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Arrested Development |OT| Season 4 - May 26 - Netflix Unmakes A Huge Mistake

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So I finished watching season 4 last weekend. I thought this season was brilliant. I really hope Netflix renews the show for another season.

Also, I sometimes find myself singing "Go away, get away." from time to time. So awesome.


Tobias was my favorite character S1-S3 and the butter loving addict made me hate his episodes in S4. S4 was not fun.

Focus more on Tobias. I thought his character grew the most in the fourth season, and I really enjoyed his progression. I agree that Debrie was unappealing though.
'Arrested Development' boosts subscriber growth, company executives report, but not as much as some investors had hoped

Somewhat good news though, Netflix later added "[W]e'd be delighted to produce a fifth season of Arrested Development, if possible, given fan reaction."

"if possible"

what does this mean...

Also In commemoration of Jason Bateman's Emmy Nom.

I'm sure the "if possible" is due to the crazy scheduling they had to do to make season 4 work. Plus the number of years the whole thing undoubtedly took of Mitch's life.


When asked during a Q&A session at the Just For Laughs comedy festival in Montreal if the show would be returning, Hurwitz said baldly: ‘Definitely.’

Then, turning to Netflix chief content officer Ted Sarandos, he said: ‘I don’t want to get into a whole negotiation right now... but I’ve got a family to feed.’

He added: ‘I keep thinking about it, and why don't we do the movie version of this and then do the series, because this series kinda peaks with the story?

‘I kinda go back and forth between that and a series. But here’s the most important thing, whatever we do, I want to get the cast all together and not do another anthology thing, and that’s why I keep thinking about kicking off with a special or a three-part show and then going into a series.

Then he asked Sarandos: ‘Are you game for that?’.

‘Absolutely,’ the Netflix boss replied. ‘In any form.’



Neo Member
So I finished watching season 4 last weekend. I thought this season was brilliant. I really hope Netflix renews the show for another season.

Also, I sometimes find myself singing "Go away, get away." from time to time. So awesome.

agreed, although season 4 has a rough start IMO. . I can't wait for more.


Any idea when that soundtrack is going to be released? Dropped? I'm not sure what the preferred nomenclature is here, dude.
Forgot to make a post. I thought the season started pretty bad, but found its feet once Gob's first episode arrived. After that it felt like vintage AD to me. Really enjoyed it and can't wait for more. Although I do hope they try something else instead of continuing the POV episode thing.


Nose how to spell and rede to
Forgot to make a post. I thought the season started pretty bad, but found its feet once Gob's first episode arrived. After that it felt like vintage AD to me. Really enjoyed it and can't wait for more. Although I do hope they try something else instead of continuing the POV episode thing.

Early eps get a little better on the second watch. And yeah, I think we all hope it'll be back to normal next season. Seeing this thread, it might be time for Round ~4 .....


I agree that the background music felt out of place. Made some scenes less naturally awkward, like it should be, and more of a big sign that says "THIS GOOFY MUSIC WE'RE PLAYING IS SO YOU KNOW THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE AWKWARD." Don't insult my intelligence like that.

Come on now. Goofy music isn't there to tell you something is awkward, it's there to set up the atmosphere of the scene and the show as a whole. Your logic can be extended to say that all music that enhances any situation in film/tv is insulting your intelligence.
As most people have said the second half of the season was much stronger than the first. Once the first Gob episode hit they started to find their footing. The George Sr. episodes were in my opinion the worst AD episodes ever. I almost stopped watching the season because of those episodes.

I too hope they don't continue with each character having their own episodes. It's better when all the character's are interacting with each other. I also hope if it comes back they stick to 20 to 22 mins per episode. Some of the new episodes just drag on forever.


Nose how to spell and rede to
Come on now. Goofy music isn't there to tell you something is awkward, it's there to set up the atmosphere of the scene and the show as a whole. Your logic can be extended to say that all music that enhances any situation in film/tv is insulting your intelligence.

Logic bomb dropped
The cast was recently on 'Inside the Actors Studio'. w/ Warden Gentles
Highly recommended. Funny watch.

Some highlights from EW:

1. This is how Jeffrey Tambor describes the difference between conservative Judaism (what his family practices) and reform Judaism: Conservatives are “Jews that read from the Torah. Reform Jews just sing showtunes.”

2. Also, Jeffrey Tambor still teaches acting classes. And his professional website sort of seems like it was designed by George Bluth Sr.

