This parity debate is ridiculous. If ubisoft says both are the same on both consoles, why would they lie? Ps4 / X bone basically the same.the whole 60 Fps Is moot, these consoles can barely handle it.
Play the games/controller you like. Nobody cares what system you think is better. Fact is xb1 is much better, just calm down on the vitriol ps4 trolls. Take a breath, play sso and stop being such complainers. 99.9% of the gaming community doesn't see the hate and vitriol from the vocal 1% of the gaming community [you're bad we know]
If you want to be superior buy a 5k pc. If you want to play with friends go xb1, if you want to be an angry hermit go ps4 ... Most of us 99.9% could care less.
It's pretty sad that the vocal (whiny complainers) minority gets most of the press. Devs need to grow a pair and tell the trolls to eat dick.
My 2 cents
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