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Arrow S5 |OT| You thought you were out, but Manu Bennett pulls you back in.

The ep was okay but i getting tired of this the arrow is bad or good guy thing they seem do every few seasons.
The Prometheus reveal was good and made sense in the context of this season.
I going to miss thea hope she not away for to long .

EDIT for my first point i think this ep really hurt me watching arrow now that i think about it.





If I had the time and resources, I'd edit that footage of Miyazaki reacting to the computer generated animations to Miyazaki reacting to the Prometheus reveal.

What a let down.

Amell said Prometheus was the kinda villain that they could only do 5 seasons in. Really? If it were Tommy, sure, but this some bullshit.

I really liked the reveal. Makes everything from here on out even way more interesting to me.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
God damn that Prometheus swerve. They actually pulled off a surprise that few but the most throwing-anything-against-the-wall theories predicted that still made total sense.

I'm amazed that they've revealed Prometheus now when we still have 8 episodes to go.
God damn that Prometheus swerve. They actually pulled off a surprise that few but the most throwing-anything-against-the-wall theories predicted that still made total sense.

I'm amazed that they've revealed Prometheus now when we still have 8 episodes to go.

The reveals that get rid of the who aspect earlier and more into the why and how tend to be better in the long run for the villain, in my opinion. (See: S1 Malcolm, S1 Reverse Flash)
God damn that Prometheus swerve. They actually pulled off a surprise that few but the most throwing-anything-against-the-wall theories predicted that still made total sense.

I'm amazed that they've revealed Prometheus now when we still have 8 episodes to go.

They still have Tommy to reveal 🤞


I wonder what zero is going to think about this

I'm here, just finished.

I liked it!

The Adrian = Prometheus thing makes sense in hindsight. It was a cool swerve that played on the expectations of comic book viewers. It's kinda similar to Jay = Zoom is on Flash, but they made it very clear that their Prometheus was nothing like the comic book incarnation and didn't try and pass him off as it so it didn't come off as a betrayal of the character. And whoever Vigilante is*, he's still damn cool and I love his theme music.

Also visually this episode was really strong except for the obvious Jitters redress. Loved the limo scene, loved the shoutout to Oliver's history with limos (Moira, Felicity both getting got). Thought it was cool that the team handled the Vigilante fight while Oliver was giving his speech. Made the team seem important. Curtis finally felt like Mister Terrific for a few seconds there, and I felt bad for his divorce. Looking forward to seeing those T-Spheres develop further.

Like I've said before, Felicity's arc makes sense. I think the implication was she blackmailed the Councillor on Oliver's behalf maybe? Either way, she's shown she doesn't care for hacking morality or ruining lives in the pursuit of the greater good in the past. She's down for lethal justice too. She'll be in for a shock when Helix pushes things too far but that's how these things go.

Also Guggenheim seems to confirm he really is the son of one of Oliver's kills btw. From EW. Other spoilers in there.
we knew that the character of Prometheus was the son of one of Oliver's early kills in season 1

*I have no idea. I think he's shared scenes with basically every major character. Everyone was either at that press conference or fighting against him in the climax scene. Artemis and Ragman were in his first episode too so it's not them. I'm clueless.
Thea never got to blackmail the Councillor but she considered it. That's why she quit.

So Green Arrow is gonna run from the cops again huh....eh its all setup for Oliver getting outed anyways


Haven't seen the episode yet, but I know who prometheus is... but I'm not sure if they revealed vigilante's identity but I think I might know who it might be... Susan. Next episode anyway would involve her getting kidnapped so it would be quite the shock to prometheus when she doesn't go as quietly as he hoped for.


Watch the episode, not possible.

Dam it and here I thought I might be onto something *sigh* so I guess that just leaves a a completely new character... or someone making a return from a previous season... Or Prometheus has a twin brother or something.
*I have no idea. I think he's shared scenes with basically every major character. Everyone was either at that press conference or fighting against him in the climax scene. Artemis and Ragman were in his first episode too so it's not them. I'm clueless.

I think Vigilante was thrown in as a red herring, to throw us off the "Adrian is Prometheus" trail. His true identity is probably one of the other people to use the name in the comics. Probably not Greg Saunders, since he's the cowboy Vigilante, but Patricia Trayce, Jay Sutter/Justin Powell, and Dorian Chase are all on the table. There could even be a real Adrian Chase like they did with Jay.

Either way, I don't think he's all that important going forward. He's served his purpose as a deflection, probably just to end up as a recurring villain of the week that we'll see more of going forward, like Vertigo, China White, Deadshot and Cupid before him.


After a week of one television disappointment after another, Arrow delivered the goods. Man, I never thought I'd say that a year ago. The Prometheus reveal caught me off guard and it remains to be seen if they're able to give Chase a convincing motivation. Also enjoying Felicity's path to the dark side and Wild Dog remains the MVP. I am concerned that the latter is starting to push out Diggle, who has had very little to do this season and feels like he's mostly in the background.

I think a good part of why I'm enjoying this season is because it's mercifully low on relationship drama. Sure, I still zone out on the Oliver/Susan scenes but at least I'm not zoning out on large chunks of the show like I have been with Supergirl and Flash.


By the way someone on Reddit pointed out Willa has been in 12 out of 15 of the episodes this season (I haven't double checked but it sounds aboutright), so I guess she only has 2 episodes left this season. Speedy back for the finale?

