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Arts & Farts


Newbie said:
I was just wondering what you were using to do the underdrawings on your paintings with, and what kind of mixture you were using to thin your oils?

I use galkyd (alkyd medium) extensively in my painting. I've been trying to cut down on solvents however so lately I've been experimenting with walnut alkyd and this stuff called res-n-gel which are both non-toxic/solvent free. It's not quite the same, doesn't have quite the same... lube-y quality to it so there are definitely drawbacks to giving up the good stuff :(.



Chumps: I think your stuff and process is awesome. Thanks for having those slideshows up to show us the process! I really enjoy readings comments about how you think this or that works, or you hate and and scrape it off or paint over it. Makes me want to paint again.. but paints are so messy and expensive.. D:

blackadde: I love your stuff too! It's so.. delicious! :d I really like the shapes and flatness of everything. Papery effects are so pleasing!

Cool to see more people slowly joining in!

As for me, I did this recently, and was so self-proud since he's a pretty important character yet I hadn't made a coloured image of him in pretty much 10 years..! By the way, I ACTUALLY used a reference to get some facial structure down this time. It made things easier, much to my surprise, so maybe I'll use references again the next time!

The smaller image of GLS doesn't have the beard because I thought it looked weird resized at the time, but now that I'm looking at it, his face is kind of "bald" without it..

I know you don't need to see this, but I think it's cool:

I didn't really start many drawing human males until 1998 (it was all furries back then, as you can see in the bottom left, since that was easy for me!). So for about a year, I was more prolific with colouring in pencil crayons. Then suddenly there's this 10 year gap where I didn't make any coloured images of GLS, probably because I began making so many other characters.. It wqas also because I knew I had to update his uniform sometime, and I didn't know what to do so I put it off for years until now! YAY!

Also, my cousin and I decided to play around using Livestream!
Have any of you guys tried it? I know some other artists have tried it out, and thought it was a very cool way to learn people's processes. You can use it to broadcast whatever clips (even from youtube), but we used it to broadcast our desktops live while we used art programs. Apparently, you can also chat or have a mic on while doing it to talk to people.

So for this character, he's never had a formally coloured image but is pretty much on the level of "importance" as the guy above, we decided to actually complete his design. I did the lineart, passed it to my cousin to colour a bit, then had her pass it back to me to add a few highlights.

My account is here in case any of you wanna see what it looks like: http://www.livestream.com/meibatsu
If you click on "on-demand", you can view the clips of my trying making the lineart and adding the last bits of shading.
So yah, maybe you guys should join up and I can spy on you while you draw! :D


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
Prax: I really enjoyed seeing the evolution of your character (and skills) over an extended period of time. Very fascinating. The collaboration you have going with your cousin also sounds pretty fun.

Definitely gonna check out the livestream later on.


Looking nice, prax!. If I can say something, I'd like to point out that your characters seem to look a bit flat. Try giving them a bit more volume and they will look much better!


Thanks, Catalic! xD I really enjoy looking back at old work too.
I say, more people should post up their childhood drawings if they can!

Mik2121 said:
Looking nice, prax!. If I can say something, I'd like to point out that your characters seem to look a bit flat. Try giving them a bit more volume and they will look much better!

Yah, one of my many weak areas is using putting more values in my colours to make more depth. Same thing with uhm.. chest depth, I guess when it comes to putting the clothing on top (drapery not a strong point!). That's probably really only a problem with males though... will try harder the next time I try hard! XD

Until then, it's back to my regular scheduled pen doodles! :D
Metal Gear Chocobo is pretty cute. I like it.
My new favorite comic of mine. Not enough detail in the first two panels so Id like to add more detail and Ill color this piece in the future.


A quick sketch I did tonight. Took me about half an hour, if even. I'm actually really happy with it, I'm not used to doing fast sketches. I think I'm going to do more.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
My first piece using Photoshop extensively:


Now I'm in the middle of working on this piece:

I haven't drawn extensively for about 6 years now, so I'm very happy at getting back to this and picking up some Photoshop skills :)
I will try and get some higher quality photos of my stuff later, but for now here are a few I have done somewhat recently. All 3 are oil paintings on masonite.





The Wispy Scoundrel said:
I love the contrast between the red balloons and the harsh, mechanical wasteland. Do you work for a game studio?

hey thanks

sadly new york doesn't have many game studios compared to other parts of the country. i mostly busy myself with freelance illustrations besides my mind numbing day job


Canadians burned my passport
A thing I did while I was watching Harold and Kumar today.

I was just gonna doodle some stuff but got carried away.



I made this as an entry for this competition about "dog comics".

Edit: OMG checked the previous page and Chumps is the fucking man.


Let me guess, you drink sake out from those or something...

