It's just like the Watch_Dogs one again. That ended up looking pretty good:

Better textures and 1080p would make this game look smexy but the parity......
It doesn't look worse than the Xbone footage at all...apart from poor quality footage compression. You must be tripping...
Did you miss the part where I said maxed except for AA? All those benches have 4xMSAA. Also I presume these are cards at stock speeds, whereas mine was overclocked to 7970 levels at least.
It's just like the Watch_Dogs one again. That ended up looking pretty good:
So you know they are holding the bame back for parity?
Meh, its not about the graphics, what matters is that the game will be super fun.
I didn't notice nearly as much pop-in or low quality textures in that demo, but to each their own.
I almost think there should be a class action lawsuit against Ubisoft at this point for false advertisement. I've never seen a company bait and switch so many times in my life.
The Division is going to look like straight up garbage by the time it releases.
This should be added to OP.
Fair enough, but then I wouldn't consider it maxed out. And the overclock probably won't be enough.
I've responded to their bullshit by not buying their games the past few years.
Same with EA.
If anything of theirs interests me, I just borrow it from friends or buy used.
It's totally your fault if we don't get more good UBI games like Rayman.I've responded to their bullshit by not buying their games the past few years.
Same with EA.
If anything of theirs interests me, I just borrow it from friends or buy used.
Nah, things don't work that way. There was a whole lot more of controversy regarding Watch_Dogs, yet the game is sitting at nearly 9 million copies sold. AC:U is a highly hyped installment in their biggest franchise, and there's no doubt it'll sell well.Nobody is ever going to trust Ubisoft again after this.
Meh, its not about the graphics, what matters is that the game will be super fun.
No aa puts the 670 at 54fps Cry 3 v. 1.0.2/fc3 1920 ss.png
Looking at three benchmarks right now. Neither a 670 nor a 7950 can run the game at 60+ FPS.,3379-6.html,6.html
This is Assassin's Creed we're talking about here. Gameplay has never been its strong suit. Poor combat, boring traversal (hold down one button), uninspired missions, and so forth.
*I haven't played Black Flag, though. I've heard the naval stuff was fun.
It's just like the Watch_Dogs one again. That ended up looking pretty good:
lol, all the stuff you listed is getting changed in Unity
They've...always had that message on the screen?
2 more videos by the same guy:
I don't count AA as part of max settings but feel free to do so. A 670 could average 30fps with everything maxed + 4xMSAA.
That's very impressive performance considering how good FC3 looked.
I don't know for sure if it was perfectly optimized but it was a fantastic PC experience for me.
I have no doubt Unity will be the same. But I don't shoot for 60fps locked, I'm fine with anything between 30 and 60fps. Inconsistent framerate is not a problem at all for me as long as the framerate is high enough.
30fps locked is not preferable to the above for me.
It's just like the Watch_Dogs one again. That ended up looking pretty good:
Its really sad that due to "reasons" they are actually releasing a game that looks worse then a launch game.
And AC4 created so much needed goodwill after 3. They are making mistakes you
shouldn't be making with your golden goose.
It's totally your fault if we don't get more good UBI games like Rayman.
2 more videos by the same guy:
2 more videos by the same guy:
2 more videos by the same guy:
I expect games to run a little better than that on a $300+ video card.
I see a lot of dips below 30fps.
2 more videos by the same guy:
2 more videos by the same guy:
lol, all the stuff you listed is getting changed in Unity
I see the framedrops too, but one thing's for sure, those 720p videos definitely look better than the leaked screenshots in the OP. Guessing that the day one patch will be needed for this game.I see a lot of dips below 30fps.
2 more videos by the same guy:
WHAHAHA, they actually said this? May I have the link so I can have a laugh?
2 more videos by the same guy:
As I thought the game looks way better in motion. Also those combat animations have me excited. Everything from elbowing the guard in the face, to when he stabs the other one in the throat was so fluid.
Excitement continues to build!