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Arts & Farts


DM_Uselink said:
I come back and some great work (as well as controversy) is being posted. I hope we can keep it civil since I don't want this thread locked. As long as people keep posting their work here, I'll be a happy camper.

Now to post some art.
This drawing was done by KidGalactus, he asked me to collaborate with him by doing the colors. Here is the result: :)

I love this. Excellent work.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Some more new stuff, been keeping busy although these are all quick pieces:






Not as deep as he thinks
I haven't posted in this thread in forever. I was looking through some of my old stuff and I managed to find this old school drawing/tattoo design I did a long time ago:

If I was planning on taking up drawing as a hobby and wanted to get a tablet, what would a good recommendation is?

I'd like to use a tablet as I like the almost digital look it gives paintings, and well I'd know more about them and computers than anything I would have to learn about hand-drawing and all of the minor details like pencils types/ etc.


StormyTheRabbit said:
If I was planning on taking up drawing as a hobby and wanted to get a tablet, what would a good recommendation is?

I'd like to use a tablet as I like the almost digital look it gives paintings, and well I'd know more about them and computers than anything I would have to learn about hand-drawing and all of the minor details like pencils types/ etc.
If you don't wanna spend much money on a 'pro' tablet, I'd suggest you the Wacom Bamboo:


Not as good as the Wacom Intuos, but still pretty good and way cheaper ($99 for the small one, $199 for the medium one).


This is just my opinion, but debating anatomy in Street Fighter art seems downright silly to me. Might as well do as Capcom does with their official SF art and throw that set of rules out the window. Getting hung up on anatomical accuracy will just hinder the piece. As long as the art is aesthetically pleasing and the characters have weight, I say you're golden.


hmm I will agree being a computer artist that a lot of people do suck with out a computer but the people who are on a computer and are creating those amazing works that you may see or remember usually are the one that can also do it on paper. You need a good sense of anatomy and traditional art in order sculpt a 3d model. You need to understand traditional sculpture in order to make great zbrush piece the stuff in the real world translates in to the computer. But hell what do I know i'm just a starving artist lol.




wagon said:
I don't post much but I just want to say: Take Out Bandit your ego is getting in the way of your improvement as an artist.

Your post there reads like a laundry list of excuses -- Hogarth doesnt have enough poses in his book, Loomis is out of print, successful artists trace, etc.

The time it took you to quote all those people and reply, you could have been drawing.

I don't post here much too, and after reading what's been going on, I'm with Wagon on this. Take Out Bandit, your ego IS getting in the way.

wagon said:
sorry for trying to help, have fun with your day job.

well put.


Dreweyes said:
Fish looks awesome! :D
Did you use Maya?
How'd you get that wet look?
How'd you do the transparency in the fins?
My guess will be..

1) Maya, 3dsmax, cinema4d, there are many tools. Dunno this.
2) Using an specular map.
3) Using alpha channel on the texture.
My first post here, so, uhm, be gentle.. :)

Here's some of the digital work I've done the past week or so. Unfortunately I don't have a scanner so I can't show you my sketchbook pieces or my pencil-portraits. Ah well.

I am still trying to get the grips on digital painting ( I have a Wacom Intuos 3 and Corel Painter X ), but I'm slowly starting to enjoy it - a lot, in fact.

( The pics are re-sized )



Quick drawing I made. I wanted to do something special with the eyes, but to be honest, I didn't really focus on that aspect in the end. Ah well. If anyone wants to color it btw, be my guest! I really would like to see what it would look like in color!



Penis-shaped tentacle:


It's an sketch for a monster I'm doing for another school project I have. It will be in 3D (modeled with ZBrush most likely).


Dreweyes said:
Fish looks awesome! :D
Did you use Maya?
How'd you get that wet look?
How'd you do the transparency in the fins?

