He's working on his glutes.lololololol
He's working on his glutes.lololololol
I've explained about a million times how the game is different. At this point it's fairly obvious that some people just don't care, as in "Same old asscreed." Hence the comments on how the "the gameplay is bad anyway."nope...see my post above. They are pretty huge changes that I dont know how anyone could not notice
Because it's their product, if it's leaked then they have every right to take down leaked videos. Just like any dev.How do they have any right to pull videos or anything from someone who got the game legally?
It is the retailers fault, not the customer.
If this were a 20 dollar indie I'd be cool with just gameplay but for 60 bucks and all the next gen bullshit Ubi has been spewing about this title it'd better look phenomenal. This looks like horseshit with whipcream and a cherry on top. The most amazing gameplay ever would not give this even a slight pass as excusable.I've explained about a million times how the game is different. At this point it's fairly obvious that some people just don't care, as in "Same old asscreed." Hence the comments on how the "the gameplay is bad anyway."
Grimløck;136788898 said:has CrossingEden been here to help quell the masses?
If this were a 20 dollar indie I'd be cool with just gameplay but for 60 bucks and all the next gen bullshit Ubi has been spewing about this title it'd better look phenomenal. This looks like horseshit with whipcream and a cherry on top. The most amazing gameplay ever would not give this even a slight pass as excusable.
They don't feel pretty huge when I actually played it, especially in comparison to other similar games. Sure an enemy can get one more hit in, missions might be more open like the first game (Shadow of Mordor is like that sandbox assassination for most of the game), or you can go down a building easier, it still feels small in my experience. I didn't get any newfound urge to buy this AC. The stealth stuff is still pretty weaksauce even when you can crouch.nope...see my post above. They are pretty huge changes that I dont know how anyone could not notice
Holy hyperbole batman. What $20 indie has the scale of that first gameplay video of the player scaling Paris? Because i'm certainly not seeing any. And i'm in for the next gen gameplay more than I'm in for the next gen graphics.If this were a 20 dollar indie I'd be cool with just gameplay but for 60 bucks and all the next gen bullshit Ubi has been spewing about this title it'd better look phenomenal. This looks like horseshit with whipcream and a cherry on top. The most amazing gameplay ever would not give this even a slight pass as excusable.
Damage has already been done. Logical explanations don't seem to be helping. Especially considering that the "Ubisoft gameplay=bad gameplay" posts have already started.Grimløck;136788898 said:has CrossingEden been here to help quell the masses?
IGN uploaded the 3rd part of their making-of, more about the story(ies), the characters, the background, the city, and how they built their vision and the time frame from historiographical sources (very basic imo)
Don't know if it deserves a thread
As far as the combat changes, believe they've changed how the blocking works. In order to block/counter attacks, you have to move the stick in the direction of the current attacker and then press the button. Hopefully that translates into making the game a bit more difficult.I can't really speak for combat, but I do know that traversal has a dedicated decent button so you no longer have to go searching for a pile of hay from the rooftops. Instead just hold the B button and Arno will naturally climb downwards off any point.
Stealth also has a dedicated stealth button instead of contextual stealth. This allows Arno to crouch and lean against cover. This is a pretty huge improvement actually.
I dunno what exactly was changed with combat, but they said that you can no longer simply counter every enemy for success.
That being said, it doesn't really mean shit if it's dipping in the 20's constantly. I really thought we were done with that shit.
"Next-Gen" already showing how much they are outdated. From every PC gamer worldwide "WE TOLD YOU SO!"
What explanation do we need? The videos and screenshots are hard evidence and say more than anyone here can.Damage has already been done. Logical explanations don't seem to be helping. Especially considering that the "Ubisoft gameplay=bad gameplay" posts have already started.
Compressed videos and screenshots of the game? With the videos that look even more compressed uploaded with facebook looking better than the game does in screenshots.What explanation do we need? The videos and screenshots are hard evidence and say more than anyone here can.
That doesn't explain AC4 looking better than this.
Because it's their product, if it's leaked then they have every right to take down leaked videos. Just like any dev.
Unity is bigger in scope, that's your explanation.
Is there an open world game as ambitious and good looking as Unity right now ? I don't think so.
That doesn't explain AC4 looking better than this.
"Next-Gen" already showing how much they are outdated. From every PC gamer worldwide "WE TOLD YOU SO!"
