Wentworth Miller will play Captain Cold on The Flash.
Just so you know.
Just so you know.
Wentworth Miller will play Captain Cold on The Flash.
Just so you know.
ARROW and FLASH will have a 2-hour crossover event
Episodes 8 of both shows, Arrow and Flash, are going to be a two-hour crossover event Also in Episode 4,is going to come to The Flash.Felicity
ARROW and FLASH will have a 2-hour crossover event
Episodes 8 of both shows, Arrow and Flash, are going to be a two-hour crossover event Also in Episode 4,is going to come to The Flash.Felicity
*sigh* God damnit, Warner Bros.
*sigh* God damnit, Warner Bros.
*sigh* God damnit, Warner Bros.
*sigh* God damnit, Warner Bros.
*sigh* God damnit, Warner Bros.
*sigh* God damnit, Warner Bros.
This is great news, what are you guys on about?
It gives the CWVerse more freedom, and it also means that the movies don't have to use cheapo "grounded in reality no powers" versions of DC characters like Australian de-powered Deathstroke and Black Canary with no actual powers.
I mean I like Flash and Arrow don't get me wrong but if I'm watching a big budget summer blockbuster then I want it to be amazing as possible.
If they were connected I doubt we would see another big villain like Deathstroke on CWVerse
*sigh* God damnit, Warner Bros.
So, with the universes being separate, this should open the possibility that we'll eventually see Supes and Bats in the Arrowverse, right?
Because, damn. That would be so sweet.
So, with the universes being separate, this should open the possibility that we'll eventually see Supes and Bats in the Arrowverse, right?
Because, damn. That would be so sweet.
Whomever suggested it before deserves some love for this idea, but I like the idea of a DC live action multiverse. CW universe and movie universe. That leaves open the possibility for a Crisis on Infinite Earths style crossover eventually. Which would be awesome.
Good, DC/WB's modern comic movies have mostly sucked outside of Nolan's Batman movies and the third one wasn't that great and Ledger pretty much carried the second one. Snyder and Goyer (the "architect" of their movie universe) continue to fail to give me reason to have faith in them. Besides that, we're past the point timeline wise where it would work anyway.
I mean it's not like there's been a ton of them.
Straight up DC, there's been 4?
I like seeing Ollie and Barry as the Bruce and Clark of their universe. We get new villains, new story ideas, different character arcs, etc. I prefer this.
Nope, Warner will not allow that. Supes and Bats are off the limits.
When do you want to start counting? I'd go with Batman Begins, leaving out Catwoman and only counting ones with characters from the DC comics universe.
Batman Begins, Superman Returns, The Dark Knight, Jonah Hex, Green Lantern, The Dark Knight Rises and Man of Steel. so seven
Why are people getting upset? If anything, the TV/Movie split allows both universes room to grow without having to try and tie everything together.
If they were gonna do it, then they'd have to explain why none of the TV characters seemed to notice/mention the gigantic dubstep beam pounding part of Metropolis into dust.
In the end, this is for the best. I still want Amell to just show up as Green Arrow in Justice League with absolutely no explanation given. Just make him visually different from the TV show look, including some blonde facial hair or something. Multiverse Amell.
Oh lawdd
Oh lawdd
ARROW and FLASH will have a 2-hour crossover event
Episodes 8 of both shows, Arrow and Flash, are going to be a two-hour crossover event Also in Episode 4,is going to come to The Flash.Felicity
*sigh* God damnit, Warner Bros.
That would be easy to explain. The Finale events with Zod in MoS didn't happen until end of S5 of Arrow and S3 of The Flash. That would be the year just before release of DoJ, so they could both lead into the new movie.
I don't understand this nonsense. If the Movie/TV universe is supposed to be separate then why not let them use Supes/Bats legacy characters? FFS... give me a Richard Grayson/Nightwing show and none of that "Flying Graysons" crap which was thankfully cancelled before scripting even. The Wonder Twins can be his Felicity and Diggle with Barbara/Oracle, Jason Todd, Cyborg making appearances soon.
Then after a year or two... a Young Justice/Titans show. Of course none of this will happen. ;_;
Doesn't Man of Steel take place in the present day? It would be really hard to explain away how/why people from 2015/16 are using phones and shit from 2013.
Plus, what happens if Terrio/Snyder decide that DoJ takes place a year+ after Man of Steel? Does everything suddenly jump forward too?
Oh lawdd
Yeah she leveled up but she's no Felicity or Thea.
Yeah she leveled up but she's no Felicity or Thea.
I don't remember specifics, but I don't think a year was stated in MoS was it? If a Time jump happens, then... well I don't know. It's not happening anyway, but I don't remember enough detail about MoS nor do I know enough about what's happening in DoJ to really answer this in a way that will connect it all in a satisfying manner.