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Arrrgh! Where I can buy Ultima games?


Anyone know where I can buy Ultima games? There are a few used copies of the Ultima Collection at Amazon.com, but they cost $70+! I saw the damn thing back in, what? 1999, at ebgames for only $20! I guess I should have bought it then! =(


My EB had like a dozen copies of the Ultima Collection for $10 each last I knew. They really sell for that much money? If so I might have to invest in some. :D


My EB had like a dozen copies of the Ultima Collection for $10 each last I knew. They really sell for that much money? If so I might have to invest in some

How long ago was this? Where do you live and what eb?=P

Dude, if they are still there and you buy one for $10, if you would be willing to ship one to NY to me, I'll pay you $40!!

They really sell for that much money?

Ultima Collection

$69.95 just for one used CD without the box or a manual. o_O

Click "See all buying options" and you'll see the prices go UP from there.

On ebay, copies aren't there often, but when they are, $50+!

Maybe I should just call every gaming store in the area and hope that they might have one knocking around in a basement? :D

The UO 7th Anniversary Edition comes with a copy of Ultima 9.

Didn't know that. I'll have to look into it. =)
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