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Assassin's Creed III |OT| Easier to read than Ratonhnhaké:ton

lots of negativity in here...

so what exactly is wrong with the game as compared to previous AC games? i don't nitpick graphics and i don't care if the combat is too easy (i play other games for challenge), so what else?

Pacing is really bad, and the controls don't seem as responsive as Brotherhood to me. Is like they want to show me all these fancy animations and camera angles in combat but forgot I need to kind of play the thing.

Now I'm super deep into it though there's still a lot to love. Frontier is just fun to explore, and tree climbing in itself is insanely fun. Stealth still kind of sucks, but I still really like that they expanded on it. Also I finally don't hate the Desmond sections, so there's that.


Unlimited Capacity
Most of it is, but the missions for the ultimate armors in the AC2 series games have all been kind of awesome, some of the best parts of their respective games in-fact.

Yea, 7 hours in still getting tutorials and haven't seen one assassin tomb.


Junior Member
those who are playing, does it feel like the game lacks focus/doesn't have its priorities straight?

i got that vibe hard from everything the lead designer said in interviews, he displayed no vision at all


its revealed that in order to save the world from burning up by a solar flare, Desmond needs to sacrifice itself in order to bring back Juno to the world, because she is the only one who knows how to save the planet.

But as Desmond is about to do that, Minerva shows up and tells Desmond that if he frees Juno shit will go bad for mankind, she tells him if Desmond and the crew stay in the precursor crypt, they will survive the solar flare and be the first mankind on earth, and they would have to repopulate it all again, only to star the same cycle again and do everything as it has already happened.

Desmond refuses that, and chooses to sacrifice himself in order to save the world, but with the consequence that Juno returns to the world of the living with the intent of enslaving mankind, and bring back the times of old where the precursors used Humans as test-subjects and slaves, since they invented them.

They see them as nothing but animals, and Juno wants to restore that. Game ends with Juno leaving the crypt and Desmond dead on the ground

I have no morals I looked at this I can almost smell the direction they will go in the future.


I tend to not let others influence my decisions on games, but some of the stuff in here is making me wanna cancel my preorder and wait till later when it's on sale. Some of the impressions sound pretty bad.


Unlimited Capacity
Are the tombs even in AC3?

I don't know but I would hope they have something equivalent.

As it stands, and remember I am coming straight from AC2, the new stuff was just kind of a novelty. Hunting was cool for a bit, but it became a chore rather quickly. You can set up trade caravans which I thought would be nice but it appears to only get you money which is easy enough to get it seems. Even the free running seems dumbed down. The forest stuff is cool but there aren't any memorable sync points. I remember a few from 2the because they were actual platforming sections and I haven't run across any of those yet either.

Overall like I said earlier, I think it is good but not as good as AC2. I could change my mind because this game unfolds stuff to you terribly slowly.
I've found that negative pre-release impressions tend to be closer to the truth than extremely positive ones, since hype usually blinds a lot of people. This is a full sequel but it seems like it's going to play and feel like AC 2.5.

Gaf didn't really like AC revelations either. I thought it was good.

Im sure i'll love AC3. It may not be the best game in the world but i like AC's world. Yes even the wacky story. Which is not so wacky IMO.

7he Talon said:
Despite reading all these impression posts, I'm still very excited for the game.

Yep. Same here.
So is the tree climbing not all that? I remember people losing their shit over the animations and the dynamic movement when it was first shown.
I feel like this game is going to make or break the series.
Sucks to hear that they may not have given it all the time it needed for polish =\.


Gold Member
I have no morals I looked at this I can almost smell the direction they will go in the future.

My bet is that the next protagonist with a high concentration of DNA from "Those who came before" must be a female modern day Assassin - i.e., the "Eve".


I just learned that you'll be able to play as Aveline from the Vita game for one mission on the PS3 (and vice versa with Connor in Liberation) if you have both games synced. That should be interesting.


"@johntdrake: Still, enjoying the shit out of AC3 so far. So good."

The "still" is in reference to a tricky stealth mission

@DanRyckert: Not exaggerating when I say I've failed this early Assassin's Creed III mission over 30 times.


Couple things I want to address:

1. Anyone freaking out over performance/screenshots on the console version what did you expect? Its running on 7 year old hardware. Talk to me when the PC version is released. If the issues are still there then its an issue.

2. To the people complaining the gameplay is like old AC games what did you expect? Like I said earlier its not gonna be a largely new experience its called a SEQUEL for a reason!

3. People complaining its a slow beginning: So was AC2. When you change settings/gameplay elements its to be expected.

It sounds like those with negative impressions had unrealisitc expectations going in (very much like they did going into Revelations). I am jazzed and can't wait for Tuesday! I fully expecte the reviews to be very high in their praise.
I got the game.... and I'm so freaking excited to dive into it, just will wait till I finish Killzone HD first so then I have nothing else to keep me busy but this beauty called ASIII <3


Sorry if this has been talked about already, but is this game a step up for the series as AC2 was?

