You hit the nail right on the head. There is a reason why reserving judgement is usually the best thing to do, so you do not look like a total schmuck when you are wrong.
There is no valid thing to say about Unity's graphical prowess until we actually have proper direct-feed screenshots and videos from anyone besides Ubisoft.
But Ubisoft never provides direct-feed screenshots, thats what I'm getting at. They provide cherry-picked staged bullshots, with some photoshop magic added to them usually.
I don't think you agree with me really, if thats what you took away from my post.
What I'm saying is; bad screenshots and good screenshots both tell something about a game. You can't rely only on just compressed screenshots, but you sure as
hell can't rely on the marketing material Ubisoft (or most other publishers) put out, either.
umm wait, I reread your post for a third time. "besides ubisoft". I'm a bit unsure of what you mean now; but if you mean direct feed from someone _else_, then we agree and I'm sorry!