Game Devs, especially Ubisoft with their track record, should be held accountable for their downgrade frauds, they tactically suck in your cash with bullshot(/shit) videos and screenshots, then spend more time quickly rushing the game out the door on a yearly cycle, to all platforms with a copy + paste compromise, instead of optimizing to hit their targets shown to the customers!
We as gamer's are not experts, but there is plenty of experience and knowledge to know when developers do not attain the quality potential on some of the lead-platforms. We deserve more than blurry 900p/30fps copy + pasted to all platforms with miss-directional excuses and PR statements.
If not by release day of their game they haven't come clean they should be sue-able for false advertising. But unfortunately shit rolls down hill + we are at the bottom of it. The only power we have is with our wallets.