The number of NPCs, the draw distance, the cheer size of the world. It's impressive what Unity is doing and understandable that cuts have to be made somewhere, regardless of the platform.Guess that depends on your definition of scope. If scope=NPC count and draw distance then maybe, but I'm not seeing anything other than another creed game here.
How big is the cheer exactly? Srsly tho not worth looking like a launch 360 title. Cut the fucking NPCs(that all look the same) I guarantee you no one is going to count them.The number of NPCs, the draw distance, the cheer size of the world. It's impressive what Unity is doing and understandable that cuts have to be made somewhere, regardless of the platform.
Even in those screens you can tell that the character models look better than they do in 4. And that's even accounting that the game looks much better in motion. I'm being reminded of when Infamous SS was accused of being downgraded.The number of NPCs, the draw distance, the cheer size of the world. It's impressive what Unity is doing and understandable that cuts have to be made somewhere, regardless of the platform.
That doesn't explain AC4 looking better than this.
"Next-Gen" already showing how much they are outdated. From every PC gamer worldwide "WE TOLD YOU SO!"
The difference was huge from 900p to 1080p.
Ok this is ridiculous, what 360 launch game looks like this?How big is the cheer exactly? Srsly tho not worth looking like a launch 360 title. Cut the fucking NPCs(that all look the same) I guarantee you no one is going to count them.
This is some great geometry right here Ubisoft:
Well, if there's one thing AC does good compared to everyone else then it's the historical aspects and trivia in their games.
Though i don't know if that's changed since i have not touched AC since the second one.
"Next-Gen" already showing how much they are outdated. From every PC gamer worldwide "WE TOLD YOU SO!"
Character models and lighting have definitely been improved. However, the hit to image quality due to the lower resolution and AA solution have hurt how effective these upgrades are. It becomes harder to appreciate the finer detail when a lot of that detail is pretty much erased through blur.Even in those screens you can tell that the character models look better than they do in 4. And that's even accounting that the game looks much better in motion. I'm being reminded of when Infamous SS was accused of being downgraded.
"Next-Gen" already showing how much they are outdated. From every PC gamer worldwide "WE TOLD YOU SO!"
Well... I didn't really make these GIFs. They are in the comments of the EG article that I linked. One of the commentor made them to point out the difference to those who were saying there wasn't any.The difference his huge! See how obvious it is, when I make a before/after gif that's totally zoomed in and blown up?
The difference is there, the difference is undeniable. But it's closer to subtle than huge.
Yes that zoomed in cutscene looks great. Now what about the rest of the blurry mess?Ok this is ridiculous, what 360 launch game looks like this?
Junior Member
The difference his huge! See how obvious it is, when I make a before/after gif that's totally zoomed in and blown up?
The difference is there, the difference is undeniable. But it's closer to subtle than huge.
I don't think that's zoomed in. More like a portion of the actual screen 1:1... I'm gonna check the DF article to be sure.
It's off-topic here but : They build a great historical playground from good research but the way they write the way events happened and how historical figures were is biased for several reasons (they use fictional characters and a parallel fictional story with them, historical research focused more on how to build a consistent 1789-1793 Paris rather than to grasp the huge and complicated period of the French Revolution, and to transcribe it in an AAA game made for a large public without huge expertise in this historical time frame...)
For instance how they depict Robespierre and the reign of Terror is not based on an historical consensus, it may be seen as a cliché or a very biased representation of what happened. When I hear the creative director talking about the different groupes or the chronology of the Revolution, they seem to have oversimplified what happened and who took part in these events (for legitimate reasons or not, but it's here).
There's ideology and all behind it, it has to be known and it can be a moot point to have or an interesting historical study to be made.
Should've known this thread would be full of people trippin extra hard. Lol
"Next-Gen" already showing how much they are outdated. From every PC gamer worldwide "WE TOLD YOU SO!"
I got a XBR929 55" and I noticed sitting about six feet away. Are you going to recommend I sit farther?I agree, I should have said isolated or something.
I have a 46" Bravia, and if Ubisoft hadn't publicly announced the patch to 1080p, I serisouly doubt I would have noticed. And I'm not special, though I do wear corrective lenses to give me "perfect" vision... so I doubt many others would have noticed in either, including a lot of the loudest brayers about it.