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Assassin's Creed II - The |OT|

Just getting around to playing this. Up to sequence 7, already finding this much enjoyable the the first.

Question? Playing the Xbox 360 version im getting alot of sound popping through my speakers, specifically when running through the crowds. Is this a common problem with the game?

Running the game in 5.1 connected to my Yamaha 1900 Amp via HDMI.
Rabid Wolverine said:
Just getting around to playing this. Up to sequence 7, already finding this much enjoyable the the first.

Question? Playing the Xbox 360 version im getting alot of sound popping through my speakers, specifically when running through the crowds. Is this a common problem with the game?

Running the game in 5.1 connected to my Yamaha 1900 Amp via HDMI.
i didn't play the 360 version, but i never had this on the ps3 version. maybe it's a wire?
Been wanting to replay through the game again with the DLC and to get a missed STORY trophy (how the fuck...?) to get the platinum. This thread being bumped is a great reminder, thanks.

This game is a blast. At one time, I was saying if I can only keep one of my games, it'd be this because of the amount of content and such. But now having been away from it for a while and realizing the other great games I own... I no longer share this hyperbolic view haha.
MoonsaultSlayer said:
This game is a blast. At one time, I was saying if I can only keep one of my games, it'd be this because of the amount of content and such. But now having been away from it for a while and realizing the other great games I own... I no longer share this hyperbolic view haha.

Welcome to the league ;)

However I tend to keep all my games unless they are shit.
sweetvar26 said:
Welcome to the league ;)

However I tend to keep all my games unless they are shit.

What league? The trophy glitch league? That shit is horrible. How can I miss a story based trophy and have the game completed 100%? Ubisoft... you failed me.

Fortunately, I've had the DLC bought and it's just waiting for my second playthrough. Hopefully it'll recognize me re-entering the animus after training this time... *fingers crossed*


I bought a new sword, however, when I check the inventory it still shows only the old sword I had. How do I choose the new sword? Its the same for the small weapons. I bought a new small weapon and that replaced my old dagger. What if want to choose my dagger? Thanks!

Edit: I'm playing the PS3 version if it matters.


kikanny said:
I bought a new sword, however, when I check the inventory it still shows only the old sword I had. How do I choose the new sword? Its the same for the small weapons. I bought a new small weapon and that replaced my old dagger. What if want to choose my dagger? Thanks!

Edit: I'm playing the PS3 version if it matters.

There's a room in your villa with all the weapons you've collected.


Man, holy shit.

I put off finishing this game for a while (I was only like 5 hours in), and I just marathoned the rest of it over the last few days.


<3 this game.


One month... that was the time that was needed for PC version of AC2 to be cracked.

Russian hackers managed to make emulation of UBI servers, and even now there is still a TON of work in front of them. They have to manualy play the game, encounter a trigger that will crash the game and then examine the log's and bypass the error. So far they fixed ~1400 triggers ( :-O ) mostly on a main storyline path.



Played a little just now and so far I'm liking what I'm seeing. Much better than the first game which was hyped up shit.


I just realized that the guy who voices Nathan Drake also does the voice for the main character in Assassin's Creed 2. This is weird. His voice is so recognizable as Drake that's who I see when he speaks.


LM4sure said:
I just realized that the guy who voices Nathan Drake also does the voice for the main character in Assassin's Creed 2. This is weird. His voice is so recognizable as Drake that's who I see when he speaks.
in dark void you play as nathan drake except he's not nathan drake

on the other side
just got my copy of this game ( pc version )
installing !! :D


Q8D3vil said:
in dark void you play as nathan drake except he's not nathan drake

on the other side
just got my copy of this game ( pc version )
installing !! :D
Congrats, it is a great game on PC as well.


installed the game
i tried using the wireless 360 controller and it's horrible

look like there is a bug in the game not recognizing the wireless controller
is there any fix around it ?!

fuck ubisoft for not fixing it in the updates
Picked this up at the GS sale and I am pretty enrapt in the story. So much so that even though I've heard again and again that 1 pales in comparison in every possible way, I still kind of want to play through it. I Wiki'd it but I still kind of would like the sensation of having this thread go through both games (and the series).