Just looking for an opinion, really. I'm getting the PS3 version in a few minutes. It's the first time I've played a AC title not on the 360.
Couple things I wan to address:

1. Anyone freaking out over performance/screenshots on the console version what did you expect? Its running on 7 year old hardware. Talk to me when the PC version is released. If the issues are still there then its an issue.

2. To the people complaining the gameplay is like old AC games what did you expect? Like I said earlier its not gonna be a largely new experience its called a SEQUEL for a reason!

3. People complaining its a slow beginning: So was AC2. When you change settings/gameplay elements its to be expected.

It sounds like those with negative impressions had unrealisitc expectations going in (very much like they did going into Revelations). I am jazzed and can't wait for Tuesday!

This is a slippery slope of assumptions but I'll address them regardless. Personally Revelations was my favorite, and none of my complaints so far come from a place where I disliked previous AC's gameplay, but the mechanics features of this particular title. The pacing itself is not like AC 2, it's much slower and understandably so since they are introducing new players the mechanics but as it drags on you can tell the developers could have condensed a lot of the tutorial.

I have the same expectations for this title as any AC game, and my criticism isn't coming from some misguided place where I expected AC III to be extremely different than any other game in the franchise. I can still end up loving this game because I see a lot of potential ,but as of right now the game is trying to do too many new things, and it's not executing them properly.


The pacing is very very slow...
Nothing bad, the story is very good.
The graphics are very good, way better than Revelations imo :) And the music is brilliant!
Played about 4-5 hours :) still the beginning but already had a plot twist about 2 hours ago


Sorry if this has been talked about already, but is this game a step up for the series as AC2 was?
I have only played about 4 hours and haven't touched any of the side mission stuff. But everything so far is the same as in the "2 series". Mission types, combat, character movement haven't changed at all. They have added certain minor features and the world got a lot bigger in scope. But so far it feels like another exension of 2 gameplay wise. The world and story are a different thing however and quite impressive so far.
This game sounds pretty strange. Simplified mechanics and lots of tutorials to attract new fans while trying to wrap up an extremely complicated plot that they spend a lot of time on? I'm not sure that makes sense.


Everything you need to know about the ridiculous overarching story is summed up in the opening video. But the main narration of 3 is pretty good as far as I can tell.


How are the graphics? Same old or a step up?

How is traversing the landscape compared to the tall buildings from the previous games?


How are the graphics? Same old or a step up?
I played the game on PS3, it's definitely a step up compared to Revelations.
Although the aliasing is nasty sometimes, the frame rate tanks, the textures are very low res...Yeah, still an impressive looking game.


I'm playing AC2 through again (on the PC for the first time) and it's such a great game. The way things are slowly introduced there were so many surprises.

Oh yeah free running, oh yeah killing people, oh wait I can buy armour and change its colour? I can run/upgrade my own villa? I can travel through tombs to unlock Altair's armour?

So on and so forth, it was a dream come true.
I'm playing AC2 through again (on the PC for the first time) and it's such a great game. The way things are slowly introduced there were so many surprises.

Oh yeah free running, oh yeah killing people, oh wait I can buy armour and change its colour? I can run/upgrade my own villa? I can travel through tombs to unlock Altair's armour?

So on and so forth, it was a dream come true.

Yeah, although that process got annoying in Brotherhood and Revelations.


How are the graphics? Same old or a step up?

How is traversing the landscape compared to the tall buildings from the previous games?
The graphics are probably a step up from the previous game in direct comparison yet they don't feel like one having played Revelations a year ago. Aliasing is pretty bad on the 360. And aside from a couple of scenes that were staged impressively it feels like the Assassin's Creed of old.

I miss the vertical traversal of the levels. All the vista points are easily climbed within a couple of seconds and the streets of Boston are very wide compared to the narrow and winding alleys of Rome, Tuscany and Constantinople.

That sounds pretty negative but I'm actually having a good time so far. Despite the slow start I like the setup, the characters and the story so far. But I am a bit disappointed the gameplay hasn't really evolved the way it evolved from 1 to 2.
It's been a while since I played Brohood but yeah, in Revelations it was annoying. Mainly I think due to the fact that the 'new stuff' they introduced wasn't that new or fun.

Also due to the fact that they still treat some of the basic mechanics as something worth building up a reveal to. I love Brotherhood, but it's like... two hours before you even get to the Brotherhood part because they have to trot out all the AC2 stuff. I understand they need to accommodate new players, but there has to be a better way.


Desmond spoilers

I haven't played the series since AC1 (*shudder*) but have watched some playthroughs/read up the silly story.

