I think I have enough impressions by now to officially call it a disappointment. Ah well I guess it's better than me going in excited and finding out it's yet another AAA disappointment myself.
You get excited for things? lol.
As for the comment of Brotherhood still being the best, which was also my favorite in the series. This for me is turning into being my new favorite ganme in the series. I try to look at the key mechanics the games have always had.
Stealth/Social stealth. I feel that is is much improved with the stalking zones in the forest. The ability to press up against walls and whistle at guards to walk towards you. Non lethal silent takedowns. Hiding in crowds is better than previous games too. Instead of just looking for groups of people standing or walking around, you can blend in to a much spread out placement of people. And with the crowd numbers increased in the cities it makes it a lot easier staying hidden when having a high notoriety level.
Combat. This is a HUGE improvement I feel. I am having so much fun beating the crap out of large groups of enemies. The amount of different killing and KO animations blows my mind. Also, hiding in the forest and setting up an attack on a british escorted caravan "The Patriot" style never gets old.
Traversal/Free Running. Now this can be up for debate. I didn't really know how to feel about it at first, but then when I started running through the trees with Conner and I was sold. It is really an amazing feeling hanging out hunting in the woods, and then hearing marching drums in the distance, then racing through the trees to get in a spot above the group of troops to rope dart the drummer hanging out in the back. lol.
Story...Not talking about it till after the game is released sorry.
But like was mentioned before. The game is fucking massive. Instead of Ubisoft committing to the holiday release window, they could of spent the time to really polish it a bit more taking care of some of these strange glitches. Imagine if RDR only had two years development... I haven't experienced anything game breaking. But just things like characters bouncing up and down slightly in the air. Animals that stop moving. Just strange clipping in character too. One in which a section of Desmond's back is poking out of his backpack. I watched a walkthrough online and saw that another person had the same problem. And its not something that is fixed with a reload. It's always there. Really strange that Ubisoft didn't notice it.