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Assetto Corsa: Early Access |OT|


It's gonna be really weird for me driving the official Nordschleife. Snoopy's conversion/mod was my first time really getting to know the circuit - and I've since spent 100+ hours on it. Will be interesting getting used to the slight differences, I'm guessing.
Yeah, a full, proper laser-scanned one, in an actual SIM no less, is remarkable. Better than the faux "we scan everything" Forza 5 version, at least (apparently, I haven't played it... I just remember them lying about it).


Anyone else having massive problems with the XB360 controller?
Had a number of complaints with not working left stick in the middle of a race :(
Early returns on the AI?
I watched the AI drive through Eau Rouge while I ate my Frosties this morning and they did so without incident. Not had a chance to race with them yet though.

I've quite a rant about the update and will post when time permits. (It's not bug/performance related but more of a 'straw that broke the camel's back' type of thing, so don't worry about downloading v1.1 guys)


What do I download to get some online global leaderboard stuff happening?

I've used most cars in the DLC so far. The P1 is probably my favourite based on first impressions. It seems to be a bit slower overall than the Ferrari but is easier to drive and the constant turbo sounds make up for the barely-there V8 sound compared to the V12. And after using Monza for most of the first impressions I finally learnt the track. I'm getting more used to difference in braking points between the different sort of cars as well, previously I have run on Mugello most of the time and just sort of half-guess where to brake but I was using landmarks this time and it was going pretty well.


What about it? AI? Graphics? Features? I'm curious.
He's upset that it's not rFactor 2
(I'm just kidding marvelharvey)

After spending time in GSC-E, rF2 and R3E (yes, I'm serious), I'm finding the driving in Assetto Corsa missing something that netKar Pro & FVA has in spades - FFB feel perhaps. I think I need to fettle the default settings a little more. The sounds are still disappointing too :(


Doesn't GSCE and RRE both have a fair few canned FFB settings? I though ACs approach was to have the feeling as raw as possible.


Doesn't GSCE and RRE both have a fair few canned FFB settings? I though ACs approach was to have the feeling as raw as possible.
One can adjust GSC-E's FFB to utilise the realfeel plugin and little else. Reiza have done a masterful job IMO as each car feels fantastic. RRE has 4 'canned' effects that can be switched off which makes RRE capable of providing excellent FFB once the base settings have been fettled. No suprises really as both sims are isiMotor 2 based ;)

netKar Pro has amazing FFB; Stefano from Kunos has stated in a number of interviews his FFB coding was very simple and may have been the reason why it's sublime. FVA features excellent FFB too - both F1 cars are a blast to drive (the 458 is pretty good). For me at least, some FFB feel went missing between nKP and AC. AC also has 'canned' effects albeit just three to choose from (all can be turned off too).

FFB is a highly subjective part of sim racing. A lack of feel in AC is what I'm getting when I switch between the various sims I own. Now going through the tedious process of finding a nice balance from the stock settings - I found Kunos's physics guru's settings on RD and will give these a try.


I'm mostly finding AC boring now.

FFB has improved in recent builds so it's now good but the driving seems to be less involving than ever.

I still think it's great for hillclimbs in the street cars but circuit stuff is dull.
I watched the AI drive through Eau Rouge while I ate my Frosties this morning and they did so without incident. Not had a chance to race with them yet though.

I still haven't had the chance to turn any laps yet, but from what I'm hearing the pathfinding has improved, but the AI is still fundamentally flawed. :( That's a real bummer.

The world would be a better place if ISI packaged up their AI code and licensed it stand-alone. Across the board, AI has been a real struggle for anyone without roots to ISImotor.

I can overlook a lot if I can get a solid racing experience from a sim (see RaceRoom).

I've quite a rant about the update and will post when time permits. (It's not bug/performance related but more of a 'straw that broke the camel's back' type of thing, so don't worry about downloading v1.1 guys)

Bring the heat!


That AC external camera is terrible, game is unplayable like that. You can see how bad it is in the video adrian has above comparing AC and PC. Was that always like that? I just tried a quicky with a controller and external camera just to try dlc and I never could have a feel for the damn car.


That AC external camera is terrible, game is unplayable like that. You can see how bad it is in the video adrian has above comparing AC and PC. Was that always like that? I just tried a quicky with a controller and external camera just to try dlc and I never could have a feel for the damn car.

They probably spent two seconds on working out the chase cam. The player base is probably 90% cockpit, 9.99% bumper and .01% chase cam.


Betta Lines is back with his terrific "Through the Lens" series of videos. He takes a look at the state of VR in AC 1.1


Man alive, I love those videos.

VR was fucking invented for sim racing. What a perfect mesh.

Edit: 2015 and still no solution to strobing brake lights on AI cars, it seems. I guess it's just the way that AI handles braking (ie high-frequency fully on/off deployment of brakes instead of progressive pressure like a human), but Jesus Christ can't some developer come up with an algorithm to keep the brake light lit during the process so we can at least pretend the braking is progressive? The constant flickering of AI brake lights in racing sims looks ridiculous and would be impossible to replicate by a human driver.
Man alive, I love those videos.

