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Arrow S5 |OT| You thought you were out, but Manu Bennett pulls you back in.

So the whole thing with Helix seems like a setup to me. I don't think its just that they are into some hardcore shit that is going to hit the fan I think when it does it'll be Felicity holding the reins or taking the fall or whatever the want to call it all being set up by Chase including them finding the place where they ended up capturing Oliver.

Right now I think the most likely to die this season is Diggle. He's been Oliver's moral compass for so long and outside of Thea I think it would mess him up the most. It would be interesting if Felicity ends up in jail with Diggle dead so next season Oliver just has the newbies.
So the whole thing with Helix seems like a setup to me. I don't think its just that they are into some hardcore shit that is going to hit the fan I think when it does it'll be Felicity holding the reins or taking the fall or whatever the want to call it all being set up by Chase including them finding the place where they ended up capturing Oliver.

Right now I think the most likely to die this season is Diggle. He's been Oliver's moral compass for so long and outside of Thea I think it would mess him up the most. It would be interesting if Felicity ends up in jail with Diggle dead so next season Oliver just has the newbies.

I was thinking Helix is working with Chase too which would aide in his being "ten steps ahead" at like all times.


Why is she giving her brother-in-law such a hard time? I like how Talia immediately unveils that she is an Al Ghul and that Prometheus is Adrian.


The brunette Felicity is probably working for Chase. Would explain how he knows so much and how he was able to fake Lila's voice on that phone call to lure Diggle.

I think the OT title is a little outdated now (especially since Dolph has been absent for most of the season). Needs something more Prometheusy.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
We're going to see more Dolph eventually, but I'm interested in how they originally planned to end his storyline as they intimated that they were able to get him for some more episodes based off the reaction to his initial string.

Regardless, hopefully he can get brought on for a role in the present next season.

I also hope they pull some bullshit and bring Tobias Church back. He was great and a "redemption arc" where he has to regain his empire would be fun to see.


Prometheus spent five years (in hell) preparing for Oliver. Watching. Waiting. He knows everything.

They were right when they said it's a villain that can only be done after so many seasons. He wouldn't have the same impact otherwise.
Prometheus spent five years (in hell) preparing for Oliver. Watching. Waiting. He knows everything.

They were right when they said it's a villain that can only be done after so many seasons. He wouldn't have the same impact otherwise.

They need to open an episode like that. "My name is Adrian Chase... Previously on Prometheus."


This episode was so good and so bad at the same time. It had some amazing character moments, but holy crap at the plot armor protecting Adrian (Susan is one person, kill him).

It was unfortunate that they brought out Adrian's wife just to kill her, did we even see her before this episode?

Then you have Felicity doing all this secretive bullshit and no one giving a damn.

With that being said, I love Prometheus so much!
Yeah the only thing that bothered me is Adrian's wife had literally seconds of screen time before this episode so it felt a bit flat to pull her into the thick of it and expect much of a response. Maybe if they had spent some time somehow showing the Chases together (without revealing Adrian = Prometheus, I mean his actor was made series regular after all, so it could've been done, I feel).

Yeah the flashbacks since Dolph left have fallen off in quality. Things are moving so fast in the main timeline it's hard to link what's going on to the past so the thematic connection isn't there anymore. It's easy to ignore because everything else is so good and Anatoli is likable.
Yeah, flashbacks are kinda back to just being filler now. I think right now it's just cleaning up the Bratva for Anatoli to take over and killing Gregor, and with Oliver finally killing Kovar and realizing (or with Talia's push) that he needs to go home.

I think other than the initial set of episodes any per-episode connection to the flashback kinda started falling off. But it is still good because development-wise it is definitely leaning towards Russia-Oliver becoming the monster that is the Hood vs. Present Oliver who is trying to redeem himself vs. Adrian trying to convince Oliver he's been the monster all along (maybe).

I was thinking Helix is working with Chase too which would aide in his being "ten steps ahead" at like all times.
That seems like a bit much, as I was thinking Helix was just something waaaaaaay over Adrian and Talia's heads and that it's setup for S6 where all this stuff Felicity is doing causes the next big bad to arise.


Helix connecting to Adrian would also feel tacked on. It doesn't feel like good story telling. On the other hand Artemis disappearing without a trace isn't really either.


Yeah, flashbacks are kinda back to just being filler now. I think right now it's just cleaning up the Bratva for Anatoli to take over and killing Gregor, and with Oliver finally killing Kovar and realizing (or with Talia's push) that he needs to go home.

