Unity is more advanced than Black Flag. But render resolution affects IQ too much. Every new step in advanced graphics needs more resolution to show the new fine details. High quality textures will be converted into unnecessary because low screen resolution can't show enough texels. 60 fps can show doubled pixels than 30 fps in one second so playing at 30 you will lose a lot more graphic info. I think at the end I prefer a perfect IQ and framerate with baby steps in rest of graphics tech.
AC IV at 60 fps
I second that. Playing RE6, Tomb Raider, Dark Souls Series and some other games at 1080p/60FPS feels like a completly new experience on PC compared to console. It's like playing the full version whilst the console counterparts are somewhat the alpha or beta version. The art and the gameplay really start to shine.
I do think console developers know that, since we get all these 1080/60 remakes. TLOU was just one year old - why should ND have bothered with making a remake if they were fine the first version. Cash in, obviously, but no one would've bought if the jump would not have been significant.
Anyway, casual gamers and marketing departements longing for more shaders is WAY higher than the demand for clean IQ, native res and 60FPS. Why? Casual gamers/gaffers don't know any better because they are getting fed the same shit for years now and are just fine with it. Marketing doesn't bother because they sell mostly through bullshots, touched up trailers and TV ads. Obviously, IQ and framerate don't play any role in that process.
It's just fair that console gamers get games like Unity. They voted with their wallet and marketing listened.