I LOVE the glyph stuff. Is there a mechanic like that in the first game? It does such an amazing job of linking together all of human history through the conspiracy in a really cool and pretty creepy way once you get to like the fourth and fifth glyph.

As far as the controls go, I still find myself jumping off a roof or a wall I didn't want to every now and then, but overall, it's very well done.

Yeah. Thumbs up!
BenjaminBirdie said:
I LOVE the glyph stuff. Is there a mechanic like that in the first game? It does such an amazing job of linking together all of human history through the conspiracy in a really cool and pretty creepy way once you get to like the fourth and fifth glyph.

Sorry to say, that's totally new to 2. The first game's frame story was conveyed solely through unskippable cutscenes of unnecessarily mysterious dialogue in between chapters, no fun puzzles or real history to be had. I'm one of the rare ones who really liked AC1, but even I have to admit AC2 kicks its ass in so many ways I'm sure it would be a boring non-stop running fest after playing 2. The one and only thing AC1 did better was the assassination missions themselves, which roughly allowed the player to plan out a strategy for entering, taking out the target and exiting (whereas AC2 holds your hand and tells you how to carry out each assassination every step).
faceless007 said:
Sorry to say, that's totally new to 2. The first game's frame story was conveyed solely through unskippable cutscenes of unnecessarily mysterious dialogue in between chapters, no fun puzzles or real history to be had. I'm one of the rare ones who really liked AC1, but even I have to admit AC2 kicks its ass in so many ways I'm sure it would be a boring non-stop running fest after playing 2. The one and only thing AC1 did better was the assassination missions themselves, which roughly allowed the player to plan out a strategy for entering, taking out the target and exiting (whereas AC2 holds your hand and tells you how to carry out each assassination every step).

Good to know. Thanks for answering!


faceless007 said:
Sorry to say, that's totally new to 2. The first game's frame story was conveyed solely through unskippable cutscenes of unnecessarily mysterious dialogue in between chapters, no fun puzzles or real history to be had. I'm one of the rare ones who really liked AC1, but even I have to admit AC2 kicks its ass in so many ways I'm sure it would be a boring non-stop running fest after playing 2. The one and only thing AC1 did better was the assassination missions themselves, which roughly allowed the player to plan out a strategy for entering, taking out the target and exiting (whereas AC2 holds your hand and tells you how to carry out each assassination every step).

AC1 has things that AC2 really doesn't. For example there was so much more depth to the story and the characters, the dialogue was actually pretty intelligent and well written. The conversations you had with your targets and with Al-Mualim were interesting. In this respect AC2 is extremely streamlined and straight-forward, I can't say I cared for a single thing the italians said. :p The accents being on the comical side didn't really help either.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Picked this up at the GS sale and I am pretty enrapt in the story. So much so that even though I've heard again and again that 1 pales in comparison in every possible way, I still kind of want to play through it. I Wiki'd it but I still kind of would like the sensation of having this thread go through both games (and the series).

I LOVE the glyph stuff. Is there a mechanic like that in the first game? It does such an amazing job of linking together all of human history through the conspiracy in a really cool and pretty creepy way once you get to like the fourth and fifth glyph.

As far as the controls go, I still find myself jumping off a roof or a wall I didn't want to every now and then, but overall, it's very well done.

Yeah. Thumbs up!
Definitely try the first game -- there's a lot to like, especially at first. It also remains unsurpassed in a few areas. The dialogue did a better job of immersing me in the world and time period. Every single assassination mission is better than any one in the sequel. The big flaw lies in the other missions. Before every assassination, you have to complete two or three of six intel-gathering missions. Most of these are jokes -- sitting on a bench and listening to dialogue, pickpocketing, following and beating a target... At first, it's fine. In fact, if you only do the minimum, you may not get burnt out on them.