3. Portia de Rossi was born Amanda Lee Rogers; she decided to change her name at 14, snagging “Portia” from The Merchant of Venice” and de Rossi from “the end credits of a movie.”

4. Don’t worry about how to pronounce Alia Shawkat’s last name, which is Iraqi in origin; she likes to switch it up depending on her mood. Also, here’s her describing her college career: “I went to Sarah Lawrence for… two days.”

5. Here’s Mitch Hurwitz’s one-sentence distillation of Arrested: “I always thought if you were to ask any of them, they would say they’re the only sane member of the family.” The show’s fourth season, designed as a series of character showcases, was meant to really highlight that line of thinking.

6. Jessica Walter, in character as Lucille Bluth, describing her relationship to her neediest child: “I need Buster, just not all the time…He needs a strong hand.” And then she cracked up, realizing what she had just said.

7. de Rossi and her wife, Ellen DeGeneres, officially debuted as a couple at the 2004 Golden Globes, when Arrested Development was first nominated for best musical or comedy TV series. The two had been dating for just about a month. The event doubled as de Rossi’s public coming out: “For me, it was the first time that I stepped out as a gay woman, really,” she said.

8. Mitch Hurwitz says that he gave his characters such similar names — George, George Michael, George Oscar, etc. — because he thought it would “compel you to pay attention…” though he also admits that may be a B.S. after-the-fact explanation.

9. The cast was warned ahead of time that the production would be bare-bones — Jessica Walters describes their dressing rooms as “cells.”

10. Hurwitz basically tricked Ben Stiller into guest starring on the show. “Early on in an episode, we were going to establish this competing magician, and I contacted Ben Stiller’s people, and I said, ‘Could I just use a picture of him? No strings attached,” he explained. “‘And then if he ever wants to do the show’ — which was probably not on his radar at that point — ‘we will have already set him up.’” Stiller’s reps agreed. Half a year later, Stiller called Hurwitz about some unrelated business — and Hurwitz, who assumed that Stiller wanted to do AD, told him they’d shoot his guest appearance the following week. Miraculously, everything worked out. Or should I say… wonderfully?

More here: http://popwatch.ew.com/2013/11/08/arrested-development-inside-actors-studio/

YT of Part 1 - Inside the Actors Studio - Arrested Development
Mitch Hurwitz’s one-sentence distillation of Arrested: “I always thought if you were to ask any of them, they would say they’re the only sane member of the family.”

Cool stuff. Actually lines up with how I describe most of the characters too.


I hope they'll either rerun this or some kind soul puts it up on youtube. Bravo shows it so sporadically that I always seem to miss it.

big ander

eh nothing new from that interview, really. Like how they snagged Stiller.
I hope they'll either rerun this or some kind soul puts it up on youtube. Bravo shows it so sporadically that I always seem to miss it.
ifc shows it pretty often iirc. And...no netflix?

The Real Abed

The cast was recently on 'Inside the Actors Studio'. w/ Warden Gentles
Highly recommended. Funny watch.

YT of Part 1 - Inside the Actors Studio - Arrested Development
Aww. How are we supposed to watch it? Why did this person only upload 10 minutes? I thought YouTube removed the upload limit a while ago? Or at least upload 15 minutes as that was the limit the last I checked.

On the other hand, there's always another way to watch it. I can confirm that it is kind of working. (I won't know for about 36 more minutes)
Well, I just saw this on Netflix, and aside from a couple of funny scenes, this season was a huge mistake.

It felt like they were trying to innovate television, stepping away from the serialized week-by-week presentation format, by making it possible to watch the episodes in any order. All I felt like was like I was being shown the same thing over and over again, and like there was no progression made whatsoever.

Not sure what the hell even happened at the end, or what the overarching plot arc was, because of how disjointed this mess was.

If they're making a 5th season, I just want to see a return to a standard format where we see new episodes coming out on a weekly basis, and where we have a simple to follow storyline and progression.


Sorry for the refloat, but...


Mostly composed by song from season 4, but also includes the Teamocil song, Franklin's Brown Sugar and MISTAH EFF! Also some other things you might know GETAWAY (Getaway) and BOOMERANG.

Eargasmic is a modest way to describe it. Most of these songs are making me giggle xD

BTW it´s also on Deezer, to those who use it.
Well, I just saw this on Netflix, and aside from a couple of funny scenes, this season was a huge mistake.

