The Ubisoft Montreal studio is at walking distance from me. I wonder what is going on there at the moment.

The Ubisoft Montreal studio is at walking distance from me. I wonder what is going on there at the moment.
Wii U doesn't count for metacritic scores.Bayonetta 2
Jesus fucking Christ, how is this shit even getting 7's? That bullet point list alone would drop the game to a bare minimum of 5 for me. I don't like AssCreed so I'm obviously biased, mind, but a particularly broken and microtransaction-riddled AssCreed? Nightmare fuel.
I should probably post this here too:
This game is giving me so much material to work with.
No, honestly. After the third treasure chest I couldn't open, I just turned the game off and went back to Wii U.
So is there a separate review embargo for Rogue?
meh only nintendo is delivering. those microsoft games are not selling well for a reason.
While that's true technically, it's such an overused excuse for when sites fuck up. Preview was ridiculous? Sorry, someone else wrote it. I'm not saying we should t have our own opinions, but passing off horrible stuff through that is going to become the norm soon. I dunno if SSD deserved that score, but ACU doesn't. Most of the reviews (even where th rating is high) have been written as if the game sucks.
Justin Davis said:This is a $60 video game set in revolutionary Paris that continually spams you to sign up for Ubisoft services via locked-away in-game content. This is a $60 video game that paces out unlockables and upgrades at the exact speed that Ubisoft wanted, but then offers to sell you time savers.
My List of stuff I noticed:
- Person Floating Over the City for at least 20 minutes
- Crash on Xbox One
- Person Shinning Shoes on the Roof With No Customer
- Customer Getting Shoes Shinned With No Chair(looked like a BJ)
- Woman Floating Through Walls
- Arno Leaped Off Building and flew Upwards then Shot out into the Street
- People Change Gender in Crows constantly
Haven't people attacked Kevin van Ord more than once this year over scores that they thought are too low?Man do IGN and Gamespot ever give a score outside the 7-9 range?
Ubisoft needs to learn that releasing a product with technical bugs and performance issues as bad as this game are unacceptable.
I didn't review the game, but I played an early copy.
These are 8 concerning things I experienced in Assassin's Creed Unity's first 2-3 hours:
(Also this is probably the worst AC since 1).
Edit: I see GAF was faster than me on this one. So... there you go.
I didn't review the game, but I played an early copy.
These are 8 concerning things I experienced in Assassin's Creed Unity's first 2-3 hours:
(Also this is probably the worst AC since 1).
Edit: I see GAF was faster than me on this one. So... there you go.
Destiny and AC:U will fight for disappointment of the year.
My List of stuff I noticed:
- Person Floating Over the City for at least 20 minutes
- Crash on Xbox One
- Person polishing shoes on a roof with no customer
- Customer getting shoes polished without a person doing it or a chair(looked like a BJ)
- Woman floating through walls
- Arno leaped off a building flew upwards then shot out into the street like a howitzer(many times)
- People change gender in crowds constantly
It's shameful that they shipped a game in that state. Should have had another month or so of optimisation.
Looking forward to seeing what Ubi has to say on this issue. I'm sure it will be horseshit.
I suggested waiting for a sale which i usually attribute to around half price. So probably not no.
I didn't review the game, but I played an early copy.
These are 8 concerning things I experienced in Assassin's Creed Unity's first 2-3 hours:
(Also this is probably the worst AC since 1).
Edit: I see GAF was faster than me on this one. So... there you go.
Did you get a video of that?
Everyone misses Jespers music, yet Ubi doesn't listen. So I take it ambient music is non existent in this game then? ffs ubi.
Haha, I like you.No, honestly. After the third treasure chest I couldn't open, I just turned the game off and went back to Wii U.
10000 NPC's yeah fuck that when your game runs at 10FPS. Idiots.
How does the PC version run then? Most of the complaints seem to be technical issues, but that shouldn't be an issue on PC.
Of course companies never do separate reviews for a PC version.
This is thread worthy amount of bullshit.
I am sure I did. I record through the entire game
Can't wait to read the Digital Foundry analisys
Yeah I don't get what Ubi were thinking. Cut the NPC count down a few hundred to get the frame rate stable, I mean when you're talking that amount of NPC's I doubt there is a massive difference between like 600-700 and 1000 NPCs.