And that write-up sounds horrible. The sci-fi frame was always going to drag this series down with it but I could have never imagined it getting this dumb.
I haven't played the series since AC1 (*shudder*) but have watched some playthroughs/read up the silly story.

And that write-up sounds horrible.

This series just went full retard. The sci-fi frame was always going to drag this series down with it.

Only just now?

I mean I love these games but the stories are... well.

The Lamp

Couple things I want to address:

1. Anyone freaking out over performance/screenshots on the console version what did you expect? Its running on 7 year old hardware. Talk to me when the PC version is released. If the issues are still there then its an issue.

2. To the people complaining the gameplay is like old AC games what did you expect? Like I said earlier its not gonna be a largely new experience its called a SEQUEL for a reason!

3. People complaining its a slow beginning: So was AC2. When you change settings/gameplay elements its to be expected.

It sounds like those with negative impressions had unrealisitc expectations going in (very much like they did going into Revelations). I am jazzed and can't wait for Tuesday! I fully expecte the reviews to be very high in their praise.
Uh for 3 years in development compared to the other games lots of the complaints aren't unrealistic expectations.


I haven't played the series since AC1 (*shudder*) but have watched some playthroughs/read up the silly story.

And that write-up sounds horrible. The sci-fi frame was always going to drag this series down with it but I could have never imagined it getting this dumb.

Only just now?

I mean I love these games but the stories are... well.

I think they would have been much better off just having AC games without the sci-fi stuff like GTA, pick a location, protagonist and tell his story. Forget about Desmond.

Hopefully from now on they'll do what Liberation is doing and only really uses the sci-fi stuff in a very minimalistic manner.
I'm enjoying the game the further I get into it but it def has less polish then some of the other games if I recall correctly. The pop in and draw in. Though the animation of the horse jumping over the fence just looks BAD! Overall a good game though. :D
I haven't played the series since AC1 (*shudder*) but have watched some playthroughs/read up the silly story.

And that write-up sounds horrible. The sci-fi frame was always going to drag this series down with it but I could have never imagined it getting this dumb.

What is silly about the story? I can't think of anything that seemed too bad.


I'm enjoying the game the further I get into it but it def has less polish then some of the other games if I recall correctly. The pop in and draw in. Though the animation of the horse jumping over the fence just looks BAD! Overall a good game though. :D

There has never been anything they've done right concerning horses. Cept making them look like horses...I'll give them that one. Terrible sense of actual momentum, controlled awkwardly, no feeling of weight at all the way it could/should be. RDR handled riding a horse far better to me.


Uh for 3 years in development compared to the other games lots of the complaints aren't unrealistic expectations.

Yes they are. I am hearing its to much like the old games, I am seeing some BS screenshots that people are saying are how the whole game looks, and people who obviously don't care about the story in the other games are bashing the game left and right.
There has never been anything they've done right concerning horses. Cept making them look like horses...I'll give them that one. Terrible sense of actual momentum, controlled awkwardly, no feeling of weight at all the way it could/should be. RDR handled riding a horse far better to me.

I'd have thought they would make it a bit better but no... they did not. lol
Yes they are. I am hearing its to much like the old games, I am seeing some BS screenshots that people are saying are how the whole game looks, and people who obviously don't care about the story in the other games are bashing the game left and right.

Cognitive dissonance at it's best.


Still got Brotherhood and Revelations to go. Will I miss anything vital if I just do story missions to get through those?


Sorry if this has been asked multiple times but I can't read this thread in fear of AC1-2 spoilers.

I haven't played AC before but the commercials / trailers for AC3 are tempting. So I want to start the series.

So I have a couple quick questions:

1) Which console should I get AC1, AC2 and AC3 for?
2) Is AC: Brotherhood and AC: Revelations necessary for the story or can I skip them? Both?
3) Is there any kind of bundle for the first 2 games?


Yes they are. I am hearing its to much like the old games, I am seeing some BS screenshots that people are saying are how the whole game looks, and people who obviously don't care about the story in the other games are bashing the game left and right.

They have perfeclty valid reasons to bash the game. And the screenshots are not BS, of course AC 3 does not look as bad everywhere but some areas definitely lack polish.

Not unexpected given the game is massive in scope.


Sorry if this has been asked multiple times but I can't read this thread in fear of AC1-2 spoilers.

I haven't played AC before but the commercials / trailers for AC3 are tempting. So I want to start the series.

So I have a couple quick questions:

1) Which console should I get AC1, AC2 and AC3 for?
2) Is AC: Brotherhood and AC: Revelations necessary for the story or can I skip them? Both?
3) Is there any kind of bundle for the first 2 games?

Play AC3 first, you will be spoiled for parts of desmonds story, but whatever...
AC1 is not worth playing in the slightest
AC2 and all of the expansions are worth playing, although y ou would probably burn yourself out trying to play them back to back

Play 3 first, if you want to play more when you are done, pick up 2
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