I think other than the initial set of episodes any per-episode connection to the flashback kinda started falling off. But it is still good because development-wise it is definitely leaning towards Russia-Oliver becoming the monster that is the Hood vs. Present Oliver who is trying to redeem himself vs. Adrian trying to convince Oliver he's been the monster all along (maybe).

If it's any consolation:
the Bratva are back in the modern day in two episodes.

Helix connecting to Adrian would also feel tacked on. It doesn't feel like good story telling. On the other hand Artemis disappearing without a trace isn't really either.

Artemis disappearing makes sense. She's no longer of any use to Adrian and she can't go back to the team.


"Honor Thy Fathers" is clearly about little Diggle rebelling against his dad.

Artemis disappearing makes sense. She's no longer of any use to Adrian and she can't go back to the team.

She still remains a loose end though. Either Oliver or Adrian should look at 'cleaning' it uo.

Zen Aku

Is it just me or does Chase feel like Arrow version of Hush (Batman) now? His situation is kinda similar to Oliver. His life got completely fucked up and he trained to become something much more to get revenge on the man that killed his father.

To me it's similar to Oliver but instead he continues to walk the path of darkness where as Oliver was able to control his darkness.

Also with Adrian parading around in plain sight like that gives me chill. It's like Hush just walking around Gotham and Bruce can't do shit cause he got nothing on him. Adrian just playing mind games with Oliver and it's fucking him up bad.

Also, this week Arrow episode crushed the Flash episode so hard.

Arrow |OT| You Expected Dolph Lundgen. But It Was Me, Adrian!
Helix connecting to Adrian would also feel tacked on. It doesn't feel like good story telling. On the other hand Artemis disappearing without a trace isn't really either.

I don't see them as connected to Adrian, but they definitely could be the villains of season 6. Bring some of these members on as the leadership/foot soldiers next year.
This really has been a bounce back season of the show, Chase has been killing it in his role. Another testament to the importance of a good villain arc in a superhero show.


This really has been a bounce back season of the show, Chase has been killing it in his role. Another testament to the importance of a good villain arc in a superhero show.

I think that in five seasons, the choice in villain has always been excellent. Season 3 and 4 had villain problems, but I think it had less to do with the people doing the role, looking at how Ra's and Dhark shined on Legends.


This really has been a bounce back season of the show, Chase has been killing it in his role. Another testament to the importance of a good villain arc in a superhero show.
I hope to see more cause this was really the actual debut if you don't count the reveal from the episode before. A lot of it was Prometheus in the background doing mind fuckery to Oliver and not a lot of it was shown with Adrian being unhinged.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the direction they're going but before that a lot of Adrian's scenes didn't really do much for me because he was just mostly there for the sake of the Oliver-as-mayor plotline played entirely straight.
Josh Segarra is just killing it this season. He was a fun presence as Chase, and now he's turned it up to 11 since the Prometheus reveal.

Top tier CWverse villain for me, easily the best we've had since Reverse Flash.
Just caught up with the last three episodes and yeah, Prometheus is my favorite Arrowverse villain after Reverse Flash.

I still can't believe how consistently godlike this season has been.

Zen Aku

Josh Segarra is just killing it this season. He was a fun presence as Chase, and now he's turned it up to 11 since the Prometheus reveal.

Top tier CWverse villain for me, easily the best we've had since Reverse Flash.
I agree, after he revealed himself. He just went to town and it's a pleasure watching him being snug as hell.

I would totally watch an entire season of Arrow with him parading around in front of Oliver and just fucking with him mentally. Which is surprising to me too, Slade was great when he stepped up to be the villain, and Barrowman has been great day 1. But Adrian was just pretty damn competent and then *bam* reveal! And it's like out of nowhere he became a fantastic villain.

Where the fuck has Walter been
Getting the fuck away from the craziness that is 🌟 🌃.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
man, this season is so fuckin good

Adrian Chase has really developed into quite the villain - really scary with a solid motivation


So, better than Malcolm or not? Slade and Reverse Flash remain the best, but with this reveal I'm wondering who gets the third spot.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
So, better than Malcolm or not? Slade and Reverse Flash remain the best, but with this reveal I'm wondering who gets the third spot.

I give him the edge over Merlyn. Even in Season 1, Malcolm was never up in Oliver's shit like this. I do like Malcolm in the Legion of Doom. But his menace and mystique is long gone.
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