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Assassins Creed Unity Leaked PS4 version shots (Confirmed 900p / 30fps)


I presume the Blur is the stretch 900P ? - Character models are ridiculous, looks like something from the PS2 Era nevermind PS3/360... This engine was hyped and OVER-Hyped, now we can see it, it looks underwhelming.

I wasn't particularly happy with AC:parity to begin with, after seeing these, confirming specs, Will all but surely pass on this + I have played every AC game, Ubisoft need to up their game, their becoming the new activision to me... I wish I had hope for their future games but in their words they are apparently maxing everything... which is clearly bs.


The screens look like a PS3/X360 game and even then i am being unfair to those consoles.

These images must be from an early build, or their will be a massive down one patch.


I believe any game made before 1997 is "essentially cave man art."
Wish my gf wasn't such a AC fan or else I wouldn't be getting this... Ugh,

Still buying the game.


Ubisoft is to blame because of their bullshots or PC videos, but some people need to wake up already and stop being so delusional and realize the PS4 is not even close to being a high-end PC, let alone the Xbox One. If you expect CGI graphics ON TOP of 1080/60fps then you're only setting yourself up for extreme dissapointment. Don't expect more than Second Son or your dissapointments from obvious PC builds "downgrades" will ensue. Always assume the game's running on PC until you see direct feed from console and understand already that it's either CGI fidelity - 30fps - below 1080 or slighty better last gen fidelity - 1080 - 60.
Not again this shit, please. I continue to think their engine are too much grounded in the past generation where hardware were more cpu centric. Still I'm surprise a big company like ubi can't overtake this problem yet. They need to understand their engine are too much radicate in the cpu.Things could become worst if they not fix this problem sooner. Imho of course.
Far Cry 3 had absolutely awful performance on PC. A 970 can barely run it on max settings at 1920x1080, which means that there wasn't a single graphics card on the market that could max it out on release.

The game certainly didn't look good enough to warrant that.

I remember at launch it had stuttering issues with HDAO and the post processing setting really killed framerates, but they ironed that out fairly quickly.

I was able to run it at 1080p at pretty much ultra settings with HBAO instead of HDAO at 60fps-ish on a 6950 at launch.

I have a gtx 670 now and I'm able to max the game (minus MSAA) at locked 60fps.

I hope FC4 doesn't look like a mess on consoles like this does. Think I'll go PC for that one...


Those look great. While the others earlier in the thread look terrible. Also, that forced parity is bullshit.

Are we looking at the same pictures did you even click the picture that it goes bigger? It's blurry as hell all the vaseline over the screen some also horrible AA,smeared textures.

I burst out laughing at the little "Next Gen Starts [Here]" message that popped up xD

Said it earlier in this thread at ubisoft next doesn't start here anytime soon. After so many bullshots and trailers that are not what the game represents glad i stopped playing at Brotherhood, what a mess this is.


Huh? I'm pretty sure this isn't right. Far Cry 3 ran great and I've seen benchmarks putting the minimum framerate of a single 970 at above 60fps.

Well yeah if you're benchmarking a 2 year old game on very new and expensive hardware it better always be above 60 FPS. But it shouldn't need that level of hardware to do so.


For comparison, the "first footage" video.


What's with Ubisoft and downgrades?

Seeing this makes me sad, reminds me what I "was" hyped for.

I do remember some Ubisoft Dev's biting on twitter to their opening screenshots + vids, fans trolling and saying its another downgrade, and that above trailer was more lies... their response was a comical "wait n see"

Well, we have and you Lied. Again.


I presume the Blur is the stretch 900P ? - Character models are ridiculous, looks like something from the PS2 Era nevermind PS3/360

Some serious rose colored glasses goin' on in this magnificent thread. Here's a ps2 era character model:

I bet when people saw this they were all "Shit, that's some Super Nintendo quality models they got there, let alone ps1."

So many lol's.


I would have gladly taken gimped crowd numbers for better resolution. That said, the fidelity of the environments and character models is pretty damn good in my eyes. It's just taking a beautiful game and smearing vaseline all over it. The fundamental good shit is still there, but it's all muddied. It's like playing a brand new next gen game on an old crt.
It shouldn't kick up that far, though yes the fashion is the generic justification. There are equally egregious problems. The stone-cut cloth, the lighting, the dead expression on her face, the clipping on the wrist and I have no idea what's going on with/around her hair.