Otherwise, the game is very beautiful, has the same neat mechanics the sequel does, and practically screams quality in every area but mission design. But it's worth it for the assassination sequences. However, make sure you try your best to stealthily assassinate your targets. You can just run in and kill them, but that utterly ruins the genius of the missions. Use the intel you acquire in the side missions to help you kill the target. Immediately you should see that these are better than any assassination in Assassin's Creed 2, where you usually have no choice but to make your presence known. Definitely give it a shot. For what's it's going for these days I don't think you'll be disappointed.

And about the controls -- there are a lot of people who complain about them without fully understanding them. The game controls like a dream once you master the controls, and they're not difficult to master. If you're jumping off walls when you don't mean to, make sure you're not holding the A button when you climb. It's unnecessary. The A button will make you jump off -- if you don't touch it, Ezio will never jump off. B is for dropping down. Just remember that the buttons correspond with certain body parts. Y controls your head and is used for speaking and eagle vision. X is your weapon hand and is used for attacking. B is your empty hand and is used to either gently or violently push people aside. A controls your legs and is used for fast-walking, sprinting, and jumping. But I'm going overboard here, you probably know all of this. Here's a move a lot of people aren't aware of: when you're hanging on or running up a wall, you can jump off in different directions -- left, right, back. This may come in handy for getting around in some situations.

Also, about the glyphs: in the first game there are a few things you can read that, like the glyphs, link up certain places or events in human history with the conspiracy, but there are only a few, and it's just text. It's still interesting and it's kind of hidden -- not everyone finds this, but if you do certain things you'll be able to access these files at the end of the game. Anyway, enjoy the games! I love this series so much regardless of the flaws. Here's to AC3!


white edition is 45€, normal 41€

the figure, some map thingy and the two special missions worth the 4€ more?


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
How do you throw sand? I'm on the last memory sequence and I still haven't learned to do that.

Also... as far as collecting... do I need to get all the feathers before I go any further, or will the game let me collect them after I've beaten it?

Fun Factor

Formerly FTWer
recklessmind said:
How do you throw sand? I'm on the last memory sequence and I still haven't learned to do that.

Also... as far as collecting... do I need to get all the feathers before I go any further, or will the game let me collect them after I've beaten it?

You need to learn/buy it at the villa training area by the trainer.

You can collect all the feathers post game.


Unlimited Capacity
Initially I didn't want to get on with this game because I felt that the first, even though I liked it, kind of burned me. I had heard that this one was a big improvement over the previous yet I didn't believe.

Now that I've spent a few hours with the game I believe completely, and I can't even really say why. The game feels better. Much better even. No more hoping back and forth between the Animus and real world (at least not yet). The game starts out so much better that it isn't even funny. Ezio is immediately much more interesting than Altiar (Altiar's assassin outfit still looks better though) and the stealth feels a lot better.

Also, Ubisoft Montreal continues to have killer presentation in their games. The HUD and menus are as slick as ever. Good job, guys.


_tetsuo_ said:
Initially I didn't want to get on with this game because I felt that the first, even though I liked it, kind of burned me. I had heard that this one was a big improvement over the previous yet I didn't believe.

Now that I've spent a few hours with the game I believe completely, and I can't even really say why. The game feels better. Much better even. No more hoping back and forth between the Animus and real world (at least not yet). The game starts out so much better that it isn't even funny. Ezio is immediately much more interesting than Altiar (Altiar's assassin outfit still looks better though) and the stealth feels a lot better.

Also, Ubisoft Montreal continues to have killer presentation in their games. The HUD and menus are as slick as ever. Good job, guys.

Yeah, has to be one of the biggest turn arounds for a sequel in terms of overall improvement. I can't wait for the third one.
I got this during the GameStop sale two weeks ago for 30. I never played the first and I think this game is really amazing. It looks outstanding, has a good story and some fun mechanics. Right now I am still struggling with the free run. I'm finding chasing people to be very hard because I always wind up randomly jumping in a different direction, or spring off a wall instead of running up it to the next hand hold.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Costanza said:
Man, holy shit.

