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ARROW Season 2 |OT| Back in a Flash

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As much as I wanted to see Oliver and Malcolm team up to take on Slade, it had to be Oliver alone that beat him in the battle. He could get help from Felicity to even the odds, but Oliver had to be the one to finally defeat him.


I have to say I was not expecting them to kill
Isabel off like that. At least she was killed by Nyssa but still that was pretty quick. I thought they'd continue to do more with the character.
If that is what happen as it was kinda quick.


Loved the Supermax reference at the end. That can't just be for nothing, that's for sure.

It sucks to even think that we have to wait until October for our next fix of Arrow. Might be time for a series rewatch really soon.

Supermax storyline could be the very last bit of Season 5 with him leaving the island in the past and present.


My review of the finale: asbndjkaheo9u84uq240ue!!!?que.

In other words...now with Vikings and Arrow gone for months on end, I'm a sad, sad man.


Damnnn at Thea going with Malcom. That is going to be awesome. Expecting her to come back during the mid season finale maybe?

The flashbacks have the potential to be pretty interesting this time. Any Chinese organizations in the Green Arrow lore?


Finale felt like great closure to all the story arcs, but I'm surprised no-one significant died (or did they). The fight scenes were pretty epic though , I have to hand it to them. The direction they seem to going with season 3 looks refreshing, although I'm a bit disappointed that we didn't get much Merlyn action again this episode. I'm glad that the flashbacks are shifting off the island. is till don't understand why Thea would even go with Malcom, but I guess it gives space for her to change that character.


Oliver in Hong Kong.
My home town, I can tell next season is going to be kickass already.
Don't understand why they were speaking Mandirin though.

Geeked out when I saw Red Arrow Roy.

The Oliver Slade fight was amazing, loved the editing.
I was worried about how Oliver was going to take on a mirakuru'd Slade on the ship since can't even fight him in the present time but I'm satisfied with the way the handled it.

It seems Thea will be Speedy then? Seems she'll show up in a later season as a villain for Roy maybe?
I knew she was going to go with Malcolm, I just knew it.

Chesthair dying was so random and stupid. it's like they were killing a character off just for the sake of it.
Laurel Canary I'm looking forward to suprisingly but I don't get how randomly killing off Chesthair will progress her character development. Maybe it's just me.

Everything wrapped up nicely and set up for Season 3.

REV 09

I thought the first season was more consistent, but this finale was quite good. More importantly i like how season 3 has been set up.


Natural and fitting conclusion to a tremendously exciting season. Tied things together nicely, but gave Sara/Thea/Roy/Papa Diggle/Slade/Malcolm threads to follow through next season and beyond. Thea's potential darker shift is most welcome, she as been very one dynamic in recent week. That dynamic being wingy bitch.

And for the love of pete Laurel do heed your fathers words. Don't get any ideas about that jacket. That means you as well show runners

I am not much into lore, so that last Hong Kong reveal left me a tad flat.

S3 of Arrow and Flash is a tasty prospect. Oliver being poor, both Dig and Oliver having children, once allies turning darker appear to the overall themes going forward

Do hope they throw in a Red Hood or Riddler. For me.

Spoiler tagged my thoughts just to be on the safe safe side
that was decent. not as good as season 1 finale nor was the final fight as awesome as i'd hoped.

i liked where they went with everything (and they did a couple twists on me, that felicity thing i was mad at until the reveal at the end lmao)

yo chesthair's death was so stupid and abrupt though. they shouldn't have done that. it's like they thought "oh shit...this is a finale we gotta quickly kill somebody right now"

what a shitty way to go.

flash teaser was fun though. hype.

My arrow knowledge isn't that great. Is hing king significant in any way?

hing king. hahahaaaaa. i love it.

REV 09

there seems to be some confusion...olicity is fake right? The final scene with them on the island made it seem like Felicity has always wanted more but that oliver just loves her like a friend.

Also, my impression was that chesthair didn't actually die.
Pretty good finale. Everyone I wanted to survive, survived, except for Isabel. Even Slade!

I hope Quinton is dead though. His character is useless. Rather that, or he needs to smarten up. I wish Roy would of bit it too. His hoodie + mask combo was ridiculous. Not too keen on the Lyla being pregnant thing either. (I thought they were gonna kill her.) Digg + Deadshot FTW.

Everything else was quite awesome. The writers are trolling super hard with the Ollie love rhombus though. All the stuff they are setting up for S3 seems pretty cool too.