Thanks man, the base mesh was Maya the detail and the textures were Zbrush. The rendering was 3d Studio Max and Vray. The transparency in the fins was the easy part I painted gray and black values where I wanted the fins to be transparent or opaque and then threw that map in my transparency slot. To make it shiny was sorta the same idea except it was a specularity map and there also was a texture that went over that to give it more depth


arter_2 said:
Thanks man, the base mesh was Maya the detail and the textures were Zbrush. The rendering was 3d Studio Max and Vray. The transparency in the fins was the easy part I painted gray and black values where I wanted the fins to be transparent or opaque and then threw that map in my transparency slot. To make it shiny was sorta the same idea except it was a specularity map and there also was a texture that went over that to give it more depth
So basically what I said :D
Raging Spaniard said:
Photoshop quickie

Fuck you, that's awesome. I just cannot get something that great out of my tablet pen in a short amount of time.

Ah well, doesn't matter. I love to look at it and I'm progressing actually as well.

Keep up the good work. I simply love your style and you're obviously one of the best artists on the entire NeoGAF.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Pizza Luigi said:
Fuck you, that's awesome. I just cannot get something that great out of my tablet pen in a short amount of time.

Ah well, doesn't matter. I love to look at it and I'm progressing actually as well.

Keep up the good work. I simply love your style and you're obviously one of the best artists on the entire NeoGAF.

Thanks man, Im trying hard lately to build a new portfolio so I can move to California in the near future, Im a ways away though, need a lot more 3D.

Just remember even if you do 15 minutes a night, thats still progress, and dont be afraid to experiment and start over. You never know what will come up from just playing around with shapes and colors.


Raging Spaniard said:
Thanks man, Im trying hard lately to build a new portfolio so I can move to California in the near future, Im a ways away though, need a lot more 3D.

Just remember even if you do 15 minutes a night, thats still progress, and dont be afraid to experiment and start over. You never know what will come up from just playing around with shapes and colors.
To what company are you planning to go? :p

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Mik2121 said:
To what company are you planning to go? :p

Eh, gotta stay humble when it comes to this shit. Best thing you can do is go for broke, and even if you fail,, youll still have a pretty good portfolio if that "big" company doesnt want you.

So yeah, not telling. You dont know who reads this stuff ;) Plus, Im happy with my current job, no rush.

Heres another quickie, about an hour and a half? More less, I really wanna finsih this up in full color though.


Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Another day, another painting. Im happy with them though, I think Im making progress.



arena08 said:
Nice stuff. The lighting looks a little faded at the moment though, especially on the wheels.
How many polys?
Here's a better one with HDR. I don't have Maya to check it atm, it's kind of dense.


A WIP Heineken.
Raging Spaniard said:
Another day, another painting. Im happy with them though, I think Im making progress.

That came out awesome Raging, I'm definitely seeing a good direction with these last drawings you have been posting.

Also, thanks tarius1210 for the comment on my coloring job.


One of my very first 3d works...
It's a project i had to do for school, it just follows the rules by cgsphere.com.
I had to create something spherical keeping the grid, the camera and the size... and Metroid came to my mind.

I hope you like it guys, go easy on me! :D



All you 3D people make me jealous and wish I took some crappy high school 3D computer art courses back when I had the chance! xD

Raging Spaniard, your stuff looks great! Reminds me of MGS for some reason!

As for what's going on with critiquing TToB's work... can we just have a rule that we DON'T critique GIFT ART unless it's asked for? That just seems poor etiquette to me!

And too bad Arcipello got banned for what I assume was posting NSFW stuff. XD

So as for a update of my whatevers!

Firstly, some more fanart.. Yes, I was just seeing what emulated cel-shaded Adult Link might look like. Something about the Zelda series compels fanart out of me.

I was thinking up of what type of videogame I would like to make, and I decided SRPG with railshooter segments. This is the main hero, Dysta. Okay, she looks like a 15-year-old girl.. but she's.. really an old spirit.. from heaven! And.. epic story.. uh.. *cough*

Crappy unreferenced pencil stuff! But since it's pencil (mechanical pencil even!), and that's rare, I thought you would like to look! The V.S. thing was just because it reminded me of Guilty Gear Accent Core V.S. screens. But again, this sucks.. stop looking!

