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As Baby Boomers Leave The Workforce, What Will Happen To Videogames?


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Well yeah, Gaf is another great example of biases and hive minds like Reddit. Just look at people in here thinking that talent will take a nosedive.
I really don't understand why everyone is convinced that the industry is run by old men. Maybe they're associating anything more youthful than 60 with everyone's favourite W word.
Honestly, it’s the Millenials and Zoomers that have ruined gaming and made it what it is today. Woke stories, monetized everything, GaaS, and bugs out the ass without any optimization making these things bloated power hungry terribleness. Personally, I’d rather see new games using the Source 2 engine, than an over the top bug fest.

Developers should strive to have a good looking lightweight game engine instead of stock Unreal or Unity games hogging resources for no reason.
So it's not the greedy business practices from CEOs doing whatever it takes to get money in by any means, it's actually the people in their 30s that did all that?


Yeah, about that.

It's through apps like X and TikTok that information is shared instantly, resulting in knowledge being spread at a much faster pace and on a global scale rather than being drip fed over years in a way your government approves, like in school.

Zoomers are way more informed than boomers and even a portion of the millenials.

And with the internet, all information is there at the push of a few buttons.

What good is being informed of useless information.


Idk, more contents insisting to failed relationships, we've seen this in Japanese contents, most of it doesn't make sense but the characters are usually hardworkers who put their business or hobby "doesn't make a difference in this day and age" above everything else, I don't care how much they make or what they own or achieved, this is pathetic, quiting parenthood isn't fortunate at all.
Yeah, about that.

It's through apps like X and TikTok that information is shared instantly, resulting in knowledge being spread at a much faster pace and on a global scale rather than being drip fed over years in a way your government approves, like in school.

Zoomers are way more informed than boomers and even a portion of the millenials.

And with the internet, all information is there at the push of a few buttons.
Huh, it works both ways. If anything, with the advent of social media, we've seen a massive increase in disinformation. So much fake news flowing around leading to completely unhinged individuals. That's why you see countries like China clamping down on the flow of information. It doesn't take much to destabilize a country's population nowadays.


What good is being informed of useless information.

I've gotten to the point where I'm very careful what I search for on Youtube when I'm logged in. I often open a new private browser to search for whatever dumb thing comes to mind, that way I don't junk up my recommendations.
The youngest Baby Boomers turn 60 this year!

There is suppose to be a Brain Drain going on as Baby Boomers leave the workforce.

What does this exit of a generation mean for videogames?
It means nothing....

The video game business is the same as all businesses, the goal is to make as much money as possible.

A lot of the changes we have seen is a result of the main goal (make as much money possible) not the gen that is in charge.

Games as a service (GaaS) make the most money and in some cases they require less cost to make compared to the AAA single player games, this is why we have seen so much of a shift into GaaS games compared to AAA single player games like in the past.

Even the "woke" stuff that is getting added to games is due to publishers trying to make the games more appealing to everyone = They want everyone to buy their game = goal (make as much money possible)
The workplaces average intelligence will increase as baby boomers leave the workplace.

It also has less than nothing to do with the video game industry. The old fucks in charge will remain in charge until they're dead while attempting to squeeze as much money from their customers into that golden parachute.
Here's someone with no clue.
This forum really thrives on being negative all the time doesn't it? Acting as if we aint been getting any good content at all from Gen X and later, come the fuck on guys.

Seriously you have one guy claiming games are trending worse. While last year we were asking if this is the best year in gaming. With 2024 continuing that trend.
"Wokness" doesn't mean anything anymore either. Its proponents have seen to that. Just gets used as a scapegoat in lieu of actual criticism

If you think that then you're being willfully ignorant.

Those who have been paying attention to anything the western culture war has shat out into the public discourse over the past 5 years know precisely what wokeness is and what it isn't.


If you think that then you're being willfully ignorant.

Those who have been paying attention to anything the western culture war has shat out into the public discourse over the past 5 years know precisely what wokeness is and what it isn't.


