generals and all)
So, this 150lb guy wearing 50lb full armor + 3 swords, probably add additional 5lbs, I'm sure he can move and dodge faster, at least further than the reach of the 10-11ft tiger in less than 0.3 second - when the basic posture of katana holding, requires two feet widely planted front and back for balance..? Highly doubtful, but heck, he is a master swords man, no?
And videos of tigers bumbling around. If that's all they can do, how could they even survive in the wild? All the studies about how ferocious and dangerous the animal is must be wrong and false.
It seems like, all the anecdotal theory and known facts and all, cannot win against mystic.
He doesn't even have to draw from sheath though, and there are two stances with the sword behind the samurai, one of we which can deliver a thrust or a swipe.
I think the shallow cuts he's referring to comparing it at a range where only the wrist or arm is in range. That's usually the first wound before something more serious comes. Either way, that extra training in precision will just aid them slicing at a foreman with the tigers forward momentum. 700lbs moving at 30mph. Impale could work too, its probably higher percentage considering the tiger is charging.
There's no evidence the armor is "rippable" or wouldn't present solid protection enough to land additional blows. Now if he just stood there with no weapon, he'd probably die in under 5 seconds.
The reason the tiger survives is he's really the only thing in Siberia to content with other than other tigers. We've seen videos of bears that are much smaller giving them a run for their money, and even the tiger just seems to dismiss everything outside of that first initial charge. I would just think that nothing really challenges them, so no need to try that hard. They just act like a big kitten playing with their food sometimes.
I was somewhat enjoying the conversation lol I don't know how we got to fireballs. Not sure how we got there.
Have you ever seen a Siberian tiger charge? It's pretty lax compared to what I thought it would be like.
Do you think tigers run at mach speed or some shit? Or that it's going to parry the katana with its claws? It's going to run head first into the sword.
Quick Google search says they charge between 50 and 60mph. Lol I mean that's pretty fast.
In my opinion, only real chance Samurai has is if he can connect some real damage to the tiger early on. He probably has a good chance hurting the tiger to certain degree - but honestly think of delivering lethal blow enough to stop attacking is very slim. Sure, he could sever the paw with good blow - but as I said, circumstances really is stacked against him realistically. He probably doesn't even know it's a large cat - because of his time period he lived in. To cut down 10-11ft tiger with mere 2ft of blade that's sharp but not that heavy, is difficult and also immensely dangerous. If Musashi went to fight a tiger, he probably would have had studied the animal rather than charging in to begin with, and probably thought of different method.... and that's my bet.
Yes tigers do get hurt, but for them - that's part of their hunting process too. They sometimes get wounded and die during hunting dangers ones too, just like any other apex hunters. As per the bears - they consist about 2% of tiger's diet, according to some study that I read. They even mimic bear sound, to attract them. Quite possibly, they are going for the cubs, most likely (who wouldn't go for easier prey?) - but it's also known that tiger can crush bears skull with single swipe, along with very large animals like bulls and all. I think they just do it to establish their territory though... but what do I know.
But I did search for the youtube videos regarding tigers - and there are actually quite little footage about "wild" Siberian tigers - unless it's in a captivity or whatnot. Probably because of hostility of its natural habitat - and I tend to think it's really too dangerous to track wild Siberian tigers even with guns. According to the hunters universal testimonials about hunting a Siberian tiger - they are exceptionally hard to hit from front angle - as their fur somehow makes it difficult to hit. They always have to aim from the side angle. Most of them, rely on the traps first and foremost. Many don't return alive, because it's that dangerous. Legendary samurai, maybe the best in killing humans and anticipating human enemy - but to be honest, I give upper hands to those hunters regards to the subject of hunting "tiger" who study the animal only day in and day out with their lives - hoping to kill one for big payoff. Experience.
What's unlikely situation is that tiger would have noticed the samurai, long before he could noticed it. In real woods, chances are the Samurai couldn't even see it coming, no matter how much training he had... but the situation is little too arbitrary - tigers are normally nocturnal animals, and hardly visible in normal circumstances. They mostly attack from behind. (people wearing mask on their back of their head to prevent that, and it's known to have some effects - just mere glare, tiger hesitates to attack... and that's how cautious they are.
My scenario of the encounter, if this is indeed happening during broad daylight and no cover - the tiger would approach rather slowly. no charging in from front. They are very aware of unknown things. They even normally avoid people all together. If samurai has drawn and possibly in seigan stance - which gives you the most option from all direction and keeps the optimal distance from the tiger - tiger is very unlikely to approach unless it feels like it's away from the sword. It would probably rotate around the samurai's back - forcing samurai to rotate along with the tiger to keep the distance.
