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Arrow S5 |OT| You thought you were out, but Manu Bennett pulls you back in.



So good.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Haha. Dude went from RagMan to "Hi, my name is Rory and welcome to Old Navy" in one episode.

Deadshot is back! Whoa, guess after Batman vs Superman and Suicide Squad DC is just shoulder shrugging when the TV shows want to use characters. Can't get much worse...I'm glad he was just a hallucination though. Him being Diggles's cellmate is a stretch

I like that Diggle, Thea, and the other supporting characters have stuff to do other than punchy-kicky time. Keeps things fresh. And the new team is kinda badass. They're fucking up but still badass.

"You have failed this city" and unjustified homicide. We Season 1 again! Fully in costume Mr. Terrific as well! This is Peak DC TV.

And how about Oliver with the badass villain take down. I loved that. The elevator talk was golden too. "I think it's cool." The flashback actually tied back to the theme of the episode (trust in others) as well. Damn, Arrow is 3 for 3 this season.

The stinger being Lyla coming to Oliver to plan a jail breakout. So much better than some mysterious villain tease. Flash needs to start taking some notes from what Arrow is doing this year, real talk


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
they need to stop spoiling shit in the recaps, the deadshot reveal would've been way more awesome if wasnt for the damn recap.


they need to stop spoiling shit in the recaps, the deadshot reveal would've been way more awesome if wasnt for the damn recap.

He was in the credits anyway. You can strike a deal to be credited at the end for surprise value but it isn't super common, especially on these shows.


Deadshot coming back even as Diggle's Head-Deadshot (Headshot?) was nice. I think I still like him way better than Will Smith's.

Also I like that the logical conclusion to a man who thinks he can feel no pain was countered by Oliver basically just disabling every limb without him noticing. Was hoping they would go that route, actually.

I do wish that there was a more elegant way to basically retcon baby Sara into John Jr. rather than do a previously on from another show. I guess again they don't really care about people watching Arrow and not watching Flash anymore anyway.


Well a certain couple isn't the focus so.....

Said couple wasnt the focus in S3. Fwlicity was handcuffed to Ray and Oliver was busy being killed off in the midseason finale for dramatic tension and to make Laurel team leader for a few episodes. Also RAs Sucked.

S4 with Oliver and Felicity in a relationship was fine until all the unnessecary baby mama drama was introduced.

I get wanting to complain about these shows being bad/not living up to their potential. But lets keep on topic with what actually went wrong. Not just start blaming characters when their "Annoying" characteristics/moments were inconsistent writing and largely out of character compared to what had been previously established


So not worth it
So Cody Rhodes guest stars in an episode that has a drug called Stardust in it and nobody mentions it? WWE is truly dead.


Sorry to interrupt but i haven't watched Arrow since most of Season 3. Has it got good and can i skip Season 4 and go straight to 5.
Sorry to interrupt but i haven't watched Arrow since most of Season 3. Hs it got good and can i skip Season 4 and go strait to 5.

It's good.
You can go straight into season 5 but watching the last 3 to 4 eps of season 4 can't hurt .
Still season 4 only really got bad in the middle and we hoping season 5 don't end up that way .


The Mayor's office is also the Queen Industries' meeting room and is also generic office meeting room where Ollie crashes through the window.


Damn. Arrow is on fire this season. Third great episode. And plenty of good action despite the director change. Loved the jump, as well as those overhead shots of Oliver brawling that WWE guy. And what a beautifully brutal way to handle somebody who can't feel pain :D

I love how the new team is shaping up. So much more fun than the old one. I think the reason for that is that previous team never really felt like they treated Oliver as a leader. To many times it felt like he was relegated to just a member of team of vigilantes, with everyone dogpiling on him and questioning his judgement. Here Oliver is clearly in charge and even if he makes mistakes he deals with those mistakes while remaining in position of a leader.
And the fact that this leadership is starting to sip into his mayoral function is a very nice touch too.

Oh..and bonus points of Felicity coming clean fast about Havenrock instead of waiting for the secret to faster and eventually explode.


Mister Terrific's jacket looks fantastic. Pure faithful.

The mask and Echo's hairstyle could use some work. Hard to do the super thin mask look the comics have IRL.


Looks like the embargo is under Geoff Johns' say:
Arrow somewhat famously phased out its assorted Suicide Squad characters, as their Summer 2016 big-screen debut neared. So how were they able to “resurrect” Deadshot? “It’s always a case-by-case thing,” said Guggenheim. “In this case, it was really simple. I went to the writers’ room, this was a pitch on the table, I shot an email off to [DC Comics CCO] Geoff Johns, I got a response back, and Deadshot’s in the episode.”
Also the outfits aren't final:
Curtis and the other recruits for now are merely sporting “proto-costumes,” Guggenheim said, until they truly earn their stripes. Curtis specifically “has the farthest to go,” from tech whiz/”Mr. Fair Play” to Mr. Terrific. “That’s a big throw, in my opinion. So the only way to do it properly is to watch him try and watch him fail, and watch him fail, and watch him fail.”
A few more spoilery things from TVLine:

Sounds like we're going to see what it's like dealing with an alter ego crime fighter this season. So we'll see Oliver wondering why Adrian Chase is constantly disappearing, has injuries, asks for strange things. Would be hilarious.

And AV Club liked it, B+.


Looks like the embargo is under Geoff Johns' say:

Also the outfits aren't final:

A few more spoilery things from TVLine:

Sounds like we're going to see what it's like dealing with an alter ego crime fighter this season. So we'll see Oliver wondering why Adrian Chase is constantly disappearing, has injuries, asks for strange things. Would be hilarious.

And AV Club liked it, B+.
Can't wait for the moment Oliver laughs that Adrian looks like someone shot an arrow through his knee.


Liking this "back to basics" season so far.

Curtis' mask elicited this reaction from me:

Needs some work. Wild Dog/Next Canary Kid obviously don't have final costumes yet but I hope that's not the mask they're sticking with for Curtis.


Another solid episode.

Shocked that Thea has had some stumbles in the transition from bar owner to chief of staff for the mayor.

Even more shocked that Felicity has already told the truth to Ragman (easier to tell truth about nuking town than dating a new guy I guess)

In general the new squad is pretty likable


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Fuck. Mister Terrific looked ridiculous.

I think it's the eyes. They stand out so much with the mask. Some faux white out contacts or maybe just colored contacts punched up in post would make it work better.


Fuck me, the show has been so good so far. I'm loving the fighting choreography and the slow motion during some scenes to accentuate GA's badassery. The absolute lack of Ollicity and Mama Smoke is a godsend. The flashback scenes have all been good.

Is this the same team of producers as the previous two seasons?
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