You may just want to remember this statement when the PC version ships...and is identical bar resolution ala watchdogs.
This game is in no way shape or form indicative of any platforms performance/peak or ability. Only 1st Party (and maybe Rockstar) can attest to maxing out a console in an "open world" game.
Why do you think that Rockstar / 1st party are the only competent devs on a technical level to take advantage of hardware?
I think that is something that should be questioned. We know the PS4 is extremely easy to code for this time around, why would it only be sony first partys or rockstar which can "max it?"
Graphics programming wise (and not CPU), all the AC games have been extremely competent and efficient. It is allways on the CPU side where tehy struggle.
Also Alien Isolation uses probes as does Killzone:SF it is hardly a new process in games all of a sudden.
People losing their sh!t in here is now a common occurrence, if it is not PC specs, it is no leaked poor shots of a game that is sub 1080 and yet to receive a given day 1 patch (hence the 2 week delay).
If you are thinking it will look blurrier and worse than the already seen X1 footage shown then....ah who am I kidding peeps just like to scream/bitch/moan and meltdown now..i just need to grab the......
Yeah definitely not very new, but it is very much so welcome.
In the end, like you, I am advising people to cool it a bit. 900p is not the end of the world and I think this game looks pretty alright.
To me, that's not true dynamic GI unless it can change on-the-fly. For example, when I can wear a red costume being hit by direct light and the red light bounce on a wall as I'm walking, then I'll say it's truly dynamic.
In Alien, the flash can be turned on at any time and it will bounce that light around the room (same with the other light sources).. so that's truly dynamic too.
Well the GI in far cry 3, according to their docs and at least in the PC version, works for all map light sources (sky, point lights). So it is definitely not as comprehensive as Aliens Isolations. But then again, the constraits of view distance indramatically change what kind of GI you can use whilst still having playable framerates.
For the fuck sake the hell has to do TF quantity with this. This game not work in a pc with the double of TF of the ps4. It's just ubisoft who don't know what optimisation means.
On the graphics side, AC games have been pretty well "optimized." They are just severly CPU limited. Brute graphical computing power does matter. It is the reason this game is 900p. In spite of everything those AC Unity devs say, the CPU limitation of having x amount of world sim should have nothing to do with resolution. They limited the resolution because there is not enough grunt to achieve the graphical wuality they want at 1080p and 30fps.