Drew this during lunch on my placement at a hospital. Threw on some nice cheap colours on computer. He's uh.. being an orthopaedic surgeon.

Hey, my Great GAF Art Challenge 7 submission... are you guys joining in?!

Goddess of Wishes at the Foountain of Wishes taking a drink and thinking about her own wishes... Check out my awesome curtains! When the 5-hour mark came, fatigue set in and it was all downhill from there!

And detail, because I think the face looks better up close:

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Arcipello got banned? I might kill myself :\

Heres two new pieces, keeping up with daily stuff is challenging :\




Prax said:
All you 3D people make me jealous and wish I took some crappy high school 3D computer art courses back when I had the chance! xD

Raging Spaniard, your stuff looks great! Reminds me of MGS for some reason!

As for what's going on with critiquing TToB's work... can we just have a rule that we DON'T critique GIFT ART unless it's asked for? That just seems poor etiquette to me!

Most art boards welcome constructive crits. I know Gaf isn't an artboard, but in general it's not poor etiquette. How will anyone ever get better if everyone is biting their tongues'? I wish people would tear the stuff I posted apart. The only thing I got pointers on was my very first attempt at taking an analog sketch and painting it in PS. Looking back, I think that was only because I made it clear I wasn't someone that thought the world of my own work and was therefore open to crits. So long as the person's opinion or PoV is explained in full, I look forward to hearing whatever they have to say.

For the record, I'm open to constructive criticism. Shit, say my shit sucks for all I care... as long as you write at least a few sentences explaining why. PM me if you don't want to tear me down in public. I'll never get better just be listening to people that have nice things to say.


can we just have a rule that we DON'T critique GIFT ART unless it's asked for? That just seems poor etiquette to me!

The previous threads have always had that rule. Some people don't want it, some people get offended, and some people feel like they have to comment on everyone. If you want some critiques, you're more than welcome to ask for them.

I would hate for people to leave because they are offended or shy. The thread has gotten small enough as it is.


It pains me that I haven't done ANY art work in a year. I can't wait to go back to school, so that I can do what I love once again.


Dali said:
Most art boards welcome constructive crits. I know Gaf isn't an artboard, but in general it's not poor etiquette.

Well, I just had more in mind that gift art specifically shouldn't be critiqued, while most other things are fair game.
For example, if I were to post something I drew for my grandfather as a present, it would be hard not to take a critique personally if it came out of nowhere, and ESPECIALLY if it came off rudely.
That's my opinion on the matter anyhow. It was just weird seeing this whole back and forth between TToB and others. Especially when it was a gift for a friend. I mean, the deal's done! I personally do not want to guilt-trip someone about "how crappy their gift is".

Anyway, I had been trying to practice a bit more with cging and realistic-ness, but I have stayed away from using any sort of references for real faces because I am a loser and lazy.. I'll get on it later, I swear!

Here are my few attempts for the moment, and sorry if they seem too big!:

A work-in-progress that probably looks better than the final thing, so I'm posting it. XD

Final image of the above. The blood should probably not be spraying that way... Note the guy on the left's slightly changed facial expression:

Girl with crazy-coloured hair:

Guy with less colourful hair:

I don't think they are too bad for early attempts without references. My only fear is that when I actually do start using references, it won't make any difference! Or that I will fail harder..


haha funny to see cgtalk/ca ppl posting art on neogaf :)

earlier there was something about 'natural' talent vs learning etc and I don't know if it was addressed fully but a good chunk of the kind of art most people like is dependent on drawing and drawing is something easy to learn and accessible to all. from good drawing it really is trivial to expand to painting, digital, 3d, etc etc.

most recent paintings and drawings






more stuff here: http://www.stevekim.net
and blog: http://www.stevekim.com

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Took a bit of a break, lots of shit at work, anyways heres some new stuff:










chumps said:
haha funny to see cgtalk/ca ppl posting art on neogaf :)

earlier there was something about 'natural' talent vs learning etc and I don't know if it was addressed fully but a good chunk of the kind of art most people like is dependent on drawing and drawing is something easy to learn and accessible to all. from good drawing it really is trivial to expand to painting, digital, 3d, etc etc.

most recent paintings and drawings
Great stuff! I love how you've grouped values together and inter-locked those shapes. Very nice compositions. Do you do editorial illustration? I could easily envision your style in a magazine like The Progressive.

edit: I just looked at your site and blog and I am totally blown away. The slide shows of your process were a joy to watch. The deletion/recreation process is truly admirable, and I don't think most artists would have the courage to approach paintings like that. It really makes your work unique.