I think Vigilante was thrown in as a red herring, to throw us off the "Adrian is Prometheus" trail. His true identity is probably one of the other people to use the name in the comics. Probably not Greg Saunders, since he's the cowboy Vigilante, but Patricia Trayce, Jay Sutter/Justin Powell, and Dorian Chase are all on the table. There could even be a real Adrian Chase like they did with Jay.

Either way, I don't think he's all that important going forward. He's served his purpose as a deflection, probably just to end up as a recurring villain of the week that we'll see more of going forward, like Vertigo, China White, Deadshot and Cupid before him.

Oh he's most likely a nobody, but it's interesting they haven't cast him yet (he was in Flash but nobody credited), so I guess it's just a stunt actor. Even if they just make him one of the other many Vigilantes it's interesting that they've shown little interest in his identity. I hope he's important. I love his theme song. It's that or Doctor Alchemy's theme for best track of the season.

He's pretty competent too, not as good as Oliver or Prometheus, but he took down Diggle and caught a throwing star.
Yeah, if he was someone we at least saw or at least the son of someone we actually saw Oliver take down in season one instead of something invented for this season it might work for me a little better. Maybe I need to bone up more on my Greek mythology but I'm not sure how the name Prometheus even fits the character.

Still good episode, alright minor swerve with Chase, Wild Dog really has turned around for me. Looks like Thea got written out sooner than I expected... Poor Curtis gets his balls only to take another L, saw that coming though.


Anyone else think it's cruel as fuck for Curtis' husband to invite him out to dinner just to hand him papers? Couldn't that have been done in a more gentle way?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Loved this episode. Can't believe they actually pulled off a surprise here. So who the fuck is Vigilante then?!

Some aspects of this felt like a series finale leadup. Oliver Queen (Mayor) vs Green Arrow is a nice direction moving forward. The show is more interesting when Team Arrow doesn't have the cooperation of the police.

Not too pleased about Thea leaving. At least she got a good arc and reasonable explanation for why she wanted to leave. And I'm sure we all saw it coming too. I'm fine if we just get the occasional guest appearance of Queen Thea.

Please tell me this Helix arc with Felicity means we're getting more Kacey Rohl. She was great in Hannibal and The Magicians. I would love to see her have a large role here. Speaking of Felicity, I'm a big fan of this moral ambiguity arc they have her on.

Action was well directed this week. I'd say the only weak spot in this episode was the Russia flashbacks. They kept them so brief that I wasn't that bothered.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
First Prometheus tricks Oliver into killing Felicity's boyfriend, now he's stealing Ollie's girl ...

Guys, I think Adrian might be an Oliciter.

How amazing would that be for Season 6. Just have a big mysterious villain that reveals their motivations during the season finale, and it's that.

"I just think you should have stayed with Felicity. Remember the salmon ladder scenes?! Remember!"


On brighter news we are finally getting close to a an actual Mister Terrific, than Curtis with the T-Spheres.

Also while id didn't think it would be Tommy because that is wish-fulfillment from the fans the chase thing caught me off-guard so that's good i guess.
That promo totally sold me on Adrian being Prometheus and Josh being able to stay on his own against the likes of Barrowman or McDonough.

Prometheus looks like he's within striking distance of the Legion for best main villain of the season.

Lillian Luthor is a distant third and Savitar is an even more distant fourth.


Prometheus looks like he's within striking distance of the Legion for best main villain of the season.

Lillian Luthor is a distant third and Savitar is an even more distant fourth.
Savitar is incredibly distant fourth he is only forth because technically Legion counts as one and we only have four shows.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Top villain of the season for me (so far) is a tossup between The Legion of Doom and Prometheus. The Legion has really charming actors. Prometheus is playing chess, not checkers. Both shows still have me wanting more of them.

Savitar is dead last. Don't care what he is, who he is, or how they'll stop him.

I just hope all the shows finish strong this year. They all limped through the season finale last year, which was highly disappointing.


This quote regarding Prometheus made me very happy:
That will be explored this season, Mericle said, noting that producers will try to humanize Adrian to give him some empathy.

"We've always striven to have the villain be the hero of their own story and to get underneath the reasons why they are what they are and do what they do," Mericle said. "Adrian Chase is no exception. What's interesting for us is how close those parallels are with Oliver's own story. We wanted to build a villain that's a dark mirror for Oliver, and honoring Oliver's past on the show, especially the first season. Seeing what it was like going through the loss. They've both suffered losses and they've both answered those losses in very different ways."

What sets Prometheus apart from the other big bads Oliver has defeated over the years is the fact that he's not trying to kill Oliver. He wants to destroy everything Oliver loves in a sick game of psychological torture.

"We really wanted to build him up as someone who is extremely good at being 10 steps ahead of Oliver, really being psychological in the way that he manipulates him," Mericle said. "One of the ways he does that is by going after the people that Oliver cares about. We’ve seen villains do that in the past, but this year Adrian does it in a way that’s a little bit more specific. His goal is very clear: he really has no drive to kill Oliver. It’s purely based on torture. It’s all part and parcel of this drive to break Oliver down psychologically as opposed to physically, which we have seen Slade [Manu Bennett] and Merlyn [John Barrowman] and everybody else do, take him on hand-to-hand. This is much more of a mental game."


Cutthroat Thea is best Thea tho...

Who is Thea? Did you mean baby Moira.
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