Crafting something is fun!

EDIT: A friend wrote this column into this student magazine and she needed an image to go with it and I did this today. Took an hour or so. Our "scanner" bit all the life out of the colours :/ Oh to be rich...



Sucks at poetry
Dropping a few things here that I've done in free time. Some concept environments, a black and white illustration, and some character art.






In January I started working on a graduation project for my school and today I "released" the result of the project and I wanted to show it to you guys.

The projects name is Spaceboy and it's a story written by me, which is told with hand drawn scenes in a movie. It's not really an animation in the purest form so I think I should call it a short movie.

I don't want to get into the details of the story itself because some elements are left open for your own interpretation and it would ruin the experience if I did so. So somethings might be a little bit vague but that's the idea kinda.

Last week I had my presentation at school and I graduated, yay. I hold off on releasing the movie but today is the day I pushed the button and the result is now viewable on Youtube. I have to say making it is one thing but showing it is a whole other challenge, kinda exiting and scary :lol

Oh well I have talked enough, here it is: Spaceboy

And be sure to watch it in HD! Also working on a little site with some extra info right here.


Neo Member
Since my account has finally been activated, *Hooray!* I can finally post some of my art! :)

And when I say some, I mean one right now.


Top part was made in 2006 and the bottom one was made today. Since I don't really play with colours/shading (They're all horribly one range shadings) I wanted to practice :D

Hopefully I'll have better artwork to show in the future!


Glubags said:

Some serious talent in here.
Exactly what I was thinking - Awesome job!

Full screen here

I want to:
  • Do something fancy with the smoke
  • Make the drink look nice instead of fucked up brushing
  • Keep it minimalistic (Only the contract between b/w suit and red drink for example)
  • What to do with background? Was thinking just gray gradient or something?
  • Some comments on this D:


liz_melissa said:
Since my account has finally been activated, *Hooray!* I can finally post some of my art! :)

And when I say some, I mean one right now.


Top part was made in 2006 and the bottom one was made today. Since I don't really play with colours/shading (They're all horribly one range shadings) I wanted to practice :D

Hopefully I'll have better artwork to show in the future!
You any relation to Prax?


Dali said:
You any relation to Prax?

Haha, yah, she's my little sis. I bet you can tell by the avatar (which I made for her).
She FINALLY got her account activated after waiting almost 2 years. XD

Also, I know y'all want to see me going back to ballpoint pen scrappiness because I got a new sketchbook finally!


This is Valour. She likes playing assassin. I liked the idea of the red trim looking a bit bloody.. but also looking like a fancy goldfish's tail!


Valour again and her fellow employees. She's the one that named her business venture!


MG waiting for the "signal", whatever it is.


Prax said:
Haha, yah, she's my little sis. I bet you can tell by the avatar (which I made for her).
She FINALLY got her account activated after waiting almost 2 years. XD
The avatar, the way her work looks, her tendency to plaster her name across her work using an unflattering font. Yeah, either she was a relative, your master, your student, or someone that follows the same manual as you.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Arcipello said:
i fear this thread will never be as it once was:) ill keep posting though :D


Fuck you you fucking fuck <3

Heres some Avatar fanart :)



Keeping the traditional pencil art alive :)


The final piece will have text too so that explains the loose composition.


Some pictures I did of people on the train. I draw people that are either asleep or reading so they don't notice I'm drawing them.




Constructive criticism is welcome.


Registered User
Didn't know this thread existed. Here's one of my newer drawings, I'll post some more later:


I know I'm not that great, but I'm still working on improving my skills.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
ianp622 said:
Some pictures I did of people on the train. I draw people that are either asleep or reading so they don't notice I'm drawing them.

Constructive criticism is welcome.

To be perfectly honest, presentation. Theres absolutely no need to show things at that size, 500 by 500 pixels always works :)

Oli said:
Didn't know this thread existed. Here's one of my newer drawings, I'll post some more later:

I know I'm not that great, but I'm still working on improving my skills.

Its nice! Although to be honest, you dont need to put a watermark on your artwork. If you're a professional and you pay your bills with your art, sure thing, but for amateur art I believe you're quite safe :)


Raging Spaniard said:
To be perfectly honest, presentation. Theres absolutely no need to show things at that size, 500 by 500 pixels always works :)

Thought people might like to see the pencil marks, but I get what you're saying. I'll see if I can resize them.


Registered User
Raging Spaniard said:
Its nice! Although to be honest, you dont need to put a watermark on your artwork. If you're a professional and you pay your bills with your art, sure thing, but for amateur art I believe you're quite safe :)

I've never had any images stolen, but I have had someone steal one of my videos featuring my art - claiming it as their own. It made me kind of paranoid.
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