Its literally even used to describe just about every release in some form or another. It's a catch all term that doesn't have any clear definition, and it isn't even applied consistently.

Many who use it actively enjoy content with the same "woke" elements of the things they call out.

Its literally even used to describe just about every release in some form or another. It's a catch all term that doesn't have any clear definition, and it isn't even applied consistently.

Many who use it actively enjoy content with the same "woke" elements of the things they call out.

Almost every western release has bludgeoning extreme-leftist propagandizing content in it. So the criticism is accurate. Fucking hell, even entities like Sweet Baby Inc have been uncovered for consulting on western games in order to actively inject that shit into them.

How can you say something like this with a straight face?

Folks like you are part of the problem, i.e. folks who jam their fingers in their ears and pretend everything is fine when the obvious capture of Western games' creative development is happening by radical left-wing activists who don't give a shit about games and will sacrifice everything from writing and plot quality, character development and authenticity; all in the name of the mystical "representation".

It's going on right under your very nose, and the best you can do is make worthless arguments that a catch-all term used in the online lexicon to describe the desecration of our hobby is ill-defined... like... WTF are you even doing, man?!


Almost every western release has bludgeoning extreme-leftist propagandizing content in it. So the criticism is accurate. Fucking hell, even entities like Sweet Baby Inc have been uncovered for consulting on western games in order to actively inject that shit into them.

How can you say something like this with a straight face?

Folks like you are part of the problem, i.e. folks who jam their fingers in their ears and pretend everything is fine when the obvious capture of Western games' creative development is happening by radical left-wing activists who don't give a shit about games and will sacrifice everything from writing and plot quality, character development and authenticity; all in the name of the mystical "representation".

It's going on right under your very nose, and the best you can do is make worthless arguments that a catch-all term used in the online lexicon to describe the desecration of our hobby is ill-defined... like... WTF are you even doing, man?!

Its very simple.

Some of the stuff you consider "propaganda" is "everyday life" for me. And many others.


Boomers were the greatest generation in history who pushed humanity a giant step forward in all fields. Once they will be gone, the overall downfall will begin. Boomers will be followed by doomers.


To a hammer, everything looks like a nail. To a nail, a hammer looks like what it is. A hammer.
The point of propaganda is to brainwash and coerce people to think of B instead of A. If all the new young hip people are all of a sudden thinking B instead of A when there just so happens to be a large influx of propaganda then it means it has worked.

That is what propaganda is all about. It's literally the entire goal.


Yeah, about that.

It's through apps like X and TikTok that information is shared instantly, resulting in knowledge being spread at a much faster pace and on a global scale rather than being drip fed over years in a way your government approves, like in school.

Zoomers are way more informed than boomers and even a portion of the millenials.

And with the internet, all information is there at the push of a few buttons.
Sadly there are cencorship and search engine tend to twist information based on the SEO flooding with ads and scam. And again, based on my experience with zoomers who works with me these few years in multiple studios, only few are competent. Mostly doesnt even have passion and goals, blinded with : work, play, rest. A mind virus spreaded by smartass influencer/motivator. And also they are lazy, mostly.


The point of propaganda is to brainwash and coerce people to think of B instead of A. If all the new young hip people are all of a sudden thinking B instead of A when there just so happens to be a large influx of propaganda then it means it has worked.

That is what propaganda is all about. It's literally the entire goal.

So your assumption, then, is that I have been made susceptible to this via entertainment and not that whatever it is you're referring to hasn't always been just normal everyday life for me. Thays a chicken or the egg argument that's already been solved.

Maybe entertainment was always propaganda, and the "A" message just didn't depict the way things actually always were for most people? Maybe B has been peoples lives for a long time but A was more profitable once? Could that be a possibility?
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So your assumption, then, is that I have been made susceptible to this via entertainment and not that whatever it is you're referring to hasn't always been just normal everyday life for me. Thays a chicken or the egg argument that's already been solved.