I put off finishing this game for a while (I was only like 5 hours in), and I just marathoned the rest of it over the last few days.


<3 this game.
I'm sure someone has read quite a bit of
Zecharia Sitchin
as this same theme is mentioned in his theories. But yeah, I love that kind of stuff so the ending was sweet! I can't wait for part 3 either.
Just beat the game last night.

Awesome experience, and I say this as someone that ditched the original and never stuck with it - I only gave AC2 a chance as my mate was going on about how great it was - I'm glad he did!

Most of these are jokes -- sitting on a bench and listening to dialogue, pickpocketing, following and beating a target... At first, it's fine. In fact, if you only do the minimum, you may not get burnt out on them.

Yeah, thats why I couldn't get into the 1st one - the mission design was really poor, and the streamlined approach in the sequel is far superior IMO; it gets you in to the guts of the game much better.

I may actually go back to the 1st one, and see if I can get past the flaws, now that I'm familiar with the main mechanics. As someon else mentioned tjough, I'll really miss the glyphs!


Are all the codex pages found in the cities? I'm 29 right now and I'm pretty sure I've gotten every one from each of the four cities.


Blader5489 said:
Are all the codex pages found in the cities? I'm 29 right now and I'm pretty sure I've gotten every one from each of the four cities.

The maps show exactly where they are duder.
Blader5489 said:
Are all the codex pages found in the cities? I'm 29 right now and I'm pretty sure I've gotten every one from each of the four cities.

Theres one that may have confused you, its in the weird pantheon place outside of the city walls of the countryside city (Tuscany?) with the big towers (I think?). Either way might be best to just check a guide on the net.


Never went to Italy so i tried looking up some pictures of Venice and Florencia. Don't know why, but it feels like revisiting an old school you went to years before. It feels empty, like the soul has been sucked out or something.

Just finished the game and it's one of my favourite games of last year, if not ever. I miss it already. Listening to the soundtrack constantly. And the ending
OMG luvit
Can't wait for AC3

thechemist said:
A certain banned UK site is listing Assassins Creed 2 Game of The Year edition released 21/05/2010? What would this be?

The game with DLC on the disc maybe?

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
man some dick on goozex or playswap as it's now known in the eu said he would send me this game and then timed it out after 2 weeks, no feedback no nothing. what an ass.
thechemist said:
A certain banned UK site is listing Assassins Creed 2 Game of The Year edition released 21/05/2010? What would this be?
Probably a version of Assassin's Creed II with all of the DLC included on the disc.


Blader5489 said:
I know, which is why I don't understand how I missed one :lol

In the map, turn on all of the filters so that nothing is shown except for Codex Pages. Travel from city to city and I'm sure you'll find it :D


catfish said:
man some dick on goozex or playswap as it's now known in the eu said he would send me this game and then timed it out after 2 weeks, no feedback no nothing. what an ass.

Never trusted such sites. You shouldn't miss out on the game, i'm sure you can get for dirt cheap. :) Also
comma please, not to be an ass but it's kind of hard to read


I finished this over the weekend. Good game, and definitely an improvement over the first (which I liked anyways), though I think the actual assassinations in AC1 were better.

I still don't care for the Desmond story at all, and the ending was totally face-palm worthy. Though I will admit it was pretty fun
killing guys with ease as Desmond
but maybe that's just because he does fuck all most of the time.

Also, Venice is fucking gorgeous; I love just running around there just for the scenery. I hope they make Rome look just as beautiful in AC: Brotherhood.


Just started playing this game early last week and I love it. I'm about 75% done with it. I hope the 6th Assassin Seal isn't as hard to get as the 5th one. Took me an hour to finish the four trials. I thought I read some where in this thread that you can see the feathers you missed in the DNA sequence? How do I do that? I only have 27 feathers and need some help getting them other wise it's not getting done. Thanks.
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