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Arrow Season 4 |OT| A Tale of Salt and Fire

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Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
Come to think of it. Isn't not taking a bullet for someone display a real lack of empathy? I'd at least try to push random person out of the way. At least I like to think I would.


so if killing the person who hurt you permanently ends the bloodlust

wouldn't Thea's target actually be Malcolm and not Ra's?

Actually, since Malcolm now IS Ra's, that works out even better!

Malcolm fucked up tonight.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
Laurel sounds like a JRPG villain.
"Dad is going to be so happy when he sees you."
Diggle and Ollie back though !


So Sara needs to kill Thea to remove bloodlust. So that makes me think the Arrow/Flash in front of the grave in 6 months thing is Thea. Since I think that already...waaay too soon...., it is a red herring. Therefore Thea is not the one who dies?


Bitches love smiley faces
At least people won't be coming back anymore...hahaspeedforce

Until they need to. btwmalcolmfoundanewone.

I wonder if I'd enjoy the episode more if I didn't know about Legends of Tomorrow. Most of it just reeked of, "we just need x to happen."

We got a cool fight and more Darhk, so there's that. Although, how they dealt with Double Down... they need to invest in more recurring villains.
Until they need to. btwmalcolmfoundanewone.

I wonder if I'd enjoy the episode more if I didn't know about Legends of Tomorrow. Most of it just reeked of, "we just need x to happen."

We got a cool fight and more Darhk, so there's that. Although, how they dealt with Double Down... they need to invest in more recurring villains.

That was pretty much what The Flash was last night too.


it would be silly to put Thea and Sara through the same arc. Let's wait out to see what tricks Constantine pulls out of his hat before we make any judgements on the Sara situation
Why didn't Nyssa destroy the pit before they used it on Sara if she didn't want it to happen?

I also don't get why the card dude just gave up and left town after finding the lair.


Why didn't Nyssa destroy the pit before they used it on Sara if she didn't want it to happen?

I also don't get why the card dude just gave up and left town after finding the lair.
He followed the card to the lair and still no Green Arrow. Dahrk was going to fuck him up for going 0-2


Bitches love smiley faces
Why didn't Nyssa destroy the pit before they used it on Sara if she didn't want it to happen?

I also don't get why the card dude just gave up and left town after finding the lair.

A) She didn't know they were really going through with it until they were just about to dunk her in.

B) Probably just to get away from Darhk after failing again.


Why didn't Nyssa destroy the pit before they used it on Sara if she didn't want it to happen?

I also don't get why the card dude just gave up and left town after finding the lair.

1. Probably didn't think Laurel would really go through with it.

2. So he doesn't get killed by Damien.


Episode was aight. Neal McDonough as Damien Darhk is shaping up to be the best villain yet.

Still puzzled at when Malcolm supposedly surpassed Nyssa. Wasn't she supposed to be like crazy strong and much stronger than him? Yet she got schooled at the start of the episode.


Laruel Laruel Laruel...
Poor Lance.

Also a lot of the blame is on Thea as well, after getting off to killing two guys and having your dad tell you all that awful shit, really should have maybe objected a little harder.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Episode was aight. Neal McDonough as Damien Darhk is shaping up to be the best villain yet.

Still puzzled at when Malcolm supposedly surpassed Nyssa. Wasn't she supposed to be like crazy strong and much stronger than him? Yet she got schooled at the start of the episode.

iirc it took Ollie and Nyssa to take him down at the beginning of S3. Malcolm is no pushover.


iirc it took Ollie and Nyssa to take him down at the beginning of S3. Malcolm is no pushover.
Malcom is inconsistent as fuck but he will always be ahead of Ollie for most intents and purposes, (either physically or intellectually), so he will always be ahead of Nyssa. Though if Nyssa and Oliver needed to team up to take him on then, he must have known Oliver was going to get wrecked by Ra's later on.


#204 "Beyond Redemption" Promo

Episode was pretty great! Big S1 vibes from Oliver and Diggle.

  • Swag Barrowman laying down some majory jackassery.
  • Yeah, Laurel was an idiot for bringing Sara back. Told ya'.
  • Nyssa still the only sane man in the League. Would love for her to finally take control of it.
  • Diggle finally letting his secrets out, feels good doesn't it? Here's the thing about these shows: secrets are necessary. It's just how long they're kept for that matters.
  • Original Team Arrow! Back at a restaurant together!
  • Action scenes were great other than some stunt double issues. Masks are necessary for every actor other than Amell let's be honest.
  • Mister Terrific is the new Felicity. Even down to Felicity making up a poor lie to get him to examine evidence!
  • Double Down was visually badass, but a jobber. HOWEVER he jobbed to Dhark which just made Dhark look cooler so I can excuse.
  • We're totally getting the Felicity's father storyline aren't we with that phone... Maybe it's not Dhark at least. He shows little interest in tech unlike his comic counterpart.
  • Flashbacks have the same problem as last season where we don't know what the hell they're leading to for the first chunk of episodes.
Also anyone else pick up on odd sexual tension between Malcolm and Nyssa during their bout? A straight woman playing a lesbian and a gay man playing straight getting turned on by fighting each other. That League huh...


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Still catching up on netflix, but I have to say I laugh every time I read the edited thread title.
So Sara needs to kill Thea to remove bloodlust. So that makes me think the Arrow/Flash in front of the grave in 6 months thing is Thea. Since I think that already...waaay too soon...., it is a red herring. Therefore Thea is not the one who dies?

Well there was a line by Oliver in the grave scene about "I'm going to kill him." So that would indicate that whoever dies would have to die at the hands of Darhk for that line to be appropriate. Unless of course he was talking about killing Merlyn. Which would be an interesting twist, I guess.
Episode was all over the place for me. Nanda Parbat stuff felt like an unwelcome return to season 3 level of writing, but the Ollie-Dig story felt like a really fun throwback to season 1.

Kinda felt like they couldn't come up with a great way to bring Sara back, so they turned Laurel back into a dumb shit character for an episode. I get setting up LoT, but Flash did it much better with this week's episode.

Flashbacks still meandering, but nothing has been offensively dumb so far, so I count that as an improvement. Still bitter about the Coast City cock tease though.

And lastly, there were some great shots in the episode of the new Green Arrow suit. The old costume is hard to look at now, weirdly enough. Big improvement.
Next episode: Lance is about to shoot Sarah when when hear a familiar Scouse accent say "I wouldn't do that if I were you, mate. It'll be a might trickier to solve her problem when she's dead." Lance turns around and we see him him facing a shadowed, cigarette smoking, trenchcoat wearing, figure. Lance then asks "Who are you?" The figure takes one last puff of his cigarette, throws it on the ground and stomps on it. the mystery man then raises his blonde head, looks straight at the camera with a cocky smile and says "My name is John Constantine. I'll drive your demons away." Cue Arrow Title card except it bursts into flames while the Constantine theme plays.


Even Sara's corpse had pursed lips haha

Good episode, but a lot like Flash's this week - a lot of table setting for Legends while the main story is put on hold and we get a Villain of the Week to pass the time.
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