Quite a hilarious glitch here:
Very minor early game story spoilers, looks like the Joker got to Edward Kenway with his gas...!
Pretty damn amazing.
I kind of still want the French Revolution/Napoleonic Wars, but I also really want an Asian setting.
A gif from the video.
Whoa, so I may be late in the news.
But the Aveline exclusive bits are not coming to other platforms?
Eurogamer Here
I am really excited to get this with the PS4. Anticipation is killing me!
Aveline Pack: 60 minutes of additional gameplay featuring Aveline de Grandpré from Assassin's Creed III Liberation; Unlockable Aveline ship figurehead
I'm having a really good time with it, but I feel AC3 did a much better job of presenting the world and its characters. AC4 seems so afraid to build up and pace its self, that it just immediately is throwing stuff at you with little clarification or thought put into it. Things like "who am I again?", "who are these people?", "why am I really motivated?", etc. I don't know if it's an age thing, or too many people just have ADD or what, but I really appreciated the slow build up to AC3, I was never bored by it like so many others were. But whatever, the game is a hell of a lot more fun than AC3 is so I guess that's something.
I'm having a really good time with it, but I feel AC3 did a much better job of presenting the world and its characters. AC4 seems so afraid to build up and pace its self, that it just immediately is throwing stuff at you with little clarification or thought put into it. Things like "who am I again?", "who are these people?", "why am I really motivated?", etc. I don't know if it's an age thing, or too many people just have ADD or what, but I really appreciated the slow build up to AC3, I was never bored by it like so many others were. But whatever, the game is a hell of a lot more fun than AC3 is so I guess that's something.
Kenway's head shaking makes it perfect :lol
if you read the description of the gold edition of the game on steam this is part of what it says
so....is it coming to pc or whats UBI? because it will be really messed up to trick people in to buying something to take it out later
This article claims the sea is more realistic and alive in the PS3 version than the 360 version. Any truth to that, or are they just kinda guessing based on a screenshot (IMO in the screenshots here the sea actually looks better in the 360 version).
I'm having a really good time with it, but I feel AC3 did a much better job of presenting the world and its characters. AC4 seems so afraid to build up and pace its self, that it just immediately is throwing stuff at you with little clarification or thought put into it. Things like "who am I again?", "who are these people?", "why am I really motivated?", etc. I don't know if it's an age thing, or too many people just have ADD or what, but I really appreciated the slow build up to AC3, I was never bored by it like so many others were. But whatever, the game is a hell of a lot more fun than AC3 is so I guess that's something.
Here are the images (uploaded from the system it self with the hud on the gamepad) I posted in the reviews thread of the Wii U version. They're from the very beginning of the game.
not sure how accurate this is lulz
So what seems to be the general consensus of the people who have played the game so far?
better than the previous one?
please be better than the previous one -.-
Well it's a bit hard to say. What didn't you like about III?
There are lots of gripes around the direction III went. Some parts are the same, some are dropped and other are expanded.
Despite only 5 hours in though I will go out on a limb. You're in the thick of things within an hour. The backdrop is a very pantomimie version of the Caribbean (think Treasure Island, Pirate of the Caribbean, Monkey Island) with lots of bright and vibrant colours (even the moon is a massive bright white orb in a purple and black backdrop). If you know your pirate lore you will get a load out of the charters but it's not necessary as it's been handled very well not to think 'who's this guy' like III did.
not sure how accurate this is lulz
Sounds like a step up already, i knew i would love the pirate atmosphere and lore.
I didn't like the pacing of 3 as well as the tedious main missions and bland atmosphere.
I loved the naval combat though, so i hear thats nice and upgraded/refined to a certain degree.
One criticism so far is the combat still hasn't moved out of the counter, stabby, stabby, chain kill, chain kill, chain kill formula. Though I've never really seen the franchise as an action game but more an adventure game and this is the first one where I feel you can genuinely go adventuring.
You've got pretty much the whole of the Caribbean (minus Haiti and The Dominican Republic I think) and the Bahamas to explore. There's only 3 major cities but there's apparently around 80 locations in the game.
The first time you go all Erroll Flynn and swashbuckle your way onto another vessel ship to ship I dare you not to be grinning like a chessire cat.
So this is my fist Assassins Creed game and I thought that this one would be like a huge sandbox where you can go wherever you want and explore. I keep getting into the this memory is not current or whatever the message is when I try to explore or when I go to new islands marked by the black question mark it says its not available yet.
Does the entire map open up at some point or does it only open 1 island at a time as you progress through the story?
That gif was quality, got even better when I noticed the dude doing the stream lol
now try to guess who's getting a blowjob...
Thanks I was hoping it would open up totally after a certain point, I just love to just go out in the world and exploreYeah its way more like the older GTAs. Open the map by playing the story.
The combat has become incredibly easy. I have to agree with the posts above me about that. There is hardly any skill needed. It is basically like Batman's counter system but instead you can just counter and immediately kill them, and right after killing them you can press the attack button every single time and you stay in this kill animation, slaughtering everyone around you with a few clicks of a button. It is childishly easy. In the words of this thread title; it definitely feels like a Disneyland Ride.
Also - Does anyone know if I buy the Season Pass for it on PS3 will that follow over to the PS4 version or will I have to re-buy?
It will transfer over.
It will transfer over.