Wait, what about Martian Manhunter and James?
Arrow's Earth
Wait, what about Martian Manhunter and James?
Shieeeeeet. Forget 10 steps, Chase is already done with the marathon and Team Arrow hasn't event gotten to the starting line yet.
A very drama heavy episode but it was still entertaining. Glad Diggle and Lyla aren't breaking up soon and Oliver and Felicty found a way to reconcile without getting back together. Renee, Dinah, and Curtis were a lot of fun this episode too.
Wait, what about Martian Manhunter and James?
Arrow's Earth
Simple, comparatively!
is this some Grant Morrison shit?
because it seems like some Grant Morrison shit
Simple, comparatively!
is this some Grant Morrison shit?
because it seems like some Grant Morrison shit
I fucking love that image. I don't care how crazy and complex it may seem but I've stared at that thing far longer than I should. It's just the thought that went into it to explain all the crazy D.C. shit.Simple, comparatively!
Simple, comparatively!
Dull? Eh I thought he was a fairly pleasant and cool-headed character who pretty much provided a nice lens to see the show through.
Batman gets the best interactions in the Injustice comics
You know, it was a good idea to come back to this. Explain the thought process a bit more.
It is and it isn't. Reasonable people are like, "oh, they're tying to fix some of the problems with the characters"
Unreasonable people are already crafting their reddit shitposts about how they want to throw acid on Felicity's face.
Unreasonable people are already crafting their reddit shitposts about how they want to throw acid on Felicity's face.
For a filler episode they sure did advanced Oliver and Felicity relationship in a meaningful way. Diggle and Layla too.
It advanced the characters, so not really filler.
Being that lens works when you're more than an occasional guest-star that leaves halfway. And even then, I can't think of a single thing he said beyond "something something I'm sad about nukes."
The new Black Canary hasn't had much to do, but she's already a helluva lot more memorable as an actual personality who is also a bit of an outsider on the team.
I mean I think that's more so on you than the show.
Funny thing is, people are calling Dinah more of a blank slate than than they are Rene..
Idk how she's a blank slate personality wise. Not every character needs to immediately pop out at you with personality.
filler as in they didn't do anything to advanced the main story of Oliver and Chase.
Wild Dog is fine. I'm talking about Rag Man.
I don't need them to be some overthetop performance, but I atleast need to be able to describe what their deal is. I can't do that with Rory.
Except Felicity and Oliver resolving things means they'll be on the same page, which'll play into the last few eps.
Well yeah, but Oliver vs Adrian is still the main story. Glad we actually see Adrian do something this week.Except Felicity and Oliver resolving things means they'll be on the same page, which'll play into the last few eps.
Well yeah, but Oliver vs Adrian is still the main story. Glad we actually see Adrian do something this week.
He's probably the creepiest villain in this universe since S1 Harrison Wells
Definitely one of the weaker eps this season and callback to the worst part of series(walking out lol). Hopefully the Olicity kidney stone has passed and we get more Chase fuckery.
Don't think they got that much more chase fuckery to go .
We are down to the last 3 ep so looking forward to how everyone end on the island .
How much arm strength does Oliver have though? Lifting her up like that while dangling.
I would just have dropped her. She could have made it.
^ That's not even peak Diggle. He's even bigger now lol.
This episode made me sad, only because the flashbacks showed just how fun and charming Felicity can be when they're not writing her as the vindictive, holier-than-though hypocrite we've gotten for the past two seasons.
He is stealing muscles from amell^ That's not even peak Diggle. He's even bigger now lol. David Ramsey just keeps getting bigger while Amell continues to shrink.
This episode made me sad, only because the flashbacks showed just how fun and charming Felicity can be when they're not writing her as the vindictive, holier-than-though hypocrite we've gotten for the past two seasons.