It felt like they were trying to innovate television, stepping away from the serialized week-by-week presentation format, by making it possible to watch the episodes in any order. All I felt like was like I was being shown the same thing over and over again, and like there was no progression made whatsoever.

Not sure what the hell even happened at the end, or what the overarching plot arc was, because of how disjointed this mess was.

If they're making a 5th season, I just want to see a return to a standard format where we see new episodes coming out on a weekly basis, and where we have a simple to follow storyline and progression.

I didn't care much for it either. I found it largely humorless and even boring. I also thought giving the guest stars such large roles was a tremendous mistake.
I finally got around to watching the full versions and... is Inside The Actors Studio usually this poorly edited? One sentence rarely flowed into the next, it was just cut cut cut cut cut cut, with no room for elaboration.

"Jeffrey Tambor, how was it working with Garry Shandling"
"Oh my. Working with Garry changed my life..." *cut*
"Portia de Rossi, at what age wh..."
Love the show and always quote the original run... but to be honest I can't remember a single line or scene from season 4...

If they're making a 5th season, I just want to see a return to a standard format where we see new episodes coming out on a weekly basis, and where we have a simple to follow storyline and progression.


If they do another watch any way you want, and only focus on like 2 characters an episode- I don't think I'd be able to sit threw it again.
The new soundtrack is fucking amazing!

Support this mastery! This has been so bought, will probably buy it as gifts for some friends holiday gifts :D


Hunky Nostradamus
I finally just got around to watching season 4. I'd say it was a mixed bag overall, with about half the episodes (mainly towards the beginning of the season) being completely devoid of humor (or at least the type of humor that I find funny), and the other half leaving me in stitches. Still, the funny moments are what I'll take away and I'm sure the earlier episodes will be a lot more enjoyable upon a rewatch.

I really liked the season's structure too - very clever and inventive - although it was needlessly confusing and complicated for most of the time. But I'm sure that too will improve upon a rewatch.
This is NOT an update on a potential fifth season!

This is NOT an update on a potential fifth season!


I had to get that in there first. Apologies if anyone clicked into the topic hoping for that news!

Just finished watching the fourth season for a second time, and I still have mixed feelings over it. I think my main issue was with the individual structure, and how there's very little group dynamic or character plays off one another. I don't personally think characters like George Michael or Buster are strong enough to have their own dedicated episodes, and George Senior's episodes were just bad. As a couple of other people have mentioned, the side characters were unfunny and forgettable (Marky Bark, DeBrie, George's team) and in particular DeBrie was so awful she dragged Tobias down with her. But the series does get better and the way it all fits together at the end is quite clever, even though I felt like there was no resolution for a couple of aspects they introduced (George Snr & Oscar swapping roles, Gob and Tony Wonder accidentally sleeping together), and I didn't really buy that a stunning woman like Isla Fisher would fall for someone like George Michael. There were some great little bits which made me think of jokes from the original three series like ANUSTART, 'And As It Is Such So Also As Such Is It Unto You' and the fact that the woman's prison Lucille was in was more like an exclusive member's club, but I missed the silly character interactions, I feel like Buster and Tobias work better as side-characters while the focus was on other family members, and while the plot wraps together in interesting ways I think the original shorter episode format featuring every character worked better.


This is NOT an update on a potential fifth season!

This is NOT an update on a potential fifth season!


I had to get that in there first. Apologies if anyone clicked into the topic hoping for that news!

Just finished watching the fourth season for a second time, and I still have mixed feelings over it. I think my main issue was with the individual structure, and how there's very little group dynamic or character plays off one another. I don't personally think characters like George Michael or Buster are strong enough to have their own dedicated episodes, and George Senior's episodes were just bad. As a couple of other people have mentioned, the side characters were unfunny and forgettable (Marky Bark, DeBrie, George's team) and in particular DeBrie was so awful she dragged Tobias down with her. But the series does get better and the way it all fits together at the end is quite clever, even though I felt like there was no resolution for a couple of aspects they introduced (George Snr & Oscar swapping roles, Gob and Tony Wonder accidentally sleeping together), and I didn't really buy that a stunning woman like Isla Fisher would fall for someone like George Michael. There were some great little bits which made me think of jokes from the original three series like ANUSTART, 'And As It Is Such So Also As Such Is It Unto You' and the fact that the woman's prison Lucille was in was more like an exclusive member's club, but I missed the silly character interactions, I feel like Buster and Tobias work better as side-characters while the focus was on other family members, and while the plot wraps together in interesting ways I think the original shorter episode format featuring every character worked better.