I honestly thought that when Oliver woke up in the flashback at the end of the episode, it was going to introduce Bruce Wayne. How I wish.


My arrow knowledge isn't that great. Is hing king significant in any way?

Not everything is entirely 1:1 with the comics. They can just make something up. Take a villain and have him originate from Hong Kong, or have him end up in HK for some reason. I'm pretty sure Thea isn't actually a character in the comics. She's Speedy on the show but in the comics Speedy's name is Mia and used to be Roy.

I can see them taking this guy and trying to tie him in. or I can be completely overreaching and it'll just be Waller/Merlyn/Slade with the occasional pop up from someone like China White or something


Bitches love smiley faces
I can see them taking this guy and trying to tie him in. or I can be completely overreaching and it'll just be Waller/Merlyn/Slade with the occasional pop up from someone like China White or something

Constantine was already used in the pilot and died. I guess he can show up in flashbacks but that'd be weird.
action pack finale compared to the tamed finale of shield.
I thought the flashbacks r done. I hope next season it doesn't feel drag out that Arrow needs flashbacks.
At least Malcolm has a purpose I thought it was a pointless appearance

now I know how the female fans of Supernatural feel with that Ollie and Felicity moment. lol
So this is going back a while, but I'm pretty sure we still don't know who hired Fiers(sp?).

All I remember is we once got a shot of feet under a desk, in heels. I'm starting to strongly assume it was Waller.


action pack finale compared to the tamed finale of shield.
I thought the flashbacks r done. I hope next season it doesn't feel drag out that Arrow needs flashbacks.
At least Malcolm has a purpose I thought it was a pointless appearance

now I know how the female fans of Supernatural feel with that Ollie and Felicity moment. lol

Flashbacks will continue till the end of season 5, assuming they stick to the original plan.





Uh I don't think Lance died.

Just seriously wounded and probably won't be a cop anymore.
Maybe quit the force and try and train Laurel to not be an incompetent.


They're going to drag out Ollicity until the very end. I think they're going to have the two of them get together in the end though. Naturally that wasn't the original plan but they know how popular the pairing is.


Why is Sarah's goodbye so happy? She's going back to killing people for money right?

Also, I thought it was pretty obvious that Oliver was faking that confession to Felicity or his acting always been that stilted and I just didn't notice?


Pretty good season all around and final episode was great

Other than that i hate how they are trying to turn Laurel into the black canary, Sara is so much better than Laurel, just get rid of laurel and make Sara part of the main cast

They're going to drag out Ollicity until the very end. I think they're going to have the two of them get together in the end though. Naturally that wasn't the original plan but they know how popular the pairing is.
doesnt really matter who if the pairing is popular, green arrow gets together with black canary, which currently is Sara, but they are pushing laurel, so unless felicity turns into BC thats not gonna happen


They're going to drag out Ollicity until the very end. I think they're going to have the two of them get together in the end though. Naturally that wasn't the original plan but they know how popular the pairing is.
They need to ignore ollicity. The flirting is fine but relationship idea needs to go away.


Pretty good season all around and final episode was great

Other than that i hate how they are trying to turn Laurel into the black canary, Sara is so much better than Laurel, just get rid of laurel and make Sara part of the main cast

doesnt really matter who if the pairing is popular, green arrow gets together with black canary, which currently is Sara, but they are pushing laurel, so unless felicity turns into BC thats not gonna happen

They alter the source material all the time when making this show. He does not have to end up with Black Canary in this show if they don't want him to. They're not beholden to it. They can and do do what they want


I lol'd @ Lance's reaction to Laurel putting on the jacket.

Nice finale, but I think S1's was better. The editing on the Oliver/Slade fight here was pretty cool though.
Basically I just watched two straight comic book season finale and watched two straight people get friend zoned. One got friend zoned so bad he may have brain damage


That final fight between Slade and Ollie I had the Nokia trailer music for The Dark Knight Rises playing in my head. Would have been epic to have that be the background music for that fight.


They alter the source material all the time when making this show. He does not have to end up with Black Canary in this show if they don't want him to. They're not beholden to it. They can and do do what they want

sure, but BC is a big part of GAs character and his wife in the comics, they wont brush stuff like that just because of a will they wont they pairing
They alter the source material all the time when making this show. He does not have to end up with Black Canary in this show if they don't want him to. They're not beholden to it. They can and do do what they want

iirc the producers made statements a while back that: possible future season spoilers
Ollie and Laurel were "destined" and each others "true love." They also said Laurel would become BC but that it would take awhile.
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