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As Baby Boomers Leave The Workforce, What Will Happen To Videogames?


Visceral? No, but I think saying everyone who has a different worldview than you is brainwashed is a lazy and convenient argument. But thats not exactly a new thing.

Defense mechanisms exist anywhere where people value anything. Again, thats a human thing, not pertaining to one type of person or another. It happens in religion alot, but it also happens when someone's favorite celebrity says or does something they don't like, or when a friend of theirs gets called out for something and they're inclined to defend them.

Things that are violent often get called peaceful; and things that are peaceful often get called violence, or associated with it. Either to sanitize considerable flaws, or exaggerate minor ones. Either to protect, or to vilify internally.

Propaganda uses things that are innately human, yes. But again, that's not always cause to vilify the innately human thing BECAUSE it gets used for this purpose. Theres a lotbof factors to that.
You really type alot of contradictory word salad in your posts. I'm sensing philosophy studies.

You may as well just say to be or not to be 🤣. If you want peace you must prepare for war.

It's just looping idioms with very little substance.

The end of the day when you say someone's else's propaganda is just the new hip way of thinking probably means it was propaganda. Propaganda isn't always a bad thing but to say it's not propaganda is just strange, like I said this isn't new, just a new ideology to brainwash people into.
Nothing happened to any of those things that wasn't going to happen anyway.

If you really think that radical leftist intersectional identity politics, at the expense of everything, is an inevitable end for gaming and entertainment media then you're even more delusional and drunk on the woke kool-aid than I thought.
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Don't know what scientific studies you read, but I stand by my comment.
As someone who does read, I can say boomers were the most significant generation in our time. A lot of things you take for granted today including video games were brought to you by the boomer generation.

Video games, nor even home video game consoles, were invented by boomers.


get even more woke and pathetic
There's a lot of truth to this. Tim Cain has a video on YouTube where he talked about young coders needing a literal month to implement code that would've taken him 4 hours to implement and test.

Talking about bug testing really says a lot about the state so many games launch in today as well.

EDIT: I will say that no doubt, many industries do need to lighten up the work load and treat employees better this is a situation where were watching the death of a particular with ethic go out of the window in multiple injuries. I'm sure as hell guilty of it, but I acknowledge that I'm not exactly saving lives in my position

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If you really think that radical leftist intersectional identity politics, at the expense of everything, is an inevitable end for gaming and entertainment media then you're even more delusional and drunk on the woke kool-aid than I thought.
You would agree that it doesn't have to be at the expense of everything though?

It's definitely possible for the gaming to be more diverse than it used to be, without getting worse.
You would agree that it doesn't have to be at the expense of everything though?

It's definitely possible for the gaming to be more diverse than it used to be, without getting worse.

You're strawmanning.

"Radical leftist intersectional identity politics" aka "wokeness" =/= "making gaming more diverse"

Your premise is entirely false.

Gaming has ALWAYS been diverse. There were black, female and minority lead characters in gaming long before they were bankable in film and TV.

These woke activist tards are not making gaming MORE diverse. They're just erasing white characters and giving us empty tokenized caricatures in exchange. So the way the woke activist devs and organisations like Sweet Baby Inc. are pushing their agenda forward; their propagandizing is ALWAYS at the expense of everything else.

Does it have to be, in theory? No. But that's a useless hypothetical because that's not what's happening. If it was, people would not be justifiably upset.
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You really type alot of contradictory word salad in your posts. I'm sensing philosophy studies.

You may as well just say to be or not to be 🤣. If you want peace you must prepare for war.

I've never studied philosophy haha. I just read a lot i guess. I can name a few but I dont really subscribe to any one thinker per se. I dont think anything im saying is actually all that deep, its pretty straightforward.

It's just looping idioms with very little substance.

Kinda like the word woke is these days. Which was the original subject of discussion.

The end of the day when you say someone's else's propaganda is just the new hip way of thinking probably means it was propaganda. Propaganda isn't always a bad thing but to say it's not propaganda is just strange, like I said this isn't new, just a new ideology to brainwash people into.

Well, again that statement requires qualifications. There are things that get called propaganda that are absolutely not propaganda, but people who were raised only ever seeing the actual propaganda in entertainment would SEE as propaganda. Things that, to the vast majority of the world would be normal or commonplace but to a specific demographic for which entertainment was made for a long time, would be unorthodox.

There ARE examples of propaganda in most forms of entertainment but most of the ideologies aren't even new. They might be newly ACCEPTED but they arent new.
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If you really think that radical leftist intersectional identity politics, at the expense of everything, is an inevitable end for gaming and entertainment media then you're even more delusional and drunk on the woke kool-aid than I thought.

I never said anything about an end.

I said change is a constant. This isnt the end, and the thing after that won't be the end either. The constant is that things will change. Regardless of how much you rage about it, regardless of how much I accept it, it happens regardless. History has proven that.

So I dont waste energy fighting against something that is a natural part of society, evolving perspectives on things. I just watch it happen and enjoy what I enjoy and avoid what i dont. Its only an "expense" if you cant allow yourself to do that.
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I think, as society is changing, ai is flowing in, transitioning from old to new stuff, the young uns will do what we did. Adapt, find their strengths, etc. I'm not old (47) , but I am very much like water...go with the flow, learn new shit that interests me, take it easy...


You're strawmanning.

"Radical leftist intersectional identity politics" aka "wokeness" =/= "making gaming more diverse"

Your premise is entirely false.

Gaming has ALWAYS been diverse. There were black, female and minority lead characters in gaming long before they were bankable in film and TV.