It may attack the samurai with quick swipe - and samurai should be able to swat it off with quick chops, not full swing. It may cut the paw of the tiger a bit, but such kind of quick stabs would hardly be lethal. It may anger the tiger and attack at some point - more from the side than front, avoiding the sword, now knowing fully that the sword is not to be mess with. Otherwise, it will retreat, not bothering the samurai - which is the best case for the samurai.
If he's smart, then he'll go back to the village and get a spear, lighter gears and probably bring a few other backups to help him out - and dig some traps around the village for protection. It will be quite difficult for him to really track the tiger, because tiger has superior sense than samurai. 50lbs of armor would make too much noise, and scales would be too rippable, as they are merely sewn together with mere silk thread (as far as I know) - scales were often made with either laccqured leather or metal. Very rippable once the 5 inch claws grab the edge of the scale by sheer force, even if it was made with metal. Also it would be too hard to even walk around for long distance w/o a horse.
So my conclusion is if either one of them were so "determined" to kill at its first encounter - Tiger is still most likely to win, unless the tiger is so dumb and just jumps into the sword range, which is very unlikely to happen as they are very cautious animals as I mentioned. If you are fending off any wild animal and have a long stick - how many would just jump into the stick? Not that many. It will grawl, and examine it before it makes a decision. Animals are very cautious because it's life or death for them, every single day, every hunt.
Longer it drags off - tiger would have upper hand with superior stamina, speed and all. It would roam around the samurai for a long time for opening, while the samurai would suffer under heavy 50lb armor with dinky 2ft sword drawn out against 10-11ft animal, anticipating the attack that could happen any time. He's fighting a monster that's far bigger, stronger, faster armed with 2ft length sword - and if it even roars - the low frequency of its roar would rattle him and freeze him one way or another - unless anticipated or heard it before.
Time, isn't the samurai's friend. If it gets darker - he's got 0 chance what so ever as tigers can see 6 times better than humans can. He needs to end the fight quick, but alas - that's not the choice for him as he can't just charge into the animal, as tiger could easily outrun the Samurai by several folds, and it would just deplete his stamina even more. No matter how you look at this situation - tiger is the hunter, and the samurai is indeed a prey. He could fight back, and unless he's extremely lucky - things are just too stacked against him, even in this rather arranged, arbitrary situation... and that's my opinion, and I still stand by 1 out of 10 chances for the samurai, if he insists his current equipment and going alone with 2ft sword against 10ft monster, and 50lb armor that would only give him marginal protection.
A Siberian Tiger doesn't go at 60mph, they can technically reach that speed, but they only hunt at about 50mph and even that is in short bursts. Regardless, the Samurai isn't running away so the tiger isn't going to be running top speed, because he isn't chasing the Samurai. Furthermore, a 700lb tiger likely isn't going to be able to even achieve that kind of speed due to its size. The average wild Siberian tiger is only around 400lbs. It ain't running at 50mph at 700lbs.I think he's bringing 700lbs of fury in at 60mph. I don't think hes going to stand there and spar with the Samurai lmao, I think he's going to run right over the top of him and maul his ass.
That samurai is going to have a fraction of a second to deliver the absolute most perfectly timed cut or stab, with perfect precision to a fatal location, and with the right amount of force to kill that Tiger in one lightning motion. And he''s going to have to do it with the calmness of that beast bearing down on him.
Ok its not totally impossible just highly unlikely. Ill give the samurai 5 wins out of 100. The other 95 times he gets eaten. Weiner first.
Honestly I think the armor might be a detriment here. Samurai needs full speed and precision. If he doesn't end the Tiger in whatever initial motion he can get off before the Tiger crashes into him its over armor or not. Hes on his back the Tiger is in his face, GG.
No more fireballs lol.
I think we both agree that the samurai will likely land a deep paw or leg wound because thats what will reach the samurai first. The issue there is you have 700lbs trying to put weight on that wound. Movement at that point is suddenly very different in my opinion. Hes limbing and would probably reconsider the assault altogether.
I feel the scenario isnt exactly realistic either but a stealth attack at night is no fun. The samurai is probably 100% lunch at that point. I kinda saw it as the uncaged tiger had wondered into a village and people were making a commotion, pointing the samurai toward him. Much like the Bengal encounters in Indian villages were the people direct the authorities to the threat vocally.
I just feel like that .001% of the best humans have what seems almost like superhuman abilities when its combined with the very best natural specimen and the very best training. Like fighter pilots that can react and see things much faster than normal or even exceptionally gifted individuals. It's the combination at this point that makes the samurai a serious threat. That's why hes never lost a split second duel and killed top tier warriors with perfect cuts over and over, slicing through the small weak points of the samurai armor while moving. I just feel the target area for attack is massive. Tigers don't have a blade to parry with or armor to slow a blade or stop it, nor iron grieves. It's all flesh and bone coming right at him.