The work is beautiful, the process is awe-inspiring, I'm now jealous, et cetera, et cetera...

blackadde said:

Lovely shapes, lovely designs! I like your use of texture too. Bit of a workaround with the URLs, but totally worth it.
sammy said:
There's a lot of storytelling and soul in this style, and general awesomeness. You should create an animatic, I'm really curious about the universe you have worked up here :D
hey, thanks a lot! that's one of the kindest things i've heard about this project so far, and i really appreciate it :]

unfortunately i'm not getting a lot of critical or negative feedback on it, and that's really bugging me seeing as how i shipped it out a bit ago and haven't heard a thing. all the technical wrongs i wrought, i have learned from, but as far as story or character goes i'm not hearing much. i'm about this close to trying to have someone will put up a thread for this on gaf so it can be torn apart. i really want to know what i can get done to improve upon it, over camera work, audio, angles, and the shakeycam which should have been on a tripod

but in college, for free labor, you get the help you can

and i was just stopping in, lol. there's a load of talent in this thread : D
Raging Spaniard said:
Some more new stuff, been keeping busy although these are all quick pieces:




REALLY big fan of this style, and as Dreweyes' stuff as well


seat said:
Great stuff! I love how you've grouped values together and inter-locked those shapes. Very nice compositions. Do you do editorial illustration? I could easily envision your style in a magazine like The Progressive.

edit: I just looked at your site and blog and I am totally blown away. The slide shows of your process were a joy to watch. The deletion/recreation process is truly admirable, and I don't think most artists would have the courage to approach paintings like that. It really makes your work unique.

Thanks for the nice comments. I don't do illustration but I did graduate as an illustration major at Art Center. Towards the end I switched to fine-art and i'm currently a grad student at CGU.

Of course with this economy who knows. I have several illustration friends who are doing very well for themselves :). You certainly have me thinking..

I'm glad you dig the slideshows. They don't get much attention but they are something I really believe in--enough to make it worth the hassle at least :)


Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
I know that badass critiquing isnt the point of this thread, however, if anybody wants it just ask away. Id be more than happy to give a thorough opinion on something :)


I got a Wacom tablet yesterday, so I had the opportunity to doodle. It's been 5 years since I last drew anything : (


chumps said:
Of course with this economy who knows. I have several illustration friends who are doing very well for themselves :). You certainly have me thinking..
I'd argue the economy has been just as bad for editorial illustration, but I guess some are still managing to do well. Your illustration friends much be really gifted at self-promotion, a quality that I envy.
Lé Blade Runner said:
My first post here, so, uhm, be gentle.. :)

Here's some of the digital work I've done the past week or so. Unfortunately I don't have a scanner so I can't show you my sketchbook pieces or my pencil-portraits. Ah well.

I am still trying to get the grips on digital painting ( I have a Wacom Intuos 3 and Corel Painter X ), but I'm slowly starting to enjoy it - a lot, in fact.

( The pics are re-sized )


Really like that third one. keep at it!

Possibly my two favorite comics I've done for my comics series. Critique away!
The first actually wasn't printed as is. The managing editor made me change that last line since he felt the language was too strong.


it was changed to "ever been paintballin, bitch?"


all of my other comics are at johnthorncomics.blogspot.com


Another couple of 3d works...

First of all a Mario Bros Pixelart...in 3D!
(all made by using a cube as a pixel, with NO extrusions... :S)

Inspired by Forget Me Not by the amazing arcipello i created something with 3D Studio Max for my final exam for this year...
Hope you like it, i'm kind of a n00b with Max but i'm happy with the result!

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