These woke activist tards are not making gaming MORE diverse. They're just erasing white characters and giving us empty tokenized caricatures in exchange. So the way the woke activist devs and organisations like Sweet Baby Inc. are pushing their agenda forward; their propagandizing is ALWAYS at the expense of everything else.

Does it have to be, in theory? No. But that's a useless hypothetical because that's not what's happening. If it was, people would not be justifiably upset.
Gaming is more diverse than it used to be, and I don't think some publishers are as worried about female leads as they used to be, so that is some progress.

The word woke gets thrown around a lot and it's often for things I don't see as issues at all (like someone in God of War having dark skin, or the design of Aloy's chin).

So it would help me understand what particular propaganda you are concerned about.
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It means nothing....

The video game business is the same as all businesses, the goal is to make as much money as possible.

A lot of the changes we have seen is a result of the main goal (make as much money possible) not the gen that is in charge.

Games as a service (GaaS) make the most money and in some cases they require less cost to make compared to the AAA single player games, this is why we have seen so much of a shift into GaaS games compared to AAA single player games like in the past.

Even the "woke" stuff that is getting added to games is due to publishers trying to make the games more appealing to everyone = They want everyone to buy their game = goal (make as much money possible)
That may be true, but in turn they turn off a huge chunk of existing fans. It is far easier to keep an existing fan base then to hunt for new customers, who will not be as engaged. Its shitty business but they don't see it that way for some reason.
Zoomers are underrated (imo) and they're going to be fine. I've spent more time with them than people my own age the last several years and find them to be far less annoying and more real than millennials and boomers. They got this and I think they gonna do a better job than my generation did. Just need to give them a chance.
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We'll be getting more of this?



Slowly but surely I’m beginning to understand the simple fact: it all leads back to Nintendo. They have maintained their core values since forever ago. I would say the industry is doomed when Nintendo falters
They are a huge part of the industry, but other publishers can still do well if Nintendo falters (just not as well).
That may be true, but in turn they turn off a huge chunk of existing fans. It is far easier to keep an existing fan base then to hunt for new customers, who will not be as engaged. Its shitty business but they don't see it that way for some reason.
Nope, the internet does not represent the real world. People complaining about stuff on twitter/online represent a very small number of buyers.

Most people don't care about the woke stuff in the games, if the game is good people will still buy the games even the existing fan base, we have seen this play out a few times now.
Gaming is more diverse than it used to be, and I don't think some publishers are as worried about female leads as they used to be, so that is some progress.

The word woke gets thrown around a lot and it's often for things I don't see as issues at all (like someone in God of War having dark skin, or the design of Aloy's chin).

None of this is what people have been upset about. Again, you're straw-manning.

So it would help me understand what particular propaganda you are concerned about.

Look at the criticisms of Spider-Man 2 and games like Saints Row.

Protip: it's much less about the addition of and focus on minority characters and far more to do with what these writer hacks are doing the legacy majority characters....

If you still can't see what the problem is, I can't help you.


Zoomers are underrated (imo) and they're going to be fine. I've spent more time with them than people my own age the last several years and find them to be far less annoying and more real than millennials and boomers. They got this and I think they gonna do a better job than my generation did. Just need to give them a chance.
I want to believe this too, but I fear the good zoomers will be held back by millenial grifters.


The way baby boomers act, everything will come to a screeching halt.

There's a lot of truth to this. Tim Cain has a video on YouTube where he talked about young coders needing a literal month to implement code that would've taken him 4 hours to implement and test.

Talking about bug testing really says a lot about the state so many games launch in today as well.

EDIT: I will say that no doubt, many industries do need to lighten up the work load and treat employees better this is a situation where were watching the death of a particular with ethic go out of the window in multiple injuries. I'm sure as hell guilty of it, but I acknowledge that I'm not exactly saving lives in my position

So what you're saying is It would take somebody with way more skill and experience way less time to do something than somebody who is new.

No shit?
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Probably get worse. I don't condone what was happening, but... Blizzard for example was much better when they were getting away with what their higher ups were doing. Coincidence? Perhaps. We may never know. Younger gens won't allow that. They need designated no-trigger areas.
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The way baby boomers act, everything will come to a screeching halt.

So what you're saying is It would take somebody with way more skill and experience way less time to do something than somebody who is new.

No shit?
Did you even watch the video?


Pretty much all I see is (geo)politics, science, history, martial arts, art, archeology, philosophy etc.

If maybe all you've seen was dances and challenges, maybe you have shit taste.
Yeah I also noticed how the kids won’t shut up about archeology all of a sudden. Now I get it.


Working as tutor for a video game school (art, dev and design). Working with 20ish years old people.

We are doomed. Stock retro gaming, cause they are absolutely worthless at best.
It's definitely more Gen X we can thank for the amazing games we had in the 90s and 00s. Baby boomers would be their managers and suits, while the actual grunts in the dev trenches were likely in their 20s and 30s, so yeah Gen Xers. Now those guys are retiring too, and they're leaving a void that's getting replaced with the new 20-30 something year olds, and that's millennials and zoomers. The brain drain doesn't fully explain what's going on, it's more than competency crisis. It's a creativity crisis too. Then on top of the sheer lack of creativity, you have people completely indoctrinated in pushing liberal agendas and you have a recipe for disaster. Gaming as we knew it is dead. Thank fuck we can still go back and enjoy the good ones, but it sucks to have absolutely no hype for the future of my lifetime hobby. Oh well time to get healthy and live out the rest of my days with my family like a normal human being for a change anyway.
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