It's funny how people accept issues with performance when it's suits. The game was ambitious on the hardware, but then so was SOTC on the PS2 and that's held up as a classic to this day. If Unity wasn't knocked so much Im sure Ubi would have looked to lift the scale bar to silly levels
I dont give a damn about a game's performance when its justifiable. I loved the game.
You are trying to paint this picture that the game wasnt well received only due to its performance problems. It wasnt.
It was panned due to tons of bugs/glitches at launch, microtransactions (in 2014), iterative gameplay and meh story mostly
And your argument is totally wrong, because Ubi didnt change engines just because the game wasnt well received.
AC Origins was already being made when Unity was being developed. It utilizes the same engine as AC Black Flag, because it was made by that same team.
Then Odyssey/Valhalla utilizes this same engine because it was better to work with than the one used in Unity (that despite also being AnvilNext 2.0, it had different features)
That's why Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla share so many stuff between them (animations, character rendering, shaders and etc.)
Again, why animations suck so much compared to Unity? It has nothing to do with ambition, and more with competence
AC Mirage looks like shit despite being a new game. Looks worse than Origins.