Huh? Good looking people only date other good looking people?


This is NOT an update on a potential fifth season!

This is NOT an update on a potential fifth season!


I had to get that in there first. Apologies if anyone clicked into the topic hoping for that news!

Just finished watching the fourth season for a second time, and I still have mixed feelings over it. I think my main issue was with the individual structure, and how there's very little group dynamic or character plays off one another. I don't personally think characters like George Michael or Buster are strong enough to have their own dedicated episodes, and George Senior's episodes were just bad. As a couple of other people have mentioned, the side characters were unfunny and forgettable (Marky Bark, DeBrie, George's team) and in particular DeBrie was so awful she dragged Tobias down with her. But the series does get better and the way it all fits together at the end is quite clever, even though I felt like there was no resolution for a couple of aspects they introduced (George Snr & Oscar swapping roles, Gob and Tony Wonder accidentally sleeping together), and I didn't really buy that a stunning woman like Isla Fisher would fall for someone like George Michael. There were some great little bits which made me think of jokes from the original three series like ANUSTART, 'And As It Is Such So Also As Such Is It Unto You' and the fact that the woman's prison Lucille was in was more like an exclusive member's club, but I missed the silly character interactions, I feel like Buster and Tobias work better as side-characters while the focus was on other family members, and while the plot wraps together in interesting ways I think the original shorter episode format featuring every character worked better.

Yeah I just rewatched this last week, and this is pretty much how I felt. It's actually a quite a bit worse when you watch it straight off the back of season 3. If it weren't for the Gob episodes and the majority of Tobias's scenes, my feelings about it would be a lot more negative. I know they had issues with cast availability and stuff, but the character focused episodes varied dramatically in quality and jumping around "the great dark period" got tired. Part of me wishes they had taken longer making it in order to have a more traditional episode structure, but I guess budget would have been an issue.

The way the episodes fit together was certainly clever, but not really funny, so during long periods of explanation the show could actually get pretty boring. This was especially noticeable in the last episode, which was large parts time-lego before the incredibly disappointing ending (no Lucille 2 resolution? George Sr. hormones? Gob relationship?). A large part of the humour in these explanation segments comes from realizing why something weird happened in a previous episode, but I'm not sure if that was worth the trade-off of nonsensical things happening that didn't really make much sense in previous episodes.

Also, I'm sure people have already mentioned this, but they really screwed the background music volume up in this season. I'm amazed it got through the way it did - surely someone must have realised it was too loud? I honestly couldn't hear people speaking at times, and not because my TV volume was too low. If anything, it was too high.
Another thread inspired me to see whats been up with the crew.
Season 5 and a movie hype?
News from April but hasn't been posted I guess.

‘Arrested Development’s’ Mitch Hurwitz Signs Multi-Year Deal with Netflix:

Mitch Hurwitz and Netflix have inked a multi-year production deal, furthering the relationship that brought new episodes of the writer-producer‘s “Arrested Development” to the Internet TV outlet last year.

While there were short-lived rumors that there would be more “Arrested Development” episodes after the first batch’s debut, this deal will allow Emmy winner Hurwitz to produce, develop and create new projects under his Hurwitz Company shingle.

“We are lucky to be in business with Mitch Hurwitz, a true genius with one of the most distinctive voices in comedy today,” said Ted Sarandos, Netflix Chief Content Officer. “Mitch’s inventive approach to ‘Arrested Development’ — one of the top TV comedies of this generation — was ahead of its time, and we’re fortunate to have him on our team.”

Hurwitz agreed, stating that “it is incredibly inspiring to get to produce for Netflix, a company that not only doesn’t resist change, but is leaps and bounds ahead of everyone in forging it.”

“The fact that I’m also getting one month of their streaming right to my TV or Xbox free … well, it really takes the sting out of buying that Xbox,” he said.

Also, I updated the OT with the original OT I posted in the weeks leading up to the premier. It explains why the comments on the first page are still hilarious.
Anyone see the news today? Netflix's chief content officer says arrested development season 5 is just a matter of when, not if. I think we all pretty much knew it was coming back but its nice to have confirmation. There's a bunch of articles about it but I'll just link this one:


Death Prophet
Anyone see the news today? Netflix's chief content officer says arrested development season 5 is just a matter of when, not if. I think we all pretty much knew it was coming back but its nice to have confirmation. There's a bunch of articles about it but I'll just link this one:

I hope the "when" is when they can get everyones' schedules to work out.
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