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Arrow Season 4 |OT| A Tale of Salt and Fire

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I swear if Felicity gets to do magic on top of everything else I'm going to lose it. I don't like where this talk is going.
The last episode is going to be Felicity channeling the power of love in a unicorn-like beam against Dhark. Oliver's last line of that scene: "Wow, I didn't even use any arrows this time."

Speaking of which, it looks like this will be a Zero Arrow episode again.
This Alex thing feels like Prometheus' long con against Midnighter, right down to the fake town.

I was so disappointed in how that ended. Such a great setup that ended in a pureblooded My Kung Fu is Stronger Than Yours beatdown.

Still, it was a pretty great setup. There are worse wells to draw from, if they did.


Dammit Diggle, just pull the damn trigger. Brother or no brother, don't whip it out if you don't intend to use it.

Edit: About damn time.
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