I bet Ollie thinks turtles are cool too.
He shoulda said that too
I bet Ollie thinks turtles are cool too.
Oliver's CoveThis episode is just Easter eggs for Amell's career.
Every time I hear Arrow Cave, I think of that page in Injustice when Ollie takes Harley to it.
Arrow is 3/3 on good episodes and we're getting an NX reveal. What a day.
It's like they stopped giving a fuck about Tumblr, much like Supernatural last season.Oh my god are we actually clearing the air already? This is not Arrow.
Great day.
also I ordered a G-Sync monitor today and making that plunge
Hm, that made me realize, I mean I know that he'll, but we haven't seen Merlyn yet on Arrow this season.be showing up in Legends
That was great! Really enjoying all 4 shows so far.
We all down for Cody Rhodes to return as a villain? He did a pretty good job for what would generally be a throwaway role.
I miss seeing Cody on my TV, so yes
He's been pretty entertaining in TNA. Feels like he gets to be himself.
Well a certain couple isn't the focus so.....So did the change some crew or something?
Because we had 2 seasons of absolute shit and this has been the best stretch of episodes since season 2.
Well a certain couple isn't the focus so.....
First 10 minute spoilers
Was waiting for an update. LolGOD FUCKING DAMN IT
good episode
T-Spheres when?
Was waiting for an update. Lol
Speaking of ridiculous, this is straight up impossible. But it looks cool as hell so I don't care.
I could've sworn we saw the T-Spheres before. Curtis had them at Palmer Tech.CWverse usually actually makes good on trying to adapt the comic characters, no matter how ridiculous, so I would say sooner than later.
If we can get god damned bug eyed bandit with nano-bot bees, we can get T-spheres
Aha, not crazy!Yeah guys we had prototype T-Spheres last season.