Maybe entertainment was always propaganda, and the "A" message just didn't depict the way things actually always were for most people? Maybe B has been peoples lives for a long time but A was more profitable once? Could that be a possibility?
That's the thing about brainwashing, it's nearly impossible to get someone who has been brainwashed to know they have been.

That's why you get radicalisation and extremism in the world.

It's no different than what religion has done since the beginning
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Are you a boomer, or do you just ignore long-standing scientific studies because of your feelings too?
Don't know what scientific studies you read, but I stand by my comment.
As someone who does read, I can say boomers were the most significant generation in our time. A lot of things you take for granted today including video games were brought to you by the boomer generation.


That's the thing about brainwashing, it's nearly impossible to get someone who has been brainwashed to know they have been.

That's why you get radicalisation and extremism in the world.

It's no different than what religion has done since the beginning

You seem convinced that you managed to escape this radicalization and brainwashing, but without getting into more specifics we probably won't be able to address why.

Faith predates any capitalist and corporate interests. Its an innately human faculty. Yes religion been used to radicalize, but that wasn't why it was always around lol. Its always going to be around, like a lot of other aspects of human experience such as love, fear, etc.

Do some have an interest of exploiting natural elements of the human experience for the purposes of their own benefit? Absolutely. But that doesn't change the nature if those elements of the human experience, nor does it make them more or less desirable.


Then you're a woke proponent, too blinded by ideology to see what is happening to gaming, that's happened to comics, TV and film.

You're a lost cause.

Nothing happened to any of those things that wasn't going to happen anyway. Change is a constant, people change and the art changes with it. Societies change. you can rage and rage against it and fight it but it always comes. Or you can adapt and accept that not everything is tailored made for you, and find the good in things and things you do like. History has proven that over and over again.

But I've still got plenty to enjoy because I chose the latter option and thats all I care about. Doesnt mean i like every change or new direction that comes, but I've got perspective enough to see when somethings bigger than just my own personal taste and when something is going to be fit for a collective to work out over time. It seems your "cause" is the one that's "lost" in that regard.
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You seem convinced that you managed to escape this radicalization and brainwashing, but without getting into more specifics we probably won't be able to address why.

Faith predates any capitalist and corporate interests. Its an innately human faculty. Yes religion been used to radicalize, but that wasn't why it was always around lol. Its always going to be around, like a lot of other aspects of human experience such as love, fear, etc.

Do some have an interest of exploiting natural elements of the human experience for the purposes of their own benefit? Absolutely. But that doesn't change the nature if those elements of the human experience, nor does it make them more or less desirable.
I mean you just kinda typed word salad there.

If it wasn't brainwashing though, why do you have a visceral reaction to someone to suggest otherwise.

Defense mechanisms are usually built into cults and propaganda in order to assure the ideology succeeds. Again religion is another great example of how its been used. Just look at how anything these days becomes instantly violent even when it's deemed "peaceful".

It's all part of what makes a manufactured propaganda campaign
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I mean you just kinda typed word salad there.

If it wasn't brainwashing though, why do you have a visceral reaction to someone to suggest otherwise.

Visceral? No, but I think saying everyone who has a different worldview than you is brainwashed is a lazy and convenient argument. But thats not exactly a new thing.

Defense mechanisms are usually built into cults and propaganda in order to assure the ideology succeeds. Again religion is another great example of how its been used. Just look at how anything these days becomes instantly violent even when it's deemed "peaceful".

Defense mechanisms exist anywhere where people value anything. Again, thats a human thing, not pertaining to one type of person or another. It happens in religion alot, but it also happens when someone's favorite celebrity says or does something they don't like, or when a friend of theirs gets called out for something and they're inclined to defend them.

Things that are violent often get called peaceful; and things that are peaceful often get called violence, or associated with it. Either to sanitize considerable flaws, or exaggerate minor ones. Either to protect, or to vilify internally.

It's all part of what makes a manufactured propaganda campaign

Propaganda uses things that are innately human, yes. But again, that's not always cause to vilify the innately human thing BECAUSE it gets used for this purpose. Theres a lotbof factors to that.
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