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Arrow Season 4 |OT| A Tale of Salt and Fire

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Geez, it seems like this whole front half of the season is just Legends of Tomorrow prequel.

at Ray in a bottle.

I guess different strokes, but for me this focus on LoT has made the first quarter fo the season more interesting.

When you think about both shows, not much has changed in terms of where the heroes and villains are, but it feels like stuff is happening because of these mini-arcs to get people in place for Legends
fuck is this...don't be hatin on Helena....she's better than all the females on this show.

The Huntress episode was probably my favorite of Season 2 apart from the Deathstroke episodes.

The only real issues between Flash and Arrow this season has been Legends of Tomorrow related and even then both have been pretty good when it comes to their contained plots, with Arrow getting its fire back. Im surprised they wrote Laurel out of that mess.


Having Constantine back was great. I'd be up for having him show up again or even being apart of Legends of Tomorrow. Matt Ryan is great in the role.

Just straight up magic. None of this crap about it being advance science. That's what I appreciated about the series. It's one thing I'm really hoping we get with Enchantress come the Suicide Squad film. For WB to just dive right into the magic pool. Audiences will 100% accept it. I like to think that the Harry Potter series has already taught them that message.


Constantine obviously needed multiple episodes to do him justice. Hopefully WB TV works everything out and they can bring him back and take their time.


Bitches love smiley faces
Flash suffered from it too with that Captain Cold episode. And that hurried fix for Firestorm. I assume it'll have one or two more with trying to redeem Heatwave a little & Hawkgirl.
I actually didn't mind the Cold episode. It does play into Legends, but it's some decent character development that isn't completely out of left field.

I guess different strokes, but for me this focus on LoT has made the first quarter fo the season more interesting.

When you think about both shows, not much has changed in terms of where the heroes and villains are, but it feels like stuff is happening because of these mini-arcs to get people in place for Legends

I mean, it's better than last season where the show was just spinning it's wheels with trying to find Sara's killer. I think in this instance it's just a bit tiring. We just resolved a storyline where a previously dead character is brought back to life. Now we have a storyline where a previously thought dead character is brought back.

Maybe space it out a bit more.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I just saw multiple Team Laurel posts on the last page. Man, we've come a loooooooooong way from the Season 1 thread. Lol

I've liked Laurel's character since Season 2. She went in a downward spiral and then became HBIC. Took charge at her D.A. job and then was determined to become a hero after Sara died.

I'm going to watch the final episode when they put it on Hulu. But from what I saw before, it was good to have more Constantine. Although I think they wasted his screen time with the island stuff. I guess they sorta had to explain it and couldn't presume they'd be able to use the character again.


It was good but felt super rushed.

Oh yeah, I agree. My only real complaint.You can tell they only were given 1 episode for for him. Hopefully all this press/coverage gets NBC to loosen the noose and allow Constantine more on the show/arrowverse.


The resurrection, what should've been the best part, was extremely rushed and just terrible. It started out so well too.


I can't get over how big Diggle's arms are, does anyone know what he eats?

I'm curious how they were originally going to bring Sara back before they knew they were going to get Constantine.

That was a good episode. Should have been a two parter but with Legends coming up soon I'm not surprised they're rushing things. I'd rather things be this way than dragging out the Sara killer arc in season 3.

Was Constantine this cool in his own show?

Constantine is always cool, regardless of what form of media he's in; he's the god damn Constantine.

Ollie and Laurel back together! OTP

Right on my man. Just get the character with who they're supposed to end up with and be done with it all.

fuck is this...don't be hatin on Helena....she's better than all the females on this show.

You're probably my favourite poster in this thread :)


Wait is Laurel still a DA?
She seems to spend most of her time super heroing.

Did she just invite Thea over so she would pay her rent?


Constantine was really rushed and shoe-horned into the show. As someone who knows nothing about the comic character and didn't watch the standalone show, I would have been completely lost (but I saw the Keanu movie a decade ago so I kinda grasped what was going on). My wife on the other hand with no previous exposure to the character but loves Arrow said "that was fucking stupid and completely out of nowhere"
Constantine was great, I'll be watching the first episode of his series tonight on Shomi. I do agree it felt a little rushed, too bad they couldn't have had him introduced in the flashbacks last week. But I do hope we get to see him again. Maybe on Flash, it'd be cool to see Caitlyn and Cisco's reaction to magic. Also, I forgot he was Edward Kenway till part way through when I started getting Black Flag vibes. I want to listen to some sea chanties now.


For a Constantine crossover episode, I felt like it was a little lacking in Constantine. He didn't appear in the present until 40 minutes in. It was still pretty good, though.
I'm starting to enjoy this season.

Ollie has a nice boss. Doesn't want his low level employee brain on his clothes
I like Laurel bringing up Oliver's hypocrisy

Need Constatine CW series
This! I was trying to think of the word that describes this episode. Im glad we got to see Constantine, but we got so little of him. But what we did get was gold.

Only you can continue his escapades in the arrowverse!

Wozzly to now write a fanfic or Ollie and Constantine finding the secret love cave on the island. Then Ollie has to turn the frozen wheel to move the island after it.


He said last year that they wouldn't be showing superpowers on the show anymore. And then we got Deathglare, Atom (does he count?), Flash returning for the finale, Double Down, etc.

Constantine is definitely going to be back. Though probably not until after midseason.

I don't think they're lying to hide twists. It's an issue of them not being able to use him at all after this. Even though they're all produced through WB TV it's still a character licensed by NBC.

The best way for Constantine to continue in this universe is to make the demand big enough that they can work out a deal for him permanently.
Yeah, it was rushed but it was still nice to see Matt Ryan play the role again, still hoping he gets added to the second season of Legends of Tomorrow. The returning of Sara's soul I figured would've at least taken place on top of a building with some sky effects and stuff, seemed like a fairly low budget episode.

The island is almost as amazing as the one from lost.

What if it's actually the same island? What does Liàn Yù mean again and what was the Lost island meant to be?
I don't think they're lying to hide twists. It's an issue of them not being able to use him at all after this. Even though they're all produced through WB TV it's still a character licensed by NBC.

The best way for Constantine to continue in this universe is to make the demand big enough that they can work out a deal for him permanently.

How long does NBC hold the license for, considering they canceled the series.
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