So, can they go three for three?
You know better
So, can they go three for three?
You know better
YesssssStill the best opening monologue.
Oh damn we're getting Flashpoint up in here!
YESSSSSS Only good thing Barry has done
Never happened. They didn't show anything from that episode in the intro for a reason20 second visitor meeting, thats kinda weird.
I thought deadshot and diggle had come to terms and were okay, whys he so freaked out?
Everyone can come back accept for Laurel.. Maybe
20 second visitor meeting, thats kinda weird.
I thought deadshot and diggle had come to terms and were okay, whys he so freaked out?
Barry gave the audience a win, seemingly handed Diggle an L
And he just made the JokerAs if green arrow wasn't stealing enough things from batman, now he has his own jason todd!