VR was fucking invented for sim racing. What a perfect mesh.

Without question.

I'm glad B-Lines made a specific point to mention your virtual hands on the steering wheel. It's topical because of Valves VR controllers, and the eventual Oculus input announcement. There's a lot of work going into including your hands in VR, and racing sims have the huge benefit of having a fixed position that already mimics your real-world body. It's only an approximation, but it gives a very clear idea of how important having hands in VR is. It's one of the many things that make VR racing so good.

Edit: 2015 and still no solution to strobing brake lights on AI cars, it seems. I guess it's just the way that AI handles braking (ie high-frequency fully on/off deployment of brakes instead of progressive pressure like a human), but Jesus Christ can't some developer come up with an algorithm to keep the brake light lit during the process so we can at least pretend the braking is progressive? The constant flickering of AI brake lights in racing sims looks ridiculous and would be impossible to replicate by a human driver.

Yeah, it's rather silly, isn't it? - Light continuously. Turn off after .25/sec of no braking. Solved?


Betta Lines is back with his terrific "Through the Lens" series of videos. He takes a look at the state of VR in AC 1.1


Thanks for that heads up.

Bettalines always makes these quality videos and deserves a lot more views. Subscribed..

Man alive, I love those videos.

VR was fucking invented for sim racing. What a perfect mesh.

Edit: 2015 and still no solution to strobing brake lights on AI cars, it seems. I guess it's just the way that AI handles braking (ie high-frequency fully on/off deployment of brakes instead of progressive pressure like a human), but Jesus Christ can't some developer come up with an algorithm to keep the brake light lit during the process so we can at least pretend the braking is progressive? The constant flickering of AI brake lights in racing sims looks ridiculous and would be impossible to replicate by a human driver.

Agreed on all accounts.

And I cannot wait for the OVR announcement.. The Vive seems great. But that extra resolution jump that Palmer promised will be glorious for racing.
They probably spent two seconds on working out the chase cam. The player base is probably 90% cockpit, 9.99% bumper and .01% chase cam.

And i suffer from it. I can only drive with the chase cam, have never gotten used to cockpit view for serious racing. I can´t get used to the field of view and to the 2d-ness of internal views because it´s not like real life driving. I have to use chase cam so i can have a better view of the apexes and games with horrible chase cams are tough for me.

AC has it playable, but it could be much better. One of the few things Gran Turismo is untouched is in providing a great static chase cam.
I wonder if anyone could help me with this issue. I'm using the Thrustmaster T300 with AC. My problem is that the wheel doesn't soft lock when the car has reached it's maximum amount of steering rotation. The T300 just keept on going without any resistance. It should do that automatically right?


And i suffer from it. I can only drive with the chase cam, have never gotten used to cockpit view for serious racing. I can´t get used to the field of view and to the 2d-ness of internal views because it´s not like real life driving. I have to use chase cam so i can have a better view of the apexes and games with horrible chase cams are tough for me.

AC has it playable, but it could be much better. One of the few things Gran Turismo is untouched is in providing a great static chase cam.
Use plus and minus on the keyboard to move the FOV to anything you want, that might help. You can also move your seat up, down, forwards and backwards using the 'on boars settings' app/widget thing.
Upgraded to a GTX 960 last night and decided to use AC for testing purposes only to discover the laser-scanned 'schleife had been released (with all the configurations I've always wanted!) along with all these great official cars. I don't have any issues with the DLC since I don't really play AC online, I just fire it up now and then to enjoy trading seat time with friends and unwind with some beers. The only way to drink and drive. When Kunos finally get the Toyotas in, this will probably be the only sim I'll need for a long, long time. And finally, the game is no longer a pain on my eyeballs! 1080p (running it out to my older Samsung TV) with everything maxed + post processing makes it a completely different experience. Loving it. Now I just need a Rift.

Can´t watch it at work, but after downloading the leaderboard app i was surprised to see that laptimes were reaching Gran Turismo like speeds. Top lap for the Zonda R is 6´17, which is way faster than the real life time.

There are 5 minutes and something times with the Lotus 98T, so i´m guessing if they ever put out a 2004-2005 F1 car people would be setting under five minutes lap times at nurburgring.



Well real life doesn't have an "optimal track surface" setting and of course AC also has the "I can't die" factor which combined over a long track could account for 30 seconds or so.


Well real life doesn't have an "optimal track surface" setting and of course AC also has the "I can't die" factor which combined over a long track could account for 30 seconds or so.
True. But AC is the only laser-scanned one, yeah?

Edit: That's only accounting for the optimal track surface. The I Can't Die factor can never be given a solid number, but it shouldn't be much more than 10-15 seconds in a hypercar, I would think.
Apparently T10 scanned the Nordschleife and then widened and smoothed it for "gameplay" purposes. This made people mad.

I think that was FM4 not FM5 though. FM5 IIRC is a proper version.

4 wasnt scanned, 5 was. He called 5 faux the first time I had heard anyone question it's legitimacy so I was wondering where he got his information.
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