I just see a very small chance that the tiger walks away without a serious wound that eventually kills him in hours or days. Maybe even a couple of weeks because now hes too slow to run down prey with a deep forearm slice.
From personal experience, I can confirm that sharp, hard sword can slay pussy. On my country though, pussy doesnt flee but also fights to the end.Any day a samurai. Don't be ridiculous. A sharp sword can slay that pussy easily. Even if it does not kill it, the tiger instinctively will flee once it's wounded, however the samurai will fight to the death if need be.
Sharks are better predators than tigers and in a far more favourable environment for them, in the water you have limited movements and sight, they don't, a bite from a white shark is far bigger than a bite from a huge tiger, they are faster and they can attack from literally below you, how can you counter an attack that aim at your feet from below?!99 of 100.
I refuse to believe there is any situation this guy wins beyond some 1 in 100 (or 1 in a million) situation where the tiger lands on him and his katana perfectly severs it's spine/cerebellum. Even then the weight of it from the pounce will probably crush the guy so badly he'd die anyway.
Tigers are literal murder machines. They are the perfect killers. I would be more likely to bet on a guy in swim trunks defending himself from a shark with a katana.
The amount of sheer force/velocity from a 700lb+ animal is enough to crush someone instantly. Then you have the claws, teeth, and rage.
I think tigers can leap some absurd fucking distance as well. It would close on the samurai and obliterate them within 1 second.
A boop on the nose (literally) will scramble a shark's brain, and they don't have claws to maul you with.Sharks are better predators than tigers and in a far more favourable environment for them, in the water you have limited movements and sight, they don't, a bite from a white shark is far bigger than a bite from a huge tiger, they are faster and they can attack from literally below you, how can you counter an attack that aim at your feet from below?!
Good luck on trying to get a shark with a katana when you move in bullet time...
Again, good luck on booping the nose of a great white that attack from an angle that you can't predict while having your movement in rallenty mode and in complete panic because you can't see shit and he can attack from any possible angle.A boop on the nose (literally) will scramble a shark's brain, and they don't have claws to maul you with.
I'm sure that some people would think that the elephant skin or rhino skin is no match for katana's superior sharpness though.
If a soft, lead tipped bullet can penetrate Rhino/Elephant's skin - 2000-folded steel blade of Katana shouldn't have any issue, especially from a legendary samurai... no?
You just have to dodge sideway like avoiding the bull, and cut their leg off using superior technique and accuracy + the sharpness of the blade + the beast's own momentum, and it will lose its balance and fall. Perfect chance to deliver a deadly stab/decapitate!
All with a 24" blade.
While I agree to the "possibility" of it happening, I can't agree on the likelihood in real life.
Doesn't mean it can't happen, but not likely considering everything we know about tiger's behaviors of how they hunt.
Again, I think you are giving way too much benefit for the samurai's ability of super human reflexes, skill and strength with no real boundary or limitations.
A lot of legends and folklore, is greatly exaggerated or sometimes even fabricated - rather than being truly factual.
Are his 60 kills strictly on an armored duel with top samurais? or does that number also include hired foot soldiers who were not properly armored nor had much training?
If former, yikes. He is literally a god of all samurai.
I don't think Miyamoto Musashi had that many duels with armors on during his 61 duels.
Sounds like this guy is even better and stronger than Yagyu Munenori - who actually is said to cut a boulder in half during a battle with mythical creature, Tengu.
(pic below shows the picture of said boulder)
With this in mind, sarcastically speaking, the samurai won't have any issue of vertically slashing the incoming tiger in half, like Uma Thurman's character did in Kill Bill?
Sorry - I just don't see such happening in real life.
Edit: The rock was cut by Yagyu Munetoshi, not Munenori. Sorry got confused with all the names in the clan.
Not sure why we need to take this approach like it's some easy task. I think even the most extreme on the samurai side would say its extremely dangerous, but yet most on the tigers side act like he could do it blindfolded and missing a limb.
Also, 24 inches for a katana was on the extreme smaller side. Barely registers a katana.
Average length is 41 inches
How Long Is a Katana? - Medieval Swords World
Do you know how long a katana is? If not then make sure to check out this article about the length of a
I'm surprised at how many people pick the tiger. Not a great deal of respect for what an armed and armored human can do. I pick the armored samurai for most fights where the predator isn't well armored, like a rhino, hippo, elephant. Those animals can tank hits, and are burly. A tiger is still just a glass cannon.