Okay I was wrong. That's only 5 other things I immediately identify as awful and not the half-dozen I'd suggested in my last post. I'm far from a graphics snob, too! I'm used to shoestring JRPGs and have extremely low expectations for most games! This is just inexcusable when compared to Ubi's other stuff this year.
Yeah.. I was just discussing the dress.


Probably both if we're going off their track record.

For a second there I forgot about the Watchdogs downgrade. It makes sense that Ubisoft would use a PC to showcase their game at E3 (probably more optimized), but they really need to stop presenting PC footage as console footage. It's terribly misleading.


For a second there I forgot about the Watchdogs downgrade. It makes sense that Ubisoft would use a PC to showcase their game at E3 (probably more optimized), but they really need to stop presenting PC footage as console footage. It's terribly misleading.
Watch Dog it's downgraded too in the same pc. Compared the first trailer.


Some serious rose colored glasses goin' on in this magnificent thread. Here's a ps2 era character model:

I bet when people saw this they were all "Shit, that's some Super Nintendo quality models they got there, let alone ps1."

So many lol's.

Are you serious? That actually does genuinely look like one of the NPC's from the crowd... its not much of a stretch at all lol.


What's so graphically demanding about this game?

From those screenshots this game looks like it could've even run at 1080p on the XB1.

I love how that "anonymous" dev shit all over Mordor graphics, but this looks way worse than that game and even most new gen only games.


PC versions and E3 vertical slices.

We know from past experience with Ubisoft that even their PC versions get downgraded and end up running like shit anyways. Something is seriously wrong with the way they make and advertise games compared to almost everyone else. Bullshots are a thing with other companies, even respected ones like Naughty Dog. But Ubisoft takes bullshitting to the next level.
Ugh...wtf happened to Ubisoft? I used to class them as one of my favourite devs alongside Rockstar and ND around the time of AC2....now I just laugh at them and/or get frustrated at how they continually lie to our faces.

It's sad how far they've fallen.
LOL WOW... that was the original first footage?

This is just... immoral.
I pray that we called that out as CGI at the time. There's no way we were that naive. ...Right? This is some PS2-era bullshit of cgi-vs-the-actual-game going on.

I say this with the utmost respect to Square-Enix (shocking, I know)-- I still play some Final Fantasy XI and, hand to god, the models and clothing look better in that 12-year-old game and the (lack of) environmental lighting is on par.
I'm actually really impressed by that video, especially the number of NPCs in the gameworld.
OH RIGHT! Weren't we getting 900p for the sake of getting like 5000 NPCs? Uhhuh.
We know from past experience with Ubisoft that even their PC versions get downgraded and end up running like shit anyways. Something is seriously wrong with the way they make and advertise games compared to almost everyone else. Bullshots are a thing with other companies, even respected ones like Naughty Dog. But Ubisoft takes bullshitting to the next level.
Ubisofts were the masters of bullshots in previous gen since Splinter Cell Double Agent. Now they're masters of bullvids.


Watch Dogs is actually the reason I'm not too disheartened by these shots. Because I remember when that WD trailer came out last March or so, the one that made people go "omg such downgrade!" and everyone kept harping on the two seconds of the car reverting to a super low detail model, and the shot of the combat in the gray construction site, posting stills from those two moments to prove how shitty the game was going to look. "lol holy shit they downgraded it so bad it looks like a fucking N64 game!" Then a couple months later Watch Dogs was released, and it didn't look anywhere near as bad as the stills indicated. It looked fine.
Watch Dogs is actually the reason I'm not too disheartened by these shots. Because I remember when that trailer came out last March or so, the one that made people go "omg such downgrade!" and people kept harping on the two seconds of the car reverting to a super low detail model, and the shot of the combat in the gray construction site, postings still from those two moments to prove how shitty the game was going to look. "lol holy shit they downgraded it so bad it looks like a fucking N64 game!" Then a couple months later Watch Dogs was released, and it didn't look anywhere near as bad as the stills indicated. It looked fine.

I'm curious to see this in motion as well. A lot of games don't seem to screenshot very well, for example Driveclub really looks like ass in some of the shots I see here, but in motion it looks incredible.

Wonder if there's some type of effect that